What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

Finally got rid of that last mannequin in Raymond’s house. He now has a fan palm next to his desk and a white coat rack that matches his decor / business vibe very well.

I also replaced some of the seasonal decorations with the year-round items I normally display. Sad the season is over already, but it feels weird having festive trees around this late in January.
- built a second bridge and paid it off through trading fishbait on nookazon
- decorated some more because my nooks had the yellow grill in, right as i was thinking "man i want a grill" lol
- donated more fossils to the museum and blathers said that hed start taking art, however i dont see redd around
- made a snowboy who taunted me that his head was slighty too large
- got lots of fishbait

- started renovations near resident services
  • Moved my house back to where I had it originally, after moving it so I could figure out something that fits my theme better. Oops. Honestly, though, I love it and can't come up with anything better, plus it's a great use of what might otherwise be an awkward space to fill.
  • Finally finally FINALLY figured out how I want my shopping district to work, at least I think I have it. Now just to see if the shops will actually fit there, but it should hopefully be fine - the area is gigantic.
  • Additionally, I cleared the area in front of where my shopping district will be of pathing, except for making a sort of outline of empty land so the paths I currently have continue on, which works nicely - now I have an outline for where a future area can go.
- removed my bar area and (potentially temporarily) replaced it with some waterfalls and a little bench area. wasn't quite what I was aiming for but it'll do for now
- made numerous attempts at the cast master achievement but I keep getting too stressed early on lol (also still no stringfish :c)
- did some diving
- planted some more trees
- did some more heavy considering of tearing down the island but still can't find the patience in me to do it. might just re terraform my entrance and go from there
- actually remembered to visit kk
  • Opened the mail, hadn't take part much in yesterdays fishing tourney but did receive a bronze trophy from CJ
  • Placed some more orders over the phone
  • Re decorated the interior of my house a little
  • Collected some more wood, hit the rocks and dug up fossils
  • Had fossils assessed
  • Built a perfect Snow Boy, collected large snowflakes
  • Visited the shop, only bought some wrapping paper today
  • Spoke to all my villagers and handed out gifts, received Raymonds photo today :giggle:
  • Got another pearl from Pascal
  • Watered flowers and dug up some that were breeding wildly
  • Crafted some items
  • Attended the KK Slider concert with Diana, Judy and Marshall, he played KK Oasis
  • Completed some Nook Miles achievements
  • Requested to move Raymonds house so that I can do some terraforming where it was
  • Traded some Nook Miles for another 40NMT, preparing for future villager hunting
I like reading newbies and and more accomplished island's daily achievements!!

I sold a land yesterday and didn't invite a villager so Flip invited themselves :/

I got the building kit for Mabel but decided to move my Museum to a new location which wasn't accessible in the first week first, so have to wait an extra day. I will also move Nook's to be next to Able near the Plaza. I don't TT, man all this moving will take some time!!!

I'm at this level where I feel I want to plan a layout and decorate, but still don't have many items and haven't unlocked all the features yet.
Fell behind again, got distracted playing a lot of Genshin Impact 😅

1/5 (it snowed today)
• Screwed up today's Snowman 😡
• Received three large snowflakes
• Took the worthy painting out of the mail and brought it to Blathers.

1/6 (Still snowing)
• Put up some decorations around the island.
• Another Lily-of-the-Valley plant grew in! This makes 21!
• Picked out and wrapped gifts to give to my villagers...but I never actually got around to delivering them 😅
• Screwed up today's Snowman 😡
• Received two large snowflakes.
• Cleared out some storage space

• Today was Harry's birthday! He seemed to like the present I brought him!
• Made a perfect snowman!
• Received two large snowflakes.
• I made another phone case design!

• There was a visitor at the campsite: Cody the bear.
• Finally delivered the presents that I wrapped two days ago 😅
• Received thank you gift from Harry in the mail!
• ...Harry was also thinking about moving away, but I was able to change his mind.
• To my surprise, there were a lot of stars falling tonight, and so I made a lot of wishes! Celeste was also here today, and she gave me a recipe for a lunar lander!
• Label was also here today, with a work-themed challenge. After exceeding her expectations, she gave me a LaBelle knit shirt.
• Made a perfect snowman!
• Recieved two large snowflakes.

• The fishing tourney was today, so I made sure to participate at least once.
• Received two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Collected plenty of star fragments from the beach, and also found a Capricorn fragment!
• Screwed up today's snowman 😡
• Received two large snowflakes.
• Found a bottle on the beach with a recipe for the Cosmos Crown in it.

• Today's HHA rank score didn't change from last week's.
• Attended Slider's show; he played K.K. Technopop.
• Made a perfect snowman!
• Received Three large snowflakes.
• Cleared out some storage space.
• Made another phone case design!
Demolished my little bear forest for the 100th time, and trying to redo it.

Not enough space.
🌲Joined Nookazon and made a ton of trades! Got many cute tops, DIY recipes, furniture, a sunflower flower crown, and more!
🌲 Planted Peach, Apple, and orange trees! Now I have every type of fruit growing on my island!
🌲 Picked a spot for Able Sisters
🌲Resident Services and Museum are upgrading!
🌲Put a load of stuff on my beach
🌲Got a whole bunch of bells for TBT (Which are currently on the beach because I had no access to the ABD lol)
🌲Earned a bunch of Nook Miles (I think I have over 20,000 right now!)
🌲Took a whole bunch of screenshots that I'm about to sort through before I head to bed!
- gave gifts to some of my villagers that i dont have their photo, and marina already asked to move out and i let her
- decided to build a incline next after paying off my bridge
- got the diy for the ironwood low table from mint
- found redd for the first time and got a perfect painting off of him
- made a perfect snowboy and got the snowperson head diy
- learned the glee reaction from ava

- continued flattening the island and getting rid of the big river
- made a perfect snowboy, getting close to 20 now
Nothing again, because as soon as I saw it was snowing, I shut it down.

My wife's character is buying hundreds of bush starts off Leif atm.
Didn't play as long today due to a busy morning but managed to complete some regular tasks

  • opened mail, did some more phone shopping
  • chopped down a couple of trees that were in my landscaping way
  • watered flowers, dug up the last of the ones that were growing out of control
  • visited the shops, bought a few clothing items
  • dug up some fossils and hit some rocks
  • found a stranded Gulivarr on the beach and returned his communicator
  • got a pearl from Pascal
  • only managed an So Close Snow Boy today but collected large snowflakes from previous perfect ones
  • spoke to all villagers, handed gifts to the 5 I'm missing pictures from
  • delivered a present from Raymond to Marina, it was a floor light luckily and not another awful clothing choice
  • requested to demolish a bridge
  • filled in some rivers on the ground level to make terraforming easier when I get back to it
I've finally found Sylvana on an island! I've been searching for her for months. Every time I went villager hunting she would be at the top of my list. I always wanted to find her on an island instead of adopting her as I thought it would make it more exciting and special when I finally did. I'm so excited!!

Also created a little town tree area using the apple tree (my town fruit) behind resident services as I miss the town tree from NL.
I haven't been diving in awhile, so I had a couple of my players do that and received a couple mermaid recipes. I also got the Cherry Blossom Wall Clock, which was cool. And lovely, snooty Julia gave me her photo.
Pathing, fencing, and moved the shop.

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  • Hit up Redd for a legit Jolly Painting + variations of the humidifier & outdoor generator I didn’t have yet
  • Read letters from Blanche + Papi.
  • Blanche then gifted me her pic after I ran into her and gave her a fossil
  • Managed to build a perf Snowboy, received Frozen Arch DIY (have to double check but I think that was the last DIY I needed from that series. Fingers crossed, anyway!)
  • Scared/rebuilt Wisp (can’t wait until I’m done w that Nook Miles achievement :rolleyes:)
  • Shopping spree at Able’s for a few things I hadn’t picked up (or even seen in my shop before yet: knit pants + space suit)
  • Caught a koi. Have the three I need for the model now
Finished our miniature forest.
Hopefully that's the last time, bc I hate carrying trees and bushes around. :)
I've been trying to clear out sections of my island because I'm rebuilding it but it's been such a struggle because there are so many flowers EVERYWHERE and it keeps snowing so they keep multiplying haha. I was so happy because I managed to clear a lot of room today and move a ton of flowers to the beach. Now im excited because i can use that room for new ideas!! :)