Had a dream my fanily and I went back at my grandparent's house in New Orleans, but this time she was there with us. I'm honestly sad she didn't make it by the time we got down there.
Had a dream a few days ago that I was married to Dave Mustaine. Nothing weird happened, though. We went for a car ride and there was absolutely nothing else to the dream, lol.
Had a dream a few days ago that I was married to Dave Mustaine. Nothing weird happened, though. We went for a car ride and there was absolutely nothing else to the dream, lol.
I had a really weird dream that TBT was a real physical location that we would show up in. It was just a very rundown house that was mostly the framework. And Jeremy was trying to get us to buy time shares.
The other night I had a dream I was cuddling in front of the TV with my fictional crush and it felt really real, he pulled my back in so I was closer to his chest. It was nice.
I know it’s not that exciting, but it made me feel a lot better.
I had this weird dream where I became famous within the #prestwt community for posting ms paint comics of politicians. I would post these comics on twitter, as well as bluesky.
Today I dreamed that someone tossed a bunch of Pokémon cards away and I managed to fish out some rare ones in the bin, including a cute holographic full-art card of Ogerpon wearing a hat. If only...
Flying in a plane but it was basically just a flying seat and my stuff kept falling out of it. Also it was taking off on my street and we didn’t get very far.
I dreamt i found a rosy maple moth in the backyard and it landed on my nose! Well, it looked a bit different, but it still had that unmistakable cute fluffy face!
I dreamt that my neighbors had a black cat. It had the body type of a siamese cat. Apparently he was a very anxious cat but he came up to me and rubbed his head against my hand without issue. He was also a very messy eater ; there was cat food everywhere! (':
I dreamt that there was in some kind of Smash Bros like tournament, and let me tell you, the matchups were downright bizarre. There was 22 fighters who signed up to participate (me included), and the winner got $1,000,000. Sadly, I have no idea who won the tournament, since this dream was short. I do remember seeing all the round 1 winners on the tournament chart, tho. Maybe I'll see who the winner is when I go to sleep. All I can remember from the dream are the winners of round 1.
OJ Simpson VS Bill Cipher (won)
Queen Elizabeth (won) VS The Onceler
Wolfychu (won) VS Pac-Man
Pikachu (won) VS Dick Cheney
JaidenAnimations (won) VS The Jack the Box mascot
TheOdds1Out VS Shrek (won)
Waluigi VS Pomni (won)
Me (won) VS Hatsune Miku
Lois Griffin (won) VS The Red M&M
Heavy (TF2) VS Alastor (won)
Isabelle (won) VS Almond Cookie
I dreamed that it was the end of a semester and everything was out of control - final exams I hadn't studied for that I was taking, papers and other work that I hadn't completed, etc.
This is a recurring dream for me and it is quite stressful. D: I don't know why I keep having it. Ugh.
I had the weirdest dream before waking up that some others and I were in a Noah's Ark-like movie, and ended up washing up on an island. Only three other people and myself survived, and I had to ride a basketball goal of all things in order to make it to the island. Imagine riding a basketball goal through the ocean, LOL.
I was at some school finishing some test or activity or something and it was taking me forever and the sun was going down and people were leaving and it was embarassing and awful. I went into some different rooms and one had like two other students and a skunk got in so i hightailed it out of there
I had a dream last night where I had to wake up for something at 7am (just like I did in real life) but I accidentally stayed up until 6:30 talking to one of my friends on Discord. I think there was something involving a Pokemon fangame, weird crap about politicians and an old computer too? idk
I was walking down my childhood road and somebody I know sent me a photo of her cat. Then I passed by a serial killer who was putting a body into a bin. Then I realized 'I've been through much worse. Why would I be scared of a serial killer"? Continuing down the road, I see my childhood home that was completely demolished has been built back nearly. Then I really wanted a root beer and I was remembering a brand from childhood that I loved.
Then I woke up and have been trying to remember that root beer brand.
I had a dream that I played Cyndi Lauper on the Snatch Game and I started singing and hitting the high notes until I started coughing and said, “Sorry it’s my psoriasis”. Ru lost it