• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

Just did a brief walkabout today. Did find a new DIY from a bottle...(which has been ages). Also got a "familiar statue" in the mail from one of the villagers. I already had one displayed in the museum, but I was happy to have a second that I could use in the exterior of the museum garden area. Lastly, Gulliver was here, so I helped him again. I have to be getting really close to that darn golden shovel now. I know I'm past the 20x mark, but not sure how close to 30x I am.
- Hit rocks and chopped trees
- Cleaned up my islands
- Moved items between islands
- Traded
- Decorated rooms
- Customized items
- Learned new recipes
- Built items
- Decorated the beach
- Ordered items
- Daily login for nooks points, redeemed for some items
- Bought clothes at Ables
- Moved flowers
i checked the mail. I put some items away. I took down some more items that i had set up for prom. I ordered one of the ship wheel things on my main. I ordered five on my alt yesterday, may order five more tomorrow or whenever.
-Flick came over! Commissioned him to make a queen alexandra's birdwing model. My first bug model :)
-Caught a saw shark
-Caught 2 Coelacanth fish. Going to try and catch one more today since it's raining so I can save 3 for CJ
-Bought a pyramid
-Someone said their switch broke and lost all the progress on their island. I packed up some clothes and furniture that I don't need to give it to them
-Laid some minor roads and carved out a garden-ish area to display my statues. Planning to build some fences around it and add some benches/plants to finish the garden look
-Downloaded some path codes using the kiosk in Able Sisters
-Nook's upgraded Cranny opened today! Bought a lot of flowers to plant by my roads. I tried to make a pattern (white -> red -> yellow -> white) but I think I messed up somewhere because in the end I had more whites than any other color but I bought the same amount for all of them :unsure:
-Lolly finished unpacking her house
-Ken came & settled in my island without notice. Not sure if I like him yet
-Discovered that the bamboo branches decorations have special messages on them
-Got a new idea: a pagoda street. Will be pretty expensive to realize this idea though
-Bought recipes for a drinking fountain & a big fountain to put in my statue garden
I started a new character. It's Papa smurf. Today I finished Papa's Pizza Parlor in the main room. It turned out kind of cute.
Got caught up to the current day today, was only a couple days behind and I spent the rest of today fixing up my character and some other things. Also went a lot of balloon hunting and got all but one summer recipe left to find. I’m gonna look for that tomorrow, so I’m not too worried about it.
july 9th
checked the mail; received an old sewing machine from merengue, a pirate bandanna from gullivarrr and an item i ordered!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected materials
got a log extra-long sofa diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a swimming cap, a camo tee and a tropical hat in return
caught a flea off of beau
caught a drone beetle for merengue and got a dreamy dress in return
checked the recycling bin; found a rusted part and 3 iron nuggets
collected my daily bonus nook miles
sold stuff
did some fishing and bug catching
gave sprinkle permission to start calling me ‘dancer’
crafted a fishing rod
commissioned a guppy model from c.j.
checked the shops; bought a yellow balloon from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
I restarted my island not too long ago, and I've just built a new campsite and moved them in. I'm officially on my way to getting K.K. to perform and I feel way less burnout now! I'm so excited 😅
-I'm planning on paying off my mortgage/bridge/incline debt using only money I earned the previous day from selling to Nook's Cranny. Thought that would give me a little more fun
-Sold a diy recipe for a pagoda & pyramid. Although I already bought a pyramid and just forgot to take it off my wishlist but I didn't know how to tell the other person this so I just traded. Classic me lol. Maybe instead of a pagoda street I'll do a pagoda-Egyptian street. Not sure if they are matching themes though
-Planning to do a giveaway sometime for IGBs and some extra furniture/wallpaper/floorings/clothes to clear out my storage
-Told Tom Nook that I wanted to expand and he offered to make me a second story :)
-The red zen bridge I planned yesterday is built but now I feel like it's not in the perfect spot
-CJ came for my first fishing tournament! The only prize I wanted was the fishing rods stand but I kept getting other stuff and the tournament ends at 6:00 pm and I got it in my last haul at 5:56 pm lol
I finally had some inspiration on what to do with my museum area so I put in a lot of work on my island today for the first time in over a month ~

-Tore down the terraformed waterfalls I had put in front of the museum, I decided I'm going to move my museum forward and build something behind it instead
-Talked to Tom Nook/Blathers about moving the museum and paid for that
-Also picked up an incline kit from Nook but I'll place it tomorrow
-Shifted my fishing area over a few spaces to make room for the behind the museum area
-Gathered some additional wood from the trees around my island (may or may not have been stung by a wasp in the process..)
-Crafted a bunch of items for decorating, a lot of log stakes and some additional fencing mostly
-Cleaned up flowers again, also decided to swap out the blue roses near my house for green mums instead
-Completed a few nook miles tasks
-Caught a bunch of summer bugs so that I can get them made in to models when Flick comes around
-Talked to all my villagers
-Gave wrapped fruits to Flo
Fell WAAAAYYYYY behind in posting, but I have kept my records in check. Here's the report for the 2nd to the 8th!

(Part 1)
• Delivered the gifts!
• Chatted with Kitty, Patty, Pekoe, and Pashmina.
• It started raining at 8pm, so I switched to rain clothes (which makes the fact that Patty gave me a raincoat funny).
• Chopped some wood and hit some rocks to replenish my material stores.
• Flick was here, and I brought him both bugs to sell and three yellow butterflies for a collectible.

7/3 (raining)
• Took the yellow butterfly model out of the mail.
• Started catching extra collectible specimens! (Namely, cicadas)
• Removed some excess flower growth from yesterday's rainfall.
• Cleaned up the cemetary by removing sticks.
• Chatted with Kitty (ended up selling her a robust cicada) and Patty (ended up selling her an earth-boring dung beetle and giving her a hammerhead shark I'd caught earlier), made small talk with Pekoe (as she was visiting Rex) and Pashmina (who was attending Slider's show)
• Found a bottle on the beach with a message from Chow inside, and now I know how to make a purple hyacinth wreath!
• Crafted items to sell.
• Checked out some custom designs to pass time (but also ended up taking an impromptu nap).
• Attended Slider's show; he played Rockin' K.K.
• Picked out and wrapped new gifts to deliver tomorrow.

• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 238,439 points! (Yay! It went up!)
• Delivered the gifts! (Marina's was sent through the mail, as I couldn't find her no matter l where I looked.)
• Went to check on Harry, found him sleeping while standing up.
• Made small talk with Kitty and Pekoe (as the latter was visiting the former), chatted with Patty and Pashmina. I hope I'm not making any of them uncomfortable with the added attention...
• An announcement for the upcoming Fishing Tourney appeared on the bulletin board!
• Today's Beetle Fight Night at the museum pitted the Rainbow Stag against the Golden Stag. Rainbow was victorious!
• Picked out and wrapped new gifts to deliver tomorrow.

• Found a lost book right outside Gayle's front door. After asking around, I was able to return it to its owner: Pashmina.
• Delivered the gifts! (Sent Gayle's through the mail, as I couldn't find her anywhere)
• Chatted with Patty (ended up selling her a grasshopper I'd caught earlier), Kitty, and Pashmina.
• Removed some excess flower growth I'd missed yesterday.
• Made some items to sell.
• Bought a few items from the Able Sister's that I didn't have so that I could catalogue them.
• "Paid" Kicks quite an expensive visit, buying items I didn't have yet so I could catalogue them.
• Pekoe was thinking about moving away, but I was thankfully able to change her mind. (Phew!) I chatted with her a bit afterwards.
• Cleared out some storage space.
• Bought more wrapping paper.

• C.J. was back, this time with a freestyle fishing challenge. Upon completion, I brought him three Ranchu Goldfish for a collectible.
• Witnessed a conversation between Rex and Marina about rhyming games, but it got derailed as Rex's appetite awoke.
• Chatted with Pekoe, Kitty, Patty, and Pashmina (ended up selling Pashmina a tadpole I'd caught earlier).
• Pekoe asked me to catch her a bug that likes flowers; ended up having to take a ladybug out of storage. I was just glad I'd decided to catch it back then!

• Took the ranchu goldfish model out of the mail.
• Caught some bugs; some for Flick, and some to hold on to (in case my villagers decide ask me for them later).
• Redd was here today, but the only piece I didn't already have turned out to be a fake... :( Instead, I walked out with a red cute tea table.
• Hit some rocks in search of a gold nugget (sadly, I was unsuccessful :( )
• Chatted with Pashmina, Kitty, Pekoe, and Patty.
• Went on a treasure hunt with Pashmina, found it within 40 seconds (near the museum). Ended up recieving some full-body tights.
• Found a message bottle hiding in Pirate Cove. It had a message from Derwin inside!
• Bought a few items from the Able Sister's that I didn't have so that I could catalogue them.
• Picked out and wrapped gifts to deliver tomorrow.
• Cleared out some storage space.

• Recieved a warrior statute in the mail from Rex, which I didn't have yet. After examining it thoroughly, it turned out to be a genuine piece!
• Gayle reminisced with me about her first days on the island, it made me happy listening to her recall the events of her move-in day. She said she remembers the scent of pears very vividly--which made me hungry.
• Delivered the gifts!
• Chatted with Kitty, Pekoe, Patty, and Pashmina.
• Kitty asked me if I would catch her a bug that likes sitting on flowers: luckily, I had a mantis ready and waiting for her in storage.
• Brought the warrior statue to Blathers! Another piece marked off the list! :D
• Pekoe sent me on a treasure hunt, and she also shortened the time limit on me; luckily, I found it in half the time. Ended up with a pineapple aloha shirt.
• Label was here today, this time with an "Everyday" fashion challenge...which I pulled off in spades. I recieved some Labelle tights.
• Cleared out a lot of storage space.
• Bought more wrapping paper.
• Put some bells into savings and ordered some items from the Nook kiosk.
Gave away some clothes + let people came over to visit Redd today and it was HECTIC:
-Someone asked to visit Redd and I gave them the code. After about 10 minutes (they still haven't came to the island), they asked if they can buy from Redd again if they already bought from Redd once in the morning. I said no, only once a day, and they said "oh well then I need to make my daughter log in." At this point I had several (~4) people lining up for the code so I got a little impatient, I admit. I said okay, and they said she's on her way. Upon her arrival, they suddenly realized that she didn't bring a ladder (I specifically told them beforehand to bring a ladder because I didn't build any inclines) and I didn't want to wait another 10 minutes for her to go back so I lent my ladder to her. Thankfully, she was able to find the way on her own and I was able to let the rest of the people come in after a half an hour wait. It's sure hard keeping up with things like this.
Sorry for the rant.
-Lolly moved in recently and I like her a lot :)
-Rodeo asked to move out. I'm not ready to say goodbye yet so she's stuck here :D. Although at the beginning of a game a villager asked to move out and I wasn't sure what I was doing so I agreed and she moved out :(
-By the way this is the first time I saw Redd open! Bought a real scary painting.
-Someone asked for the free clothes and when I asked which ones they wanted, they said "I'll get all the red, orange, blue, green, and pink stuff." Haha that was 70% of my stock.
-Gave presents (apples) to Zell, Gruff, and Lolly because I really need their posters. Also I just recently found out if you gift villagers the local fruit, they won't give you anything in return. However, if I give them apples or anything that's not local, they will gift in return ^^
-Spent a lot of bells to buy things from my wishlist
-Got some statues/pagodas/pyramids but I don't know how/where to put them yet so they're just crumbling in a corner
-Checked the mail, got a letter from Hornsby
-Went to see who the daily NPC was, Leif was here selling tea olives which is just what I needed! So I bought a bunch of those and planted them in the new area I've been working on
-Checked out both shops, bought some more wrapping paper
-Gave wrapped fruits to Flo, she gave me a kid's smock -still no photo
-Talked to all my villagers
-Completed a few Nook Miles tasks
Had a week off playing but I figured I'd try to do this! (Both to document my progress now I've had the game a few months and also to get my TBT up a bit in the process :D)

🐶 Recently I got bones from an awesome shop on here! So I have been settling him in!
🐛caught new bugs because its july
🐟did lots of swimming and diving to try to fill out my catalogue
🦦gave a scallop to Pascal- got the mermaid wardrobe item
🐟sold a bunch of fish to C.J
🐶gifted goldie a shirt
🐶collected a roach for Goldie
🏴‍☠️ added a couple items to the pirate area with items from nooks cranny
📕 ordered some books for DIYs
👗got some new clothes in the able sisters
I finally completed my critterpedia today. I missed the Horned Hercules and the Giraffe Stag last summer so I made sure to get them this time around. Yay!
july 10th
didn’t feel like playing this weekend, so i have a bit of catching up to do. 😅

checked the mail; received a kiwi hat from margie and a guppy model from c.j.!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected materials
got a bamboo wall diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a rubber apron, coveralls with arm covers and a viking top in return
checked the recycling bin; found a red-tulip bag
collected my daily bonus nook miles
sold stuff
did some diving
harvested my pear trees
ordered an orange phrygian cap
sold my turnips
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
Here's part two of my missing records (9th-12th), including today's report 👍

• Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Took a bunch of ordered items out of the mail.
• Gulliver washed up on shore today; luckily, it didn't take very long to find his missing communicator parts.
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Cube the Penguin!
• Rex taught me how to make a chic mum crown! (Once I gathered the materials, I later made one!)
• Chatted with Patty, Pekoe, Pashmina, and Kitty.
• Checked out some custom designs.
• Poor Marshall had fleas; even worse for him, both Pashmina and Kitty noticed and watched me remove them. Pashmina even applauded. I don't think he's gonna live that down for a while. 😅
• Picked out and wrapped gifts to deliver tomorrow.

7/10 (Fishing Tourney!)
• ( Realized before logging in that I'd have to deliver the gifts tomorrow, as I'd forgotten today was the tourney. )
• Recieved an alpinist hat in the mail from Gulliver.
• Witnessed Harry and Patty fishing quietly together. They seemed to be enjoying themselves.
• Participated in the Tourney! On my first run, I got 12 points 👍 (and caught a third Napoleonfish for collectible specimen storage)
• Pashmina vented to me about people catching the fish she'd specifically been going after; it must've driven her nuts later, when Kitty and Marina decided to fish right next to her on either side. Marina was even casting right over her head 😓
• Made and used a LOT of fish bait (easily 100+ bags). Ended up clearing out my storage of the stuff.
• Proceeded to participate in the tourney 12 more times (and caught a Giant Trevally!), and ended up making a huge amount of bells in the process!
• Exchanged my points for 13 pieces of swag (now I might be able to set up a fishing area on the beach....)
• Put a TON of bells into savings.
• Checked out some more custom designs.

7/11 (Meteor shower!!!🌠)
• Isabelle surprised us with the announcement of shooting stars later tonight!
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 238,439 points, the same as last week.
• Hit some rocks, still searching for gold nuggets.
• Finally got to deliver Friday's gifts!
• Chatted with Kitty, Patty, Pashmina, and Pekoe.
• Checked out some more custom designs, killing some time until 6pm.
• Attended Slider's show; he played Only Me.
• Started making wishes at 9pm, didn't stop until after 11pm (I was multitasking at the time, I would've started earlier if I hadn't had work to do)
• Tried to track down Celeste, but couldn't find her at all, despite thorough searching and lapping the island AT LEAST 3 times... :(

• Picked out, wrapped, and delivered gifts to my residents.
• Found star frags on the beach! After combing the sands repeatedly, I collected a total of 16 regular frags, 2 large frags, and 2 Cancer frags! :D
• Chatted with Kitty, Patty, Pashmina, and Pekoe.
• Kitty asked me if I would be willing to catch her a sea bass; it didn't take very long.
• Saharah was here today! (As usual, I bought her completely out)
• Bought more wrapping paper.
• Bought a few items from the Able Sister's that I didn't have so that I could catalogue them.
• Cleared out some storage space.
• Hit some rocks, still searching for gold nuggets.
• Decorated the beach with some new patterns I'd found.
• Crafted some items to sell.
• Picked out and wrapped new gifts to deliver tomorrow.

7/13 (ANOTHER round of shouting stars!? 🌠)
• Isabelle surprised us with the news of ANOTHER meteor shower! 😮 I've never had two occur so close together before!
• Delivered the gifts!
• Chatted with Pashmina, Patty, Kitty, and Pekoe.
• Chopped some wood and hit some rocks to replenish my material stores.
• Leif was here today (but I didn't buy anything).
• Put a lot of bells into savings and also redeemed Miles for a few NM tickets.
• (Decided to take a small break and play other games while I waited for nightfall.)
• Came back at about 8:30, proceeded to make truckloads of wishes until 10pm.
• Managed to find Celeste this time! She gave me a recipe for a windflower wand.
• Used my net to help me avoid mosquito bites. If only that method were as effective in real life... 😅
-Went to someone else's island to wish on a meteor shower
-So I gave away clothes right...well today someone dm-ed me and said "I don't remember any clothes". Which is weird and absurd considering all of the chat history, including parts where I sent the dodo code and he replied with "on my way" is perfectly visible. I had nothing to say: I dropped the clothes, he picked them up, he left the island, and now he's saying I didn't give him the clothes because he can't find it in his storage 😑
-Did some trading: bought a garden wagon diy recipe and some stalls because I have an idea for a night-market corner
-Traded a red pagoda for a natural wood one. I picked up the natural wood and thought I dropped the red but after I returned to my island I found out I brought both with me. Then I went back to the other person's island and thought I dropped the red but after I returned to my island I found out I dropped the natural wood one. So I went back to the other island again and made sure I only brought the red pagoda with me so nothing can mess up again
-Won an auction a couple days ago but the person wouldn't contact me. I don't like reporting people so I waited a couple of days and today they did reply to me
-Caught another suckerfish. It does live up to its name
-One of my daily Nook Miles + mission is to catch a coelacanth but it's a sunny day :unsure:
july 11th
checked the mail; received a letter from del, a letter from the HHA and an item i ordered!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected materials
got a dark lily crown diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave gifts to the ones i need pics from - got a top hat, a jester costume and a thief’s costume in return
checked the recycling bin; found a blossom tee
collected my daily bonus nook miles
sold stuff
did some bug catching
ordered a green phrygian cap
had a meteor shower tonight and made a few wishes
attended a k.k. slider performance and received a copy of hypno k.k.
checked the shops; bought wrapping paper from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements