What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

I've been back at playing New Leaf for about a week now (I didn't play for about 5 years), and a lot of my time has been spent reorienting myself. Today I did the thing that brought me back in the first place: Started organizing my items now that I have a storage shed! This morning I took a lot of trips back and forth from the post office because I'd stored a lot of items in saved letters. Later today I need to make some trips back and forth from the museum as well because I have a lot of Gracie clothes stored in the display rooms.

In the midst of all of this, I discovered that I somehow have lost track of the carpet and wallpaper I got from Nat for the Bug Off. :| Whaaaat. And of course they're non-purchasable items, so I don't know what I'm going to do about that. I think there's one more Bug Off left for the summer, right? Maybe if I'm lucky I can get them back then.
I bought seeds and planted a couple of them, I moved flowers to create flower beds in the hopes of breeding hybrids. I planted a bunch of trees on my beach which was such a pain. Dug up fossils and bought everything in my stores to upgrade them. I think that's about it, but the day isn't over yet!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I've been back at playing New Leaf for about a week now (I didn't play for about 5 years), and a lot of my time has been spent reorienting myself. Today I did the thing that brought me back in the first place: Started organizing my items now that I have a storage shed! This morning I took a lot of trips back and forth from the post office because I'd stored a lot of items in saved letters. Later today I need to make some trips back and forth from the museum as well because I have a lot of Gracie clothes stored in the display rooms.

In the midst of all of this, I discovered that I somehow have lost track of the carpet and wallpaper I got from Nat for the Bug Off. :| Whaaaat. And of course they're non-purchasable items, so I don't know what I'm going to do about that. I think there's one more Bug Off left for the summer, right? Maybe if I'm lucky I can get them back then.

You could always check the Re-Tail forum and see if someone might have what you are looking for! A lot of people hoard and want to clear out, and a lot of people just hoard so they can sell. Good luck!
Thanks for the vote of confidence! I'm hoping to start posting in the Re-Tail area soon, because I actually have a lot of things I need to trade away myself. (Most of it actually came from Redd during Fireworks Day, actually. Somehow I just had AMAZING luck with my RNG and almost every ticket I bought from him was a winner.) Once I get my things sorted out in my storage shed I can figure out what all I have doubles of, and then I figure I'll post over there with the things I'm trading/selling versus the things I'm looking for. Or at least, that's the plan so long as it's within the rules, I haven't investigated enough there.

The thing with the Bug Off carpet and wallpaper is, I have a hunch they may have been re-purchasable before the amiibo update? I know I wouldn't have sold them if I couldn't get them back, because I'm a huge hoarder, and since I've been back I've been using a checklist I found online, and it listed those items as re-purchasable as well. I'm starting to wonder if they were originally *supposed* to be non-purchasable, but for some reason they weren't in the final product, and then they corrected it in the update. Just my best guess, though.

Anyway I just finished clearing all the Gracie clothes out of the museum (holy crap it's a LOT of clothing, it's taken up almost half my storage shed!), and now I'm going to use the freshly empty rooms to store all of my rare items and put them on display. Then my house will finally be livable!! My house is legit just full of tables that are holding rare items. I'm really looking forward to being able to design some real spaces once it's less hoarder-y.
I finished the two rooms in my house. Tomorrow, I will have another room to fill and I'm pretty excited about it.
Full House

Today for the first time in any of my play throughs of the game. I finished my encyclopedia!!!!!!!!!
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I talked to my villagers, did a couple tasks for them, talked Tangy out of moving, rearranged the flowers in one area, made a museum donation, rearranged some locker/storage space, and sold some items. Also, got a letter with an orange lily inside from Muffy, which was nice! I wasn't aware you could get hybrids from villagers.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit my town to sell his turnips.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Went diving to work on the diving badge and got a vintage telescope from Pascal.

- Checked his mail.
- Sold an item at Re-Tail.
I restarted.

As hard as it is to restart a town, sometimes a fresh start is what we all need. ♡
I sold a lot of beetles and got enough bells to pay off my room loan. Now I can expand my room on the right!
I talked to my villagers, did a couple tasks for them, sold some items, got a couple more hybrid flowers grown and arranged where I wanted them, had Fauna suggest a PWP, and did some fishing/bug-hunting on the island for bells.
Talked to my villagers, got Beau a perfect orange (he loved it ♡) and a Horse Mackerel for Kid Cat. Worked on getting my Town Development Permit, Payed my down payment for my house, and donated a bunch of stuff to the museum.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours and caught some fish and bugs to sell.

- Checked his mail.
Landscaping. A lot of trees came down today. I don't like doing this, but I needed to clear the way. I was getting pretty tired of bumping into trees or missing Giant Stags because there were too many too close together. I planted fruit trees to replace what I cut down. All in all, I'm pretty excited to see all the fruit that will grow.

I also decided to demolish one cobblestone bridge, tomorrow I will build a wooden suspension bridge. I think it will suit the look much better. There will be fruit trees and flower beds everywhere some day. So for now, I want to change my two bridges to wooden suspension bridges. Then we'll work out the rest. =)
Spent most of last night landscaping/setting down patterns in my new town to help with villager plots. Paid off this morning for sure:



Also reached the 100% citizen approval rating today! Things are looking messy right now, but I'm still excited to watch Woodlane grow from here on out!
FINALLY got my inventory organized!! It was a LOT of work, both physically in-game and just mentally to keep myself from getting confused. I have my non-repurchasables organized in my storage shed and my doubles currently in the second floor of the museum so I don't accidentally sell/trade something i can't get back!

I also discovered that I apparently lost my tissue box at some point. I'm... a little flabbergasted at that. I guess I'll just add that to the list of things I need to trade for, even though it's like the simplest, silliest thing.
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Visited my husband's town and made a wish during the meteor shower.
- Let my husband visit my town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Went to the island, completed several tours and caught a full basket of fish and bugs to sell.
- Completed a daily Meow task.

- Checked his mail
I cleared 895 weeds with Leif to reap the rewards of my being a time traveller XD also starting to get back nto doing island tours to try and get a wetsuit in this town
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Went to the island, completed a few tours and caught a full basket of fish and bugs to sell.
- Got a song from K.K.

- Got a new song from K.K.