18th July 2022
- I missed updating yesterday, oh well. Nothing big happened then and nothing big happened today.
- I got Drago’s photo.
- I’m really going to miss Drago. The more I think about it I’m not entirely sure if I want to replace him- then I look at my lineup and I really feel that would be better for it. I have enough zen/bamboo with Tammi and Zucker, I’d probably replace Lopez who I really don’t want to replace either. Drago doesn’t have really strong relationships with anyone else here, he’s kind of “been here” for a while.
- Bettina’s house is better with the TV on!
- I think when I properly redesign Tammi’s house I’ll add a bit of arts & crafts to it like a sewing kit, it’ll help get across the idea she made decorations, plus suits her fashion hobby.
- I visited a lot of random dream towns. One of them was pretty amazing to be honest, there are a lot of little things I can steal. I’m going to continue visiting random dreams.
- Tonight Wisp gave me the fence item, which I’ve seen around but didn’t know the name of. It’s a pretty cool item.
- Dormant Volcano finally appeared in the catalog, ordered it instantly.
- Ordered some more Nook Miles items like gazebos and pergolas, I think I mistakenly sold some of them before since I assumed they just cost bells.