october 4th
❁ checked the mail; received a white simple small mat from margie and 3 bamboo shoots from daisy mae
❁ dug up my daily fossils and money spot
❁ collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
❁ found and hit my daily money rock
❁ checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up 2 giant clams
❁ got a log wall-mounted clock diy from my daily diy bottle and threw it away
❁ talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a yellow-paint wall from midge and a squat toilet

from zell
❁ caught a flea off of margie
❁ delivered a package to sprinkle for zell and got a blue humble sweater in return
❁ caught some fishes, bugs and deep-sea creatures
❁ added a flea to my pile of critters that i’m saving to commission models of
❁ received 5 pumpkins from marty
❁ threw some stuff away
❁ crafted a stone table
❁ sold stuff at nook’s
❁ harvested my pear trees
❁ put some stuff into storage
❁ shot down 2 balloons and got a black water cooler and a green elegant hat
❁ checked the recycling bin
❁ collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
❁ commissioned a robust cicada model from flick
❁ checked the shops; bought candy, 10 pieces of yellow wrapping paper and a yellow spooky treats basket from nook’s
❁ completed some nook mile achievements