• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

  • Opened the mail
  • Spoke to all my villagers, gave a gift to Wolfgang
  • Visited the shops
  • Chopped wood, hit rocks and dug fossils
  • Had fossils assessed and sold
  • Popped a couple of balloons
  • Watered the flowers
  • Cleared out some house storage
  • Caught and sold some fish
  • Crafted and customised a couple more items
  • Got rid of a few weeds
  • Completed some Nook Miles tasks
Caught cherry blossom petals and hit some rocks. After that, I stored away my spare diys and catalog clothing items but left the fences and mannequins out though. I then decided to check my town rating and it turns out that I now have a 5 star rating! 🎉🎉

Now, I'm going to grow a bunch of lilies of the valley and use them to decorate my museum's garden.
In no particular order, here’s what I did today:

I farmed for more festivale furniture today again (did it last night as well).

I cleaned up weeds, killed the cockroaches in all of my houses.

I finally dug up fossils from my beach and had them assessed and then sold them.

I sold some halloween furniture i had crafted last year.

Started transferring items from my other characters to an alt to separate items that i want to sell from what I want to keep. Also, edited my selling thread so I can start selling stuff for tbt.

Now i’m tting a little to buy more art from redd and to try getting graham’s picture.

gave graham wrapped coconuts but still no picture, either of the times so far.

gave tarantulas to flick to make into a model.

expanded one of my alts pockets today; was too lazy to do it before 😅.
I am currently decorating for cherry blossom season. 🌸🌸🌸 Its soo pretty and peaceful. I love that the wind blows and rustled the trees and the pretty pink petals float around... but then it's super annoying when I miss catching that little petal that disappears quickly. Also I had been spring cleaning my storage. Even though I got the extra space, my storage is at max capacity. So I had to sell all my winter clothes and other diy furniture I stored. I didn't realize how much stuff I accumulated. Kicks was on my island and was tempted to buy floral shoes which I did. 🛍I think I have a shopping problem.🛍
april 8th
ʚϊɞ | checked the mail; received a very sweet letter from sprinkle! 🥺
ʚϊɞ | dug up my daily fossils and money spot
ʚϊɞ | collected materials
ʚϊɞ | got a ironwood clock diy from my daily diy bottle
ʚϊɞ | my villagers were crafting the iron worktable, mum cushion and wooden-mosaic wall today
ʚϊɞ | talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - received a bicycle helmet, a stellar jumpsuit, a jester costume and cleo’s photo in return!! 😭🤩
ʚϊɞ | delivered a package for sprinkle from freya and got an apron in return
ʚϊɞ | returned a lost book to beau and got an athletic jacket in return
ʚϊɞ | caught a squid for sherb and got a safety helmet in return
ʚϊɞ | checked the recycling bin; found a cardboard box and a frugal dress
ʚϊɞ | collected my daily bonus nook miles
ʚϊɞ | sold stuff
ʚϊɞ | tt’d cleo out
ʚϊɞ | did a large flower cleanup
ʚϊɞ | shot down balloons and got flip flops, a wall-mounted phone and 5k bells
ʚϊɞ | crafted a net, shovels and flimsy axes
ʚϊɞ | did some fishing and bug catching
ʚϊɞ | planted some new flowers
ʚϊɞ | went island hopping and invited chèvre on my 2nd ticket! 🐐
ʚϊɞ | checked the shops; bought prom crowns (all variants) from able’s
ʚϊɞ | completed some nook mile achievements - reached 1 million nook miles today!
All I did yesterday was start terraforming around my island entrance to make it look prettier than what it was before, so far I'd say I'm about 85% happy with it but I know I'll end up tweaking it more as I'm just too fussy to leave it as it. 😂
🌺 checked the mail; received my K.K. Slider song I ordered
🌺 dug up my daily fossils and money spot
🌺 collected materials
🌺 got a message in a bottle & got a diy
🌺 talked to my villagers Tammy, Iggly, Filbert, Audie and June
🌺 Donated my fossils
🌺 Did a lot of trades so I could get items I needed
🌺 Continued working on my airport entrance
🌺 Finished my Wedding area
🌺 Hit some rocks
🌺 Hit some trees for wood
🌺 Bought some stuff
🌺 Sold some stuff
🌺 Crafted the campsite & placed it
🌺 Donated the art from Redd
🌺 Pulled up some weeds
🌺 Checked my shop
🌺 Checked the recycling bin
🌺 Ordered a K.K. Slider song
im happy theres so many butterflies right now 😊its fun catching them, and i still need to get my bug catching achievement.

today i had a pretty average day of chatting with villagers, fishing, catching bugs, and updating my dream address. tybalt suggested a treasure hunt, so that was nice to do again. i found the treasure :3
  • opened the mail
  • spoke to all my villagers and gave a gift to Wolfgang
  • visited the shops and purchased a couple more customisation kits
  • crafted and customised a couple of items
  • cleared out some more of the storage in the main island home
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and dug fossils
  • had fossils assessed and sold
  • popped some balloons, mostly received bells
  • watered flowers and sold some weeds to Leif
  • was gifted a pilots uniform by Molly
  • refused to deliver a gift from Judy to Diana, felt bad about it but it's always something awful
  • did some TTing to move Cookie off the island and one of the campsite villagers that turned up during this was Peanut, a villager I've been looking for, who eventually agreed to move and suggested replacing Cookie so I agreed :giggle:
  • completed some Nook Miles tasks
I finished my campsite, and my apple orchard, now I'm working on my neighborhood! am actually very proud of myself! I don't think I've done that much in one day in forever!
Got a couple of things accomplished today and one thing not accomplished lol I forgot to actually pay Lloid yesterday so the staircase I placed wasn't built today as it should have been. I had the money in my pockets too, just forgot to actually pay it 😅 I'll need to wait another day to work on that area now. But I did manage to actually do a few OTHER things

-Checked the mail, Erik sent me a rocket lamp
-Flick was visiting so I got to work gathering hermit crabs so that I could commission a model
-Checked out Nooks bought some more wrapping paper, Ables was already closed for the night
-Talked to my villagers
-Gave out wrapped fruits to Flo
-Celeste was visiting (for once) and she gave me the Sci-fi flooring recipe, managed to wish on a few stars as well!
-Sold some miscellaneous spare items to make a few bells
-Farmed balloons for DIYs, got the sakura-wood wall recipe and nothing else because the balloons were not being very nice to me this evening
Today i did some more landscaping on my museum’s garden and got the last of the cherry blossom diys😭🌸

Finally, after one year and several trades I’m done with that! On a side note, I really hope that Nintendo doesn’t do something like this again in future Animal Crossing games.
I finally got Erik to move to my island! :love:
I was looking for him for so long during the winter because I had this special reindeer themed area in mind and he looks so cute in winter outfits :/ Unfortunately, I didn't found him then... but hey, better late than never!

His house is located towards the forest side of town and he has his own little farm for pumpkins and wheat. In his spare time he also teaches pottery classes, located behind his home (that wasn't really his choice, he had to take over from the previous owner 😑)



I participated at the Fishing Tourney today. Been a while since I actually fished in the game. I haven't used my fishing pole since last year.
april 9th
ʚϊɞ | checked the mail; received a ski mask from audie and the items that i ordered!
ʚϊɞ | dug up my daily fossils and money spot
ʚϊɞ | collected materials
ʚϊɞ | got a wooden end table diy from my daily diy bottle
ʚϊɞ | my villagers were crafting the log bed, coconut juice and gold-screen wall today
ʚϊɞ | chèvre moved in today!
ʚϊɞ | talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a floor lamp and an anthurium plant in return
ʚϊɞ | caught a loach for sherb and got a baseball uniform in return
ʚϊɞ | caught a surgeonfish for audie and got an instant-muscles suit in return
ʚϊɞ | checked the recycling bin
ʚϊɞ | collected my daily bonus nook miles
ʚϊɞ | sold stuff
ʚϊɞ | crafted a shovel, a net and a flimsy axe
ʚϊɞ | watered my orange lilies
ʚϊɞ | did some fishing
ʚϊɞ | shot down balloons and got a sports tank and 10k bells
ʚϊɞ | helped out gullivarrr
ʚϊɞ | checked the shops; bought wrapping paper from nook’s
ʚϊɞ | completed some nook mile achievements
☪ I invited Étoile to the campsite for the first time after I finally got the sanrio Amiibo card set

☪ Participated in the Fishing Tourney for the first time (I missed all of them last year LOL) and I managed to obtain all the exclusive items + scored 100 points, so I believe I'm getting a bronze trophy!

☪ Finally got my new bridge right outside of Resident Services to create a moat-esque sort of thing :blush:
forgot to do this yesterday so for the past two days:
- invited etoile to campsite 2/3 times so should be able to get her in tomorrow!
- scanned in all the sanrio villagers and have begun the long task of ordering everything that i want
- bought a painting from Redd
- made a bunch more fish bait
- caught a couple of fish for the fishing tourney
- gifted all my villagers
- did a bunch of Nook miles+ stuff
- cleared some weeds
Did some experimenting with my entrance! I tried out a small, cliff-y entrance. I’m not sure if I’ll keep it, but i was proud of my creativity 😊