• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

Hello :)
-Flick visited he going to make me a jewel beetle model for me
-Assessed fossils, sold shells and popped a few balloons
-Making progress on cleaning up my island which is being over run by flowers lol
-Did a couple of trades with people from here.
june 28th
checked the mail; received bottom-rimmed glasses from sprinkle!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected materials
got an orange wall diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a peasant blouse in return
caught a coelacanth for rilla and got her photo in return!! 😭💓
caught a flea off of fuchsia
checked the recycling bin; found a corkboard
collected my daily bonus nook miles
sold stuff
did some fishing, bug catching and diving
got rid of the flowers that spawned from yesterday’s rain
crafted jail bars
planted some new flowers
harvested my pear trees
customized rilla’s photo and added it to my photo wall
designed a room for reese and cyrus and got 18 heart crystals
bought rugs from saharah and exchanged tickets for a straw wall + a boxing-ring mat; got a new rug (yellow checked) today!!
checked the shops; bought flower seeds from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
I haven't played for about two months, so it was good to log on yesterday and get caught up. I changed my outfit and time traveled to June 9th to celebrate Cyd's birthday, and I ordered all of the seasonal items for June. I also caught an arowana, which I donated to the museum.
i finally got around to a small renovation i've wanted to do around my house for a good month or so now - gave it a stone fence and planted the beginnings of a mostly-white garden, with some simple furniture and decorations (natural garden chair, iron table, a teacup, a garden wagon, a butter churn, barrel, a birdhouse & birdbath, beekeeper's hive... idk if i'll add any more or not yet) i had to move my house in order to build, so the house won't actually be there til tomorrow, but it's looking really cute! it has a sort of english cottage feel to it and i love it <3
Did a lot of fishing and diving today and I completed the diving section for the month of June. Gonna keep the date on tomorrow so I can finish finding the rest of the bugs and fish for June, then I’ll move onto next month, July. Also set down and did the first three villager move in houses.
• Woke up to Plucky trying to sweep up the beach with her broom... (should we tell her? )
• Recieved goodies from NookLink! This time was Timmy & Tommy's picture and an Aloha-edition carrying case!
• Picked out, wrapped, and delivered gifts to my residents (four ended up being sent through the mail, as I couldn't find Plucky or Patty, and Marina and Kitty refused to stand up despite waiting patiently).
• Gullivarrr washed up on shore today; it didn't take too long to find the phone, but I ended up with some sea grapes in the process.
• Found a bottle on the beach with a message from Maddie inside! 😃 Sounds like she's doing alright, wherever she ended up!
• Hit rocks to replenish some material stores.
• Chatted a lot with Pekoe and Pashmina.
• Rex was thinking about moving away, but I was able to change his mind. I've discovered I'm not ready to let him go just yet.
• Bought a few items from the Able Sister's that I didn't have so that I could catalogue them.
• Helped out Reese and Cyrus again with a simple garden set.
• Bought more wrapping paper.
• Checked out a LOT of custom designs.
• Picked out and wrapped new gifts to deliver tomorrow.
In no particular order:

I had to tt back to earlier in the day to celebrate Merry’s birthday. I bought more wrapping paper and shook some trees to get some coconuts. I wrapped the coconuts.

Today I went to Harv’s studio and started a project; can’t say much about it right now. I downloaded several qr codes. I had to make some of my own. I ordered five things. I have one more thing to do and need to order the rest of the items.

I dug up some flowers and sold them. I tried tting back to when it was not raining but it was raining at even 5:30 am in my game.
Well today was interesting.

On Destiny I had Skye as a random visit on the campsite. I managed to invite her after 3 attempts and she made Whitney leave. (Seriously the RNG was being a pain) while at the same time I got Deli's Photo.

On Twilight I had better luck. I got both Colton and Gladys photos on the same day. Which really made me feel so happy
  • opened the mail
  • spoke to my villagers - learnt the Iron Wall Rack DIY from Julian
  • returned a lost item to Raymond and received some Overalls with Arm Covers
  • gave gifts to Whitney and Julian
  • visited the shops - purchased a Forest Print Dress in multiple colours
  • shook trees, hit rocks and dug up fossils
  • had fossils assessed and sold
  • did some diving - collected another pearl from Pascal
  • watered the flowers and picked up some weeds
  • continued working on completing my critterpedia - travelled to a mystery island to catch some bugs and finally found a Scarab Beetle so now I just have one more bug left!
  • completed some Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some miles
Bye bye, June.

• Recieved my third round of NookLink goodies in the mail; a Nook Inc. Poster and a Nook Inc. Doorplate! Also recieved another Pirate outfit from Gullivarrr, this time in red!
• Hit some more rocks. (I'm searching for gold nuggets, but don't really want to try Island Hopping yet....)
• Delivered the gifts! (Kitty's was sent through the mail.)
• Chatted with Patty, Pekoe, and Pashmina.
• Found a bottle on the beach with a message from Chow inside, and now I know how to make Bamboo Flooring!
• "Paid" Kicks a nice and expensive visit!
• Put a lot of bells into savings.
• Helped out Reese and Cyrus one last time; a simple cute scene to wish them well. I also used the rest of my heart crystals (176) on Cyrus, much to his delight.
- Time travelled to try and move out villagers
- Got to move out Anicotti for Goldie (moved in via Amiibo)
- Placed a new plot and scanned Flurry's Amiibo to move her in.
- Now trying to move out Pietro for Pekoe.
- Cleaned out overgrown flowers from TT.
- Crafted items to move in Amiibo villagers.
- Learned new DIYs.
- Hit rocks and chopped trees for materials.
- Bought stuff at Ables.
💙 Spent all day finishing the bug section to collect and are good for things that will disappear next month. Just need the ranchu goldfish and I believe five bugs and then June will be complete.
💜 Talked to one of my three new villagers, Al. (He will definitely move out later.)
💛 Did the daily chores and started working towards my three star rating by planting lots of new flowers.
I caught 4 of the 8 beetles I need to catch during July and August to complete my critterpedia on the very first day.
june 29th
checked the mail; received a cute chair from audie!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected materials
got a rocking horse diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a kung-fu tee and a chick tee in return
delivered a package for audie from bruce and got an embroidered tank in return
delivered a package for beau from merengue
checked the recycling bin; found a hello kitty wall and a dazed dress
collected my daily bonus nook miles
sold stuff
tt’d rilla out
did some fishing and bug catching
pulled a bunch of weeds
got rid of the flowers that spawned from yesterday’s rain
harvested my pear trees
crafted a campfire, a bonfire and a mermaid table
went island hopping and invited friga on my 103rd ticket BUT apparently the game didn’t save, as i now have del moving in instead :////// i’m not happy but i’m trying to remain positive. the situation definitely could be worse, and i did say that i wanted to start giving villagers that i’m not fond of a chance 🤷🏻‍♀️
tested out an idea at harv’s island
designed a room for reese and cyrus and got 18 heart crystals
planted some new flowers
helped out gulliver
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
Right now I am having an issue with burnout with my new island again, but I did log on and do my dailies and sold some things to get bells just in case I decide to redo things...I can move all my items and bells to my second switch if I need to anyway.
june 30th
checked the mail; received a cartoonist’s set from margie and an alpinist hat from gulliver!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected materials
got a bamboo drum diy from my daily diy bottle
del moved in today! i’m still not happy about having him instead of friga, but he actually doesn’t seem too bad so far!
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a soft-serve hat and a dress shirt in return
delivered a package for audie from bruce and got a layered tank in return
fuchsia wasn’t feeling well today, so i brought her some medicine :’)
delivered a package for margie from bruce and got denim overalls in return
caught a drone beetle for merengue and got a cute floor lamp in return
checked the recycling bin; found a rusted part and a pop-up toaster
collected my daily bonus nook miles
sold stuff
planted a few flowers
got rid of the flowers that spawned from yesterday’s rain
did some bug catching
tested out a room idea at harv’s island + invited del to unlock his poster
designed a room for reese and cyrus and got 18 heart crystals
checked out what redd was selling; sadly, he wasn’t selling anything genuine today
checked the shops; bought medicine from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
im almost finished with my super mario park i know i said before im building the bakery and candy shop but i need to go on nookstop and im time traveling:)
(my first ever island im actually putting work in Besides anime land)
-I decorated with all my pink flowers, and started to plan my maze

-Sally gave me her photo, before Static came back. I wanted all the normal reactions, so temporally sent Static on vacation

-Kid Cat finally gave me his photo after I gave him a teddy bear~
I finally got to the middle mark of remodeling my entire island today! I’m doing a mix of garden core, spring core, and forest core themes. I just love it when my town looks so natural and full of flowers and green forest energy!
I terraformed all day. My best accomplishment is the land bridge I just finished decorating. I made the land bridge very overgrown which a couple of stunted trees right in the middle to make it seem like a woody path, and I reverse-pathed(?) the bridge— I forgot the name of the trend where you put the light dirt path down everywhere and then put the custom code grass on top of it? But anyways, that’s what I did, and I would like to brag that I feel like I’ve mastered it and it creates some awesome beautiful path shapes 🌸🌞

I’m currently trying to build a flower valley in the back of my island. I hope to put my house on the top of the valley with an overgrown path leading to my yard. The only thing is that I’m afraid of all the space it’s going to take up, since I still have to place the museum and 3 villager homes AND my home somewhere on the back third of my island. So I have moved the museum next to the beach for now, and demolishing one bridge.

I also got a new villager! Marge! I already had Tia on my island, but Marge was in my campsite i felt like Marge was too adorable to let go so I asked her to stay and replace Merengue. I mean, Merengue was cute, but for a Normal villager, I felt like i didn’t like her personality so much so I let Merengue go. Marge and Tia‘s houses are right next to each other for now, and though it’s not really my theme to have 2 elephant villagers, I’m happy with seeing them enjoy the island :)

I’m also in the process of moving Cally in via Amiibo so I did a chore for her today.