I had a bizarre nightmare recently.
So, I woke-up to my alarm, then fell back to sleep. But in my dream I started my usual morning routine.
There was something wrong with my cats automatic feeder, and as I was fixing it it started dispensing what looked like Chinese takeout. Vegetables in curry sauce. So I put the boys in another room so I could deal with it.
I took the automatic feeder, went into the kitchen, set it down on the counter, and looked out the window. Now, my kitchen doesn't have a window in the walls - only a skylight. But in the dream there was a window behind my kitchen sink. It overlooked a garden that led to a beach. Minitature creatures were running around in it. I thought I saw a tiny ape! But then I realised it was a shiny Pansear, and apparently decided this was unimportant.
I turned around to deal with the feeder, but it was suddenly clean. Some other things had also been unusual during this time, items misplaced, but I don't recall those details. As I'm looking at the now clean feeder I think, "it can't be ghosts."
Next thing I know I'm being thrown on the floor. There is no one there. I take out my phone and call my partner, and it is thrown out my hands and skids across the floor. I'm punched in the throat. I try to scream, but nothing. My vision goes black, and as I come to I see a phantom that looks like my partner. But, more regal. Then she screeches at me.
Then I wake-up on the couch, facing the back of it. I start thinking "oh did I doze off watching TV". Then her face forms in the fabric of the couch, like she is inside of it, and starts reaching out towards me. This process repeats several times, where I wake-up and thinking I'm really awake, then it turns out I'm not.
Then I finally wake-up for real, check my phone, and I'm 30 minutes late to get up for work.