Fell behind again

I also could've sworn I'd already posted my report for 7/2, but apparently not. Oops
• Isabelle happily announced that Slider was back in town; later, I attended the show, and he played K.K. Slider. (had to wait until a little while after the show to give Pashmina her present, since she was in attendance, but it still got delivered!)
• Took the olive flounder model out of the mail.
• Dug up all of the gyroids that had popped up over the last two days; retrieved a Spikenoid, a Bubbloid, a Babbloid, and a Petaloid!
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll), Pietro (making a wooden-knot wall) and Rhonda (attending Slider's show).
• Found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a dark-bamboo rug!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Got to buy some new things from the Able Sisters!
• Caught a scorpion that was lurking around Shop Isle. The fact that I was able to get my net out without being attached was what surprised me the most

• Visited Harv's island and customized a lot of items with Reese and Cyrus. Later enlisted Tortimer's help to access my storage, and then picked out and wrapped gifts to deliver tomorrow (also got to clean out some storage spacein the process).
• Briefly visited Paradise Planning; didn't get anything done, just checked out some custom designs.
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 229,458 points, the same as last week.
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Delivered the gifts!
• Chatted with Pietro (hanging out in Kitty's garden), Kitty (admiring the bug exhibit), and Rhonda (out for a stroll).
• Later caught a river fish for Pietro, after he asked me for help. He got a sweetfish.
• Am announcement for the upcoming Fishing Tourney has appeared on the bulletin board!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today, and Orville stopped by; and to my surprise, I found Daisy Mae at the counter! Between bites of her sable, she talked about how rain was good for turnips (sure enough, it had started raining when I left the museum).
• Briefly visited Paradise Planning, checked out some more custom designs, and did a little extra work on Sally's home to make it a little more cozy.
7/4 (Happy 4th, y'all!

• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Bud the Lion! (Oddly appropriate for today, if you were to ask me)
• Dug up an Aluminoid and a Laseroid that had popped up from yesterday's rain.
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Chatted with Pietro (chilling at home) but never ran into Kitty or Rhonda...
• Discovered Redd set up at the north beach. Ended up with a copy of the genuine Dynamic Painting (if anyone wants it, let me know)
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Found Resetti's brother, Don, at the counter today!
• Bought some wrapping paper at Nook's Cranny.
• Had an impromptu visit from Pashmina as I was organizing things at home, and she gave me an orange.
• Picked out and wrapped gifts to deliver tomorrow.
• Isabelle gave us advice on what to do should we find someone passed out on the beach; Gulliver had washed ashore again. It took a little while to find the parts (they did NOT cooperate with my searching), but still got it done.
• Delivered the gifts!
• Chatted with Rhonda (out for a stroll), Pietro (hanging out in Kitty's garden again), and Kitty (apparently on her way home from the Roost).
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Bought more wrapping paper from Nook's Cranny, then went home. Then I picked out and wrapped new gifts to deliver tomorrow.