What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

12th October
  • opened the mail - received my Rock-ahead Statue from Redd, a Paperboy Cap from Raymond and an Anatomical Model from Wolfgang
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • donated the Rock-Head Statue to the museum
  • watered the flowers
  • collected a few seashells from the beach and picked up a message bottle - received an Orange Rug DIY
  • purchased my daily Candy and a Spooky Tower from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased some Running Tights from Able Sisters
  • spoke to Kicks and purchased a Studded Backpack
  • popped a balloon and received some bells
  • visited the campsite and said hello to Cube who was camping on the island today
  • spoke to my villagers - agreed to buy a Thief’s Costume from Diana
  • picked up the Woodland Wall DIY from Fauna which I already knew
  • gave Bill a gift and received a Sheep Costume
  • caught and sold some fish
  • cleared out some items from my storage
  • did a little redecorating inside my main island home
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t pick anything up today
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some miles
Just went to my 2nd island to get another piece of candy since I learned you can get candy again when going to other people's other islands.
october 13th
checked the mail; received a letter from beau and the ladybug model i commissioned from flick
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
found and hit my daily money rock
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up a giant clam
got a tulip surprise box diy from my daily diy bottle and threw it away
talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a purple desert-princess outfit from midge
put some stuff into storage
harvested my pear trees
sold stuff to the twins
received 5 pumpkins from fauna
caught some bugs
threw some stuff away
received a random gift (a light blue shirt with camera) from beau
crafted a shovel
checked the recycling bin; claimed a blue piano bench
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
helped out gullivarrr
checked the shops; bought candy from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
I have officially rid my island of all my bright pink, dark purple and bright blue flowers. All that remains is white & purple hyacinths and white cosmos & roses. Up next will be tweaking the terraforming in places to fill in large gaps and then back to decorating the places I’ve been procrastinating over for far too long. 🙈
I just got cubes photo!!! I wasn’t even actively trying to get it from him. He gave me it as a reward for returning his lost book. I am so happy!! 😭 I’ve never gotten a villager photo in this game or even in New Leaf.
I started taking a bunch of pictures to prepare to update my island journal. Depending on the out come the direct, I may or may not restart. Heavily depends if they ever bring back the feature for people to choose to keep their catalog on reset like in New Leaf.
13th October
  • opened the mail - received a Mug from Fauna and Striped Socks from Sherb
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers
  • collected a few seashells from the beach and picked up a message bottle - received the Bamboo Wall DIY which I already knew
  • found Gullivarrr on the beach and found his communicator for him
  • picked up another pearl from Pascal
  • caught and sold some sea creatures
  • purchased my daily Candy and a Green Flower-Print Wall from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased a Colourful Striped Sweater from Able Sisters
  • popped a balloon and received a Cat Nose
  • caught and sold some fish
  • spoke to my villagers - picked up the Clothesline DIY from Wolfgang which I already knew
  • gave Bill a gift and received some Colourful Puzzle Flooring
  • crafted and customised a few items
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t pick anything up today
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some miles
october 14th
checked the mail; received a letter from sprinkle and a black pirate dress from gullivarrr
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
found and hit my daily money rock
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up 2 giant clams
got a natural garden table diy from my daily diy bottle and threw it away
talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a blue viking helmet from midge
redeemed some nook miles for a straw fence diy
did a trade
caught some bugs and deep-sea creatures
threw some stuff away
shot down a balloon and got 30,000 bells
received 5 pumpkins from audie
deposited some bells into the ABD
put some stuff into storage
checked the recycling bin; claimed a rusted part and 3 iron nuggets
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
commissioned an arowana model from c.j.
checked the shops; bought candy from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
I was really motivated to play today thanks to the great announcement 😄 I missed a lot of days of gameplay so I had some things to catch up on.

-After all the October announcements Isabelle mentioned that there is a visitor at the campsite! It was Cashmere, said hello
-Checked the mail, had the letter from Jack with Jack's portrait, bank interest, etc.
-Talked to my villagers (who were all shocked to see me)
-Visited both shops but didn't buy anything today
-Leif was in the plaza today but I decided not to buy anything
-Harvested a fully grown money tree and planted a new money tree in the glowing spot
-Got a moving kit from Tom Nook so I can move my house, I'm putting it on the beach for now because I'm going to make some big changes
-Cleaned up a ton of decorations from around my house
-Got rid of some excess DIYs
-Completed some nook miles tasks
Started up a new island one last time, as I specifically reset for what I wanted and did managed to find my island. Everything about it is perfect and just what I like. I’m definitely not starting over again, I’m way too in love with the new update and dlc, which I’m totally gonna get. Now it’s time to work hard on it and finally be at peace with myself and my new island. 🥰
like many others i'm sure, the direct inspired me to play more! i didn't have enough time to do as much as i'd planned, but i completely rehauled my farm area so i'm now well prepared for the new crops we'll eventually get, plus i started to properly build up my library/research area next to the shops. I also started clearing up my overgrowth of flowers and weeds that have come from weeks of not playing/only logging on for two seconds when it's raining
I did my usual daily routine (Nook miles bonus, water my pumpkins, dig up fossils, talk to a bunch of villagers). I managed to play early enough to make it to the store before it closed, which is pretty hit or miss for me, so that was nice.

I’m currently working on an outdoor cafe/picnic area for fall, and scoping out other areas for my next small decorating project.
14th October
  • opened the mail - received a Pirate Dress from Gullivarrr, a Ski Mask from Wolfgang and a Faux-Fur Bag from Rosie
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers and picked up some weeds
  • collected a message bottle from the beach and received the Angled Signpost DIY which I already knew
  • purchased my daily Candy and a Green-Paint Floor from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased a Mage’s Striped Hat from Able Sisters
  • popped a balloon and received some bells
  • caught and sold some bugs
  • spoke to my villagers - picked up the Cabin Wall DIY from Rosie which I already knew
  • gave Bill a gift and received some Rubber-Tile Flooring
  • crafted and customised a couple of items
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t pick anything up today
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some miles
15th October
  • opened the mail - received a Broom and Dustpan from Julian and a Wood-Burning Stove from Raymond
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers
  • picked up a message bottle from the beach and received the Wooden Simple Bed DIY which I already knew
  • purchased my daily Candy and a Bottled Ship from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased some Lace Socks from Able Sisters
  • took part in C.J.’s Seasports Challenge to catch 3 small-fry fish
  • caught and sold some more fish
  • popped a balloon and received a Bidet
  • spoke to my villagers - Wolfgang was crafting a Spooky Chair but as I already knew the recipe he gifted me some pumpkins
  • gave Bill a gift and received some Light Herringbone Flooring
  • caught and sold some bugs
  • crafted and customised some items
  • did a little redecorating inside my house
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t pick anything up today
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks
-Finished decorating the right room in my house to a super cool retro lounge
-Collected all the beach shells and sold them
-Gifted Julian some giant clams
-Cleaned up branches and weeds
-Gave Tangy some medicine
-Talked to all my villagers
I have finally caught up to real time! I took a long break earlier this year and about a month ago I got partly caught up. But I was still about 2 1/2 months behind. I did 2 1/2 months worth of playing the past 2 days. In that amount of time I got both Whitney and Ankha's photos (from the thank you letters the day after their respective birthdays) which made me happy. It had been a while since I'd gotten any. I also spent some time preparing my island for Halloween, as well as some minor island changes in preparation for the new update.