What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

  • usual daily activities; tree shaking, fossil digging, rock slapping, shop going, and villager harassing
  • i can finally give tasha gifts now
  • gullivarrr sent me a pirate wall
  • got my large snowflakes
  • made another perfect snowboy, but i got my achievement completed yesterday and i have all the snowboy diys 🖤
  • paid off my storage upgrade!
  • worked on boomer's farm / outdoor area more - finally starting to come together into something i really enjoy
  • did a couple of trades today for some diys
  • managed to pawn off a great deal of the flowers i'm having a hard time getting rid of to my sister - most of them were the pink ones i can't stand 😂
1. Redid the main room in my main characters house
2. Completed my KK Slider music collection
3. Catalogued a bunch of things I needed and completed a few rooms in my alt characters house
I finally got my newest island to 5 stars and earned the gold HHA trophy. I'm still not 100% happy with it but it's finally shaping up. I also earned Croque's photo.
Today I should've been working out where the rest of may building were going and starting again on terraforming my newly flattened island but instead I:

  • opened todays mail and placed more new orders
  • visited the shops, purchased some clothes
  • built a perfect Snow Boy and got a large snowflake
  • gave Pascal his daily scallop and got a pearl
  • spoke to all villagers and gave gifts to Fauna, Sherb and Judy - they're still holding out on their photos, trying to build my friendship up with newest arrival Daisy to be able to give her gifts
  • usual chopping off wood, hitting rocks and digging fossils
  • caught a few bugs
  • watered the flowers
  • crafted some more tools and items
  • caught a lot of fish - trying and failing to complete Cast Master
  • spent the rest of my time on the island visiting dream addresses to try and fix the creativity block I'm stuck in - got some inspiration and ready to get back to the redecorating off my island tomorrow
- gulliver sent me a pagoda!!! its one of my favorite gulliver items so im really happy
- moved hamphreys house

- finally sat down to listen to kk, i should do that more often because ive done it...very few times
- did a bunch of nookazon trades, got the full variants of the toy box and the old sewing machine, both are going to be used in my marketplace im building
- moved nooks cranny and got rid of another incline
I got Marshal's picture in a hilarious way. Agnes and Marshal had a fight and she asked me to deliver a gift to him. It turned out to be a garbage pail. But Marshal loved it and gave me his picture, after weeks of me trying to get it.

Also I got KK Oasis. I always miss his shows, but today I got it right away. Also, Anabelle and Agnes still won't give me their pictures.
I catch bunch of fishes today, and got all the bury fossils. I moved again 4 resident houses and have done lots of TT since I am decorating the town. I have so far 3 areas that are done which is great. It is taking lots of time but because I have to keep finding items that I don't have in my catalog. I also moved the Nook store in front of the beach and currently working on it. I will continue later one cuz I really need a break, this can be exhausting lol :).
i have done so much today lol ☆

i decided to make my island cherry-blossom themed (i might aswell since i'm staying in this season) so i got a bunch of cherry-blossom and random pink items scattered around 🌸💞
i also made the beach areas of my island more tropical 🌴

i did a lot of TTing and invited loads of amiibos 3 times each, so i only gotta invite them once next time i wanna switch my villagers around ♡
i also invited the lovely cally to my island, she's so cute but now i have 3 normal villagers aha

and my sister bought me a photo of purrl, which was proper nice 😁
i bought myself a bunch too haha (running out of space on my wall though 😅)
1/16 (short day again)
• Recieved a gift in the mail from Gullivarrr: pirate flooring.
• Made a perfect snowman!
• Recieved 3 large snowflakes.
• Attended Slider's show, he played Bubblegum K.K.
Spent the entire day fishing for January fish not yet donated on my second island. Among these caught today are

2x Blue Marlin
4x Tuna.
1x String fish
9x Oarfish

Despite it snowing on my town all day long, I did not find a coelacanth... I'm so confused. On my main island last spring I was finding a handful per day.

The last 2 fish needed for January are Coelacanth and Barreleye

Edit: The Coelacanth has a 2% spawn rate while the Oarfish has a 1% spawn rate. Finding 9 oarfish and 0 coelacanths doesn't sound statically plausible. I'm wondering if today being a 24-hour snow day had something to do with the Coelacanth not spawning today.
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-started a new incline donation
-found my money rock and tree
-found my bottle diy (another one i already have)
-talked to my villagers
january 16th
⛄ had a meteor shower tonight & got to make some wishes! 🤩
checked the mail; received a glowing painting from redd, a plover cardigan from whitney and sprinkle’s poster!
⛄ did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
🎄 talked to my villagers
⛄ got “pondering” from mr. slider
🎄 sold stuff
⛄ shot down balloons
🎄 worked on my upstairs room a bit
⛄ built a perfect snowboy and got a large snowflake + got 2 large snowflakes from my other snowboys!
🎄 got a pearl from pascal
⛄ deposited some bells into the ABD
🎄 crafted some fish bait and a flimsy axe
⛄ checked the recycling bin; found a used fountain firework
🎄 collected my daily bonus nook miles
⛄ checked the shops; bought bath-towel wraps (brown, pink) from able’s + customization kits from nook’s!
🎄 completed some nook mile achievements
  • usual daily tasks; tree shaking, fossil digging, rock slapping, shop going, and villager harassing
  • collected my large snowflakes
  • made another perfect snowboy and obtained another large snowflake - i don't know why i'm still collecting them, but i am. and i'm going to do so until these snowboys are no longer in existence 😂
  • got a duplicate diy for one of the winter series; i added it to my list to be traded / sold off to someone who hasn't been lucky enough to get it yet
  • stored some bells in my bank - i don't see needing many bells after getting all my debts paid off, but i know i'll need some more constructive money eventually. best to leave it somewhere it can get interest 🖤
I earned Rudy and Stella's photos. Woot! Unfortunately, the Normal villager I want to replace is Merengue and she won't give me her photo or offer to leave.
  • opened the mail and placed orders
  • redecorated one of the rooms inside my house
  • crafted a few golden fishing rods
  • caught a lot of fish
  • visited the shops, purchased wrapping paper for Sherbs birthday tomorrow and some clothes
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and dug fossils
  • watered the plants
  • caught some bugs
  • spoke to all villagers, gave out gifts to Fauna, Sherb, Judy and Daisy - received Sherbs photo :giggle:
  • built a perfect Snow Boy and received a large snowflake
  • was gifted a podium by Diana - a little bird had told her I was after one
  • went diving - received a pearl from Pascal
  • time hopped backwards and forwards moving a number of building to the back of the island
  • laid some paths at the front of the island
  • began doing some terraforming
  • cleared out some of the house storage
Dug up some fossils and picked lots of weeds that I let grow too wild. I think later today I'll probably set up some mannequins and start my rock garden :D
I am torn on how I want my island to look, so I decided to work on my gyroid clothing collection! I finished the gyroid inspired hat, made a gyroid sweater with a lightly textured cardigan, and I'm working on a gyroid jumper skirt. I was going to make a long sweatshirt style shirt with gyroids and fossils, so I introduced a new color. But then I am making two different pieces that are basically big gyroid faces, so I might turn that into a plaid hooded coat instead.

I'm learning a lot about making collars. It is always mildly frustrating, but I am so thankful for all of the people who have made in-depth guides to clothing design. This is the first time I'm actually able to make clothes that look good!

The best part is that my villagers are slowly starting to wear my designs!

Random Question: Does anyone know if the villagers will wear custom dress designs or not?
Right now I am trying to reach the goal of getting all "they common year round" diys. I have about 21 left to get. I restarted my island last week. I absolutely love it more than my last one already. My map layout is great. I have a yellow airport and a yellow lighthouse. I haven't unlocked terraforming yet and won't until I TT back to get the holiday and autumn diys because I am not waiting another whole year for those lol. Today I only did my daily stuff on my island like fossils and wasps ect. Past couple of days I have been farming Celeste and music. I only have 4 diys left to get from her not counting the zodiac ones. I loved my last island's name but I love my current one a tad more because it has more freedom to it in my opinion. I still need to work on my island flag and may do that tomorrow. I haven't played for two months so it is nice to get on again. I feel like I can build my island better and smarter this time around.
I did a lot over the course of the last two days.
Setup a new character to make her house into a little resort.
Almost finished the lobby and café... still adding little details.
Began gathering the items to use in the spa.