Fell WAAAAAY behind on posting

Sometimes ya just don't feel like doing anything, and then it all snowballs downhill...
I'll post in two halves so that y'all aren't drowned in a wave of hastily-written-down notes
• Isabelle warned us of the risk involved with buying art from shady sources; Redd was in town today. I was in luck today: I finally got my hands on a Mysterious Painting!
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll) and Pietro (chilling at home) but never once ran into Rhonda...
• Ended up arranging to have Kitty over tomorrow for a visit (here's hoping I remember).
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Mathilda was thinking about moving away, but I was able to change her mind.
• Got to buy some new stuff from the Able Sisters!
• Helped out Reese and Cyrus again (cute theme), got 16 heart crystals. Apparently, you get more for polishing things. Had fun with the design, to the point I was cackling due to the hilarity of the final product.
• Ended up not going to Paradise Planning today...
6/16 (very short day)
• Logged on super late, but managed to remember that Kitty wanted to visit. At the very least, she still seemed to enjoy herself.
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Broccolo the Mouse.
• Took the Mysterious Painting out of the mail and brought it to Blathers.
• Ran into Rhonda (out for a late-night stroll) but never saw Pietro...
• Thanks to Rhonda, I learned that C.J. was kn the island, so I brought him three sweetfish for a collectible.
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Helped out Reese and Cyrus again (chic theme), got 18 heart crystals. Did a quick build of a "dinner rehearsal", which Reese seemed to like.
6/17 (another short day, but shorter)
• Isabelle gave us advice on what to do should we find someone passed out on the beach; it turned out that Gullivarrr had washed ashore again. Luckily for me, this time I found the phone practically in the shallows near the western coastline.
• Took the sweetfish model out of the mail.
• Chatted with Rhonda (out for a stroll) but never ran into Pietro or Kitty.
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
<Record Not Available>
• Lost this day to the Renaissance Faire; by the time I got back (I was gone from 11am to 10pm), I was so tired that I practically passed out on the couch...
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 229,458 points, the same as last week. Also recieved a Pirate barrel in the mail from Gullivarrr.
• Chatted with Rhonda (wandering around the plaza), Kitty (hanging out at the campgrounds), and Pietro (out for a stroll).
• An announcement appeared on the bulletin board: this year's first Bug-Off is going to be happening this Saturday!
• Apparently, it must've rained yesterday: I dug up a Boomoid and a Tockoid.
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Helped Pietro apologize to Rex for a prank gone wrong by delivering an apology gift. Rex seemed overjoyed to get it (...it was a toilet-cleaning set).
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Ran into Celeste on the beach; she gave me instructions for making a flying saucer!
• Helped out Reese and Cyrus (garden theme), got 18 heart crystals. Did a set covered with vines and glowing moss, and it looked great in low light. Then I ordered some furniture from Cyrus to sell tomorrow.