december 5th
made savoury bread
put some stuff into storage
checked the mail; received a letter from the HHA and a navy blue pleather shoulder bag from sprinkle
collected my daily weeds, tree branches, and rock materials
had a campsite visitor; checked to see who it was and it was tex!
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a blue bekasab robe from lolly and a black plain paperboy cap from frett
beau taught me how to make a salad-stuffed tomato and frett taught me how to make frosted pretzels!
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach
collected star fragments off the beach
got a bamboo flooring diy from my daily diy bottle and added it to my spare diys pile
watered my crops
found and hit my daily money rock
got a cup of coffee from the roost and a siphon from brewster!
dug up the gyroid fragment i buried yesterday; it turned into a blue bloopoid!
caught a sea bass and a common butterfly
delivered a package to beau for whitney and got a red fishing vest in return
shot down a balloon and got a warning floor sign
checked daisy mae’s turnip price
crafted a music stand
sold stuff to the twins and bought a black donut stool, fried rice, and medicine from them
bought cook’s coats (all variants) and python-print slacks (all variants) from able’s
ione was sick today, so i brought her some medicine and got her photo in return!! 
went on one of kapp’n’s mysterious tours and he took me to an island with pumpkins! i harvested them, dug up a gyroid fragment, and found a french fries recipe and learned it!
buried and watered the gyroid fragment i found on kapp’n’s island
gave agnes permission to start calling me ‘glitter’
checked the recycling bin; claimed 3 pieces of clay
collected my daily bonus nook miles
withdrew some bells from the ABD
checked nook shopping and ordered a blue yacht
went to harv’s island and got 2 acorns from cornimer
had katrina tell me my luck for the day; she told me my luck with money will improve
went to paradise planning and checked today’s bells to poki exchange rate and exchanged 88,200 bells for 29,988 poki, bought a silver artsy chair and a light brown wall planter and paid off the ranch kitchen i bought the other day, gathered up all the vines and glowing moss that grew back, found a dark bamboo rug diy to add to my spare diys pile, and learned how to make mushroom salad from my restaurant’s chef!
got an orange smoothie recipe from agnes and added it to my spare diys pile
customized ione’s photo and added it to my photo wall
completed some nook mile achievements