What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

- Changed my entire path
- Won my first Fishing Tourney
- Added more flowers and bushes
- Put away more weeds
- Added more halloween set for Rosie's house
- Convinced Shep to leave, what am i doing
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Participated in the Fishing Tourney but didn't place. (I was trying to get a silver trophy.)
- Attended the awards ceremony to cheer for my villagers.
- Sent letters and gifts to 4 of my villagers.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Got a new song from K.K. on both my mayor and my alt.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Didn't participate in the Fishing Tourney, but attended the awards ceremony to cheer for my villagers.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Got my second rococo candlestick in the mail.
- Added a few pieces of furniture to my house.
- Got a new song from K.K.
I somehow got Epona, Gala, and Erik to all line their houses up perfectly with Twiggy's and Ankha's. They all live near me now. My house area is no longer quiet, which is nice! I didn't even have to soft reset for it, even though I was prepared to do so!
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In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Got a petition signed for Hugh while in my husband's town.
- Sent letters and gifts to 4 more villagers.

In Nocturne:
- Bought 9500 turnips from Joan.
- Celebrated Mayor Amethyst's birthday with Bones, Iggly, and Sylvia.
- Talked to all of my villagers and returned a lost item.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
-Caught a river fish for Avery
-Donated cherry salmon,koi, and rainbow trout to museum
-Gave Broccolo a hamster cage to put on top of his Kiddie Stereo
-Gave Flo a perfect pear
-Visited Pierce's house
-Paid off loan and upgraded house
-Caught bugs and sharks on island and sold them at retail
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Sent letters and gifts to my remaining two villagers.
- Got my sailboat model from Isabelle on both my mayor and my alt.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Got the record player from Bertha and added it to my house.
- Amelia pinged me to move and I agreed to let her go.
- Got the sailboat model from Isabelle.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and got gems from the money rock.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Got a regal lamp and got Cyrus started on refurbishing it to purple.
- Let my husband visit to drop off some clothing for Gracie's Fashion Check.
- Passed my third Gracie Fashion Check.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Completed both daily Meow tasks and a weekly Meow task.
I've been playing in Luminosa lately.

I convinced Marina to move in, by accident. I honestly did not expect her to agree so quickly. I have no use for her in any of my towns, nor am I attached to her so I'll prob sell her off in the villager trading board once I stop covering other people's shifts at work.

I'm also makin progress on town flags, the Mayors house design, town layout and stealing flowers and fruit from the island to plant in my town.
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In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Annalisa gave me her picture for completing a task.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Made a wish during the meteor shower.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Got my fortune told by Katrina.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Picked up my refurbished regal lamp from Cyrus and added it to my house.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
I signed the beautiful town ordinance today since waking up reallying in the morning to water flowers is a pain. Also, I paid off my loan for the final expansion of the upstairs room.
Well, it’s too early for any real accomplishment BUT I did get my tenth villager this morning... And her plot is perfect!!!
I'm finally in a spot where I can play regularly again, sooo A LOT has happened as I was TTing to get to today.

- Enacted Beautiful Ordinance, to save my flowers
- PWPs unlocked: Fire Pit, Torch, Outdoor Chair, Zen Garden, Statue Fountain, Chair Sculpture, one of the illuminated and one of the road signs ( Can't remember anymore), and the lighthouse, I believe !! Think that's from every day I missed. c:
- Completed the painting section of the museum !!
- Obtain every single orderable in the game !! Down to less than a 100 unorderables until I own everything !
- Badges obtained: Multiple hosting and traveling badges, final turnip badges, final Catalog badges
- Gracie checks were completed, and the final T&T shop was built
- Villagers came and went
- Got my villagers to line up in nearly perfect order, without pathways or resetting !! c: dumb luck
- So many meow coupons and daily maintenance done over and over.
- Replaced all regular flowers with hybrid flowers in 50% of my town
- Hybrid farm boomed like crazy
- Conducted more trades than I will ever be able to count
- Oh, and working on giveaway since I cleared out all my inventories + leftovers from the trading

Glad to be back c:
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Got a friend to come over to help me with visits! We went to the island and bummed around.
I also did a huge closet clean out and emptied a room so I can decorate it according to my HHD rooms.
Working at the moment at my alt characters house, got some useful items to almost finish the one room.
Also planted a bunch of trees and roses as well as cleaned up one spot in my town which looked like a
-Started a new town on a second cartridge
-Decided to name the town Pastelia and name my Mayor Selene
-Chose a location for my house and had Tom Nook build it
-Planted the plaza tree
-Planted a perfect peach
-Went around town and greeted the villagers
-Wrote letters to the villagers
-Gave Isabelle a seashell
-Sold fruit at retail and bought a fishing rod and shovel
-Caught black bass, rainbow trout, bluegill and donated them to museum
-Planted the cherries I got from Isabelle

In Sycamore,
-Caroline moved to town
-Gave Pierce a mini dharma to replace his humidifier
-Delivered a package to Avery for Flo
-Gave Avery a perfect pear
-Bought the Wistful painting from Redd for the museum
Found a character I actually found decent in the campsite. Bam is moving tomorrow, making it my third jock villager along side inkwell and sprocket on my town.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Stopped Mint from moving out.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Changed to the long-sleeved kung-fu shirt on my alt since the weather is getting colder.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Let my husband and Mayor Amethyst visit my town to sell turnips.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Visited Sakura to sell my turnips for a decent profit.
- Visited my husband's town to invite Sterling to move to Nocturne.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.