• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted in here. Today was a stereotypical day. I bought medicine for Vivian but forgot why I bought it and took it myself before remembering and having to buy a new one. Saw pirate gulliver and ignored him. Donate a new fish to the museum and forgot to read what Blathers said about the fish. I also managed to get a new diy somehow and I’m logging in too late for the third time in a row and missed the wedding pictures for today 🤷‍♂️
My daughter wanted Judy for our island and I managed to get her with only 8 NMTs! So now my island is almost half new villagers (Judy, Raymond, Sherb, and Dom) and I guess I can never let them leave now because I probably used up all my island hopping/campsite luck at this point.
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Not really an accomplishment but... I've been waiting for one of my villagers to move (either Ankha or Marty). But when someone does, it's not them. And I don't want to TT just for the heck of it.

So today, Buzz asked to move out. I thought of declining but since I have his amiibo card, I've decided to let him move out and invite him back in later after the new villager settles in.
Played today for the first time in weeks. Did some island cleaning, sold some stuff, helped Gulliver, did some island hopping to replace a villager. Did the wedding thing (though there's really no point with the repetitive items from last year). Also bought some of the limited time items from the catalog...(man, there are a lot of those right now).
6/10 (post-vaccine pain got me feeling like a zombie 😢 )
• Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Took the 8 wedding flower stands I'd requested out of the mail and prepared them for customization and placement.
• Stockpiled some daytime bugs and fish so I wouldn't have to look for them for my villagers later (since I'm not usually on before 4pm).
• Redd was visiting today, but I unfortunately already had the real versions of all four art pieces on display :(
• Finally got to see the inside of Pashmina's house, as well as her first house guest: Kitty.
• Helped Reese and Cyrus again! Multiple shrooms were involved...
Today I was hunting for new villager since Diana moved out today. I was hunting with 10nmts and on the 10thnmt I found stitches, I was so excited and happy that I found him 😃 . I wasn’t even looking for him
6/11 (raining hard)
• Took my loot from Cyrus out of the mail, customized it all, and placed it around the island.
• Ran into Pashmina, whose feelings about the heat and humidity matched my own to a T. (since we're having nasty-muggy-towel weather in real life, too)
• Gulliver washed up on shore today (not surprising, given the weather). It took a little longer than expected to find the missing components.
• Harry apparently misplaced a planner, and he came running over to me to ask me if I would help him find it. He must've just noticed it was missing, as I found it LITERALLY a few feet away from him.
• Helped Reese and Cyrus again! A Mermaid wall was set up when I arrived, and so I pulled in the girls for this one:

• Tried to hunt down some Goldfish, all I caught were frogs...
• Made 20 bags of bait to try again tomorrow.
Went island hopping today looking for either Lobo, Kyle, or Marshal. Struck gold and found Lobo on my 57th ticket. Literally struck gold too because it was a money rock island. So happy.
looks like i’ve got some more catching up to do. 😅

june 7th
checked the mail; received a letter from margie and items i ordered!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected materials
got a doghouse diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a jumper work suit, a camo tee, an athletic jacket and a lattice wall in return
delivered a package for marty from chèvre and got bunny ears in return
caught a flea off of sprinkle
caught a catfish for chelsea and got a denim cap in return
checked the recycling bin; found a gym tee
collected my daily bonus nook miles
sold stuff
did some fishing, bug catching and diving
continued redecorating my main room
ordered some items
crafted and customized a few things
began cleaning up the flowers that spawned from yesterday’s rain
designed a room for reese and cyrus and got 14 heart crystals
checked the shops; bought sleeveless dress shirts (green, pink, white) from able’s and wrapping paper from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
june 8th
checked the mail; received a blue-design kitchen mat from chèvre and items i ordered!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected materials
got a jungle flooring diy from my daily diy bottle
had a camper today; it was doc! i didn’t invite him but he’s cool :’)
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a comedian’s outfit, a camo tee and 2 mesh caps in return
delivered a package for rilla from chelsea and got a tiger-face tee dress in return
checked the recycling bin; found a sapling
collected my daily bonus nook miles
sold stuff
continued redecorating my main room
did some fishing and bug catching
crafted a net and a shell table
harvested my pear trees
ordered an item
designed a room for reese and cyrus and got 4 heart crystals
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
I’ve redesigned where my house will sit by putting it on a huge cliff with a small river running by that will connect with a diagonal bridge. I also added in some waterfalls and a river to connect it up to my river mouth. Overall I love how it’s turned out as I’m usually so fussy when it comes to terraforming in general. 😂
I finally received photos from Rocket and Butch. I decided to keep Butch on my pirate island since he's a salty dog for sure. I gave him a pirate hat and he loved it. I hope he will wear it. I worked a long time on the pirate island but I didn't get much done. I found Gullivarr and time traveled back and forth to him to keep finding the communicator and getting pirate items.

Rocket is on the goth island so I'll probably replace her with Muffy or Agnes or Jacques.
I have recently reset, so slogging forward to try to get to the point where I can terraform. And make paths. I have six villagers on my island so far, so working on getting a few more. Trying to get my island attractive enough to attract a camper.
Brought back Zell and started to reinvite Beau. I'm probably going to bring back more of my favorite deer like Fauna and Lopez and Erik. And maybe a couple goats like Kidd and Chèvre.
june 9th
checked the mail; received a smoker from chelsea and an item i ordered!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected materials
got a water pump diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a brown botanical-tile wall, a blue tile wall, a lacy shirt and denim overalls in return
returned a lost book to fuchsia and got an oversized print dress in return
caught a dorado for marty and got a tropical hat in return
checked the recycling bin
collected my daily bonus nook miles
sold stuff
did some fishing, bug catching and diving
crafted an ironwood clock
ordered a blue thank-you dad apron
searched for some new designs to use
designed a room for reese and cyrus and got 18 heart crystals
checked the shops; bought a pocket tee (light blue) from able’s and wrapping paper from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
Fell behind in posting, but now I'm caught back up.

• At long last, I finally recieved the Golden Shovel recipe from Gulliver!!! :D (and then I created it, also earning the final Golden milestone! )
• Picked out, wrapped, and delivered gifts to my residents.
• Removed some excess flower growth.
• Helped Pashmina return a borrowed item to Plucky (seems like she's made friends just fine! ) ; ended up with a puffy-sleeve blouse.
• Crafted some items to sell.
• Went fishing for collectible specimens, caught considerably more Goldfish.
• Popped a balloon and found a recipe for a Summer-shell rug inside!
• Crafted more fish bait.
• Attended Slider's show; he played Agent K.K.
• Helped out Reese and Cyrus again! (discovered the café-curtain wall, I need it in my life) Ended up earning a record 18 heart crystals (the most I usually earn is 15)!

• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 235,946 points! (Yay, it went up! )
• Picked out, wrapped, and delivered gifts to my residents.
• Helped Pashmina return a forgotten item to Plucky, who'd left it behind at her house; ended up with a flapper dress, this time.
• Bought a few items from the Able Sister's that I didn't have so that I could catalogue them.
• Resumed specimen fishing, found more Ranchu Goldfish this time! I love how how round they are, they're so cute!
• Made more fish bait.
• Helped Reese and Cyrus again!

• Caught a lot of blinky-butts! (Fireflies; my grandmother calls them that, and it's stuck with me since I was little)
• Witnessed Kitty admiring the cat grass in her yard... She said it was pretty and that it made her happy, but I don't think she realized the humor present at the time. Also ended up selling her a frog I'd caught yesterday.
• Kicks was here today, and so I bought a few things from him so that I could catalogue them.
• Poor Marina had fleas again! 😣
• Talked to Pashmina about weird rumors, such as the ones involving her moving to the island (ie. To fight a giant sea monster).
• Bought a few items from the Able Sister's that I didn't have so that I could catalogue them.
• Put a loot of bells into savings.
• Made a few more bags of bait.
• Helped Reese and Cyrus again! (Three words: Too. Much. Pink. )

• Caught a ton of rare butterflies! And a Banded Dragonfly! :D
• Helped Pashmina return another borrowed item, this time to Marina.
• Leif was here today, although I didn't buy anything.
• Bought a few items from the Able Sister's that I didn't have so that I could catalogue them.
• Helped out Reese and Cyrus again!
• Picked out, wrapped, and delivered gifts to my residents. (Two were sent through the mail. )
• Went fishing for more specimens, this time in the river. Caught only one Betta 😣
• Cleared out a ton of storage space.
• Bought more customization kits and wrapping paper.
• Ran into Rex, who promptly mixed up the words "psychic" and "psychotic".
• Dug up a bunch of Manila clams and made 20 bags of bait from them.
• Witnessed Gayle exhausting herself with her exercise routine...
• Witnessed a conversation between Kitty and Rex; apparently, Rex didn't know/ didn't remember what the J in PB&J stood for, and it was driving Kitty up the walls that he couldn't figure it out.
• Accidentally made a surplus of nets whilst trying to craft a replacement fishing rod because I want paying attention 😣
• Checked out a bunch of custom designs.
Throughout the last week:
- Participated in wedding season & got heart crystals. Traded the crystals with Cyrus for wedding themed items.
- Traded
- Built a bridge
- Found a place for Ables. Used up free week of online and downloaded codes.
- Built the campsite. Forced villager: Pietro
- Found out I didn't save when villager hunting and lost Bianca. Ended up with Anicotti...:(
- Time traveled to move out villagers. Moved out Rocket for Kiki and Biff for Blanche.
- Invited Pekoe, Flurry, and Goldie via time traveling to campsite and gave them souvenirs. Plan to move in as permanent villagers once space is available.
- Built a plot of land and moved in Felicity.
- Bought nook miles items
- Paid off loan
- Upgraded house
- Chopped trees + hit rocks
• Gullivarrr washed up on shore today; it luckily didn't take too long to find the phone.
• Pashmina asked me if I would catch a butterfly for her; luckily for her, I'd just caught a great purple emperor a few minutes ago.
• Bought more wrapping paper.
• Cleared out some more storage space.
• Gave Marina a fancy mum wreath for her door. (I once gave her a shell wreath, but I never saw it again)
• Helped out Reese and Cyrus again!
• Checked out some more custom designs.
- got the DAL plane model on main island :3
- bought more clothes from able's for my catalog

-recently reset second island and made the 3 villager plots today
- made some trips to my main island to pickup items/bells I saved
- unlocked some nook miles perks (bigger bag space, cosmetics)
- paid home loan