What did you dream about?

I had a dream Pokemon heart gold and soul silver were remade and they added a poke star studios feature. The announcement trailer said people who owned the original games could get a discount. Now I’m bummed it’s not real…
lol imagine if someone orders HG/SS for $235 so they don't have to pay $60 for the new game.

I had a dream that I was telling this shapeshifting cashier at a gas station or something similar about a dream about a mud-related disaster.
I was eating at Wendy’s with Gisele Lullaby. (My QUEEN…I feel like she is ignored by the Drag Race fandom. I need her back for another All Winners lol.)
In my dream Pocket Camp wasn't discontinued, and they had a Valentine's Day event going on where you could collect "live roses." Sometimes a plant would appear in your campsite, and when you selected the plant you had to play a whack-a-mole minigame where you had to tap your desired person three times to be able to send "live roses" to them. Up to three people can get roses from you.

I remember wanting to send roses to my partner (who doesn't play Pocket Camp in reality but does in my dream), but I couldn't do that because the minigame was rigged. T^T The three people I got turned out to be lanky characters I didn't care much about, and I was directed to a dueling minigame starring the lanky characters.
I had a few dreams last night, but I only remembered one. I was in an animated music video. Apparently it was for a Slipknot song, but it didn't sound like any existing Slipknot track. Anyway, the animation was about a girl (who was my roommate in the video) who was scared of sharp objects with reflections, because she thought it was monsters. My objective was to take away every mirror, knife, etc. in the apartment so the girl could sleep at night. Time-skip to seven years later, and I meet up with the animator again. We start discussing a redesign for her OC, because it was 'pretty bad' in her eyes. For reference, it looked like Lammy (from PaRappa and Um Jammer Lammy) dressed in Dora the Explorer's clothes. 😭 I think I woke up at that point, so I never got to see the redesigned OC.
I wish I could remember all my dreams so I can write about them on this thread, but I always forget. I actually remembered one for once

I was working at this pancake factory, but for some reason, we weren’t using batter—we were making pancakes out of clouds. My boss was a very serious penguin in a little bowtie, pacing around and shouting, "Fluffier! They need to be fluffier!" I was doing my best, but every time I flipped a pancake, it would float away like a helium balloon. Just as I finally managed to get one right, a marching band of squirrels stormed into the factory, playing Eye of the Tiger on tiny instruments.
I dreamed I walked into my kitchen, and I walked past my kitten Seb lying on the floor playing with a ball. I continued to the sink and didn't question that he was now sat in the kitchen sink lapping at the water. In real life I'd pick him up and tell him no we don't play in the sink, but dream-me just filled the kettle and turned around. But he was still playing on the floor.

Then terror hit me, as I realised what I just saw was a full sink and he was sat on the base of it. I turn back around and he is fully submerged and no longer moving. I pick him up and he's not breathing. I place him on the ground, and the other Seb already there has lost consciousness. I very hesitantly try to perform CPR on the one rescued from the sink, as I've no clue how much pressure you can use on a kitten, and the version of him who was initially playing on the floor spits up water. I woke-up before finding out if I saved either of them.

Why does my brain torture me with bad dreams about my baby boy.
There was a scarlet ibis reserve in the next town over and they would wander into the nearby neighborhoods too. I think they came up to me and started trying to peck the crap out of me or something.
I kept seeing a gigantic deer outside, like one as tall as the trees. Only I could see it, and no one believed me when I told them about it. I did some research and it was a prehistoric deer (?) that went extinct a long ago.

When I woke up, I looked up prehistoric deer and apparently the Irish elk was 7 feet tall. I was onto something….
I dreamt that an event caused Earth to become mostly sea. A few cities turned into islands, but everyone else had to deal with living underwater. There was also this Loch Ness type of monster that would eat humans.

In my dream, I was making my way back to my underwater home, when that monster chased me until I made it to one of the floating islands. By chance, my dad was on that island as well. He told me that he was going on a trip.I tried to convince him not to go but didn’t succeed.
I had a dream very recently that me and my family went to Japan! I took my brothers and I to McDonalds, and I got to try their shrimp filet burger/sandwich. I remember it tasting VERY freaking good. I wanna go to Japan now just to try it T^T I love shrimp so much, so I'd assume the shrimp filet sandwich would be super tasty..
I remember this one dream I had where Al Gore and Princess Peach were dating. The dream ended in the two getting married, thus making Al Gore the prince of the mushroom kingdom.
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this was from a few days ago:

that i was driving somewhere and my grandma was with me. all of a sudden we get stopped by this blonde lady claiming that she was my preschool’s school nurse and she remembered me from 13+ years ago. she looked vaguely familiar and dream me just went with it, i don’t know anybody like that in real life.

theory of what might’ve brought on this dream: a year ago i was out with my mom and a lady stopped to say that her son went to kindergarten with me. i’m not sure how she recognized us.
I had a dream that took place a long time ago. There was a Black girl who worked as a servant for this white lady (post-slavery, based on clothing). The lady was mean to the girl, who always carried around a doll. It was a pretty china doll.

When the girl walked away, the doll looked over her shoulder and hissed something threatening to the woman. (Forgot what it was) The woman got scared and started being nicer to the girl. The doll still scowled at her, though, so she would always run out of the room.
Matsuko Deluxe was on Delta Work’s podcast. (If you don’t know, they’re both popular, opinionated drag queens. Matsuko is Japanese and Idk if she knows English, but she did in the dream.)
I had a bizarre nightmare recently.

So, I woke-up to my alarm, then fell back to sleep. But in my dream I started my usual morning routine.

There was something wrong with my cats automatic feeder, and as I was fixing it it started dispensing what looked like Chinese takeout. Vegetables in curry sauce. So I put the boys in another room so I could deal with it.

I took the automatic feeder, went into the kitchen, set it down on the counter, and looked out the window. Now, my kitchen doesn't have a window in the walls - only a skylight. But in the dream there was a window behind my kitchen sink. It overlooked a garden that led to a beach. Minitature creatures were running around in it. I thought I saw a tiny ape! But then I realised it was a shiny Pansear, and apparently decided this was unimportant.

I turned around to deal with the feeder, but it was suddenly clean. Some other things had also been unusual during this time, items misplaced, but I don't recall those details. As I'm looking at the now clean feeder I think, "it can't be ghosts."

Next thing I know I'm being thrown on the floor. There is no one there. I take out my phone and call my partner, and it is thrown out my hands and skids across the floor. I'm punched in the throat. I try to scream, but nothing. My vision goes black, and as I come to I see a phantom that looks like my partner. But, more regal. Then she screeches at me.

Then I wake-up on the couch, facing the back of it. I start thinking "oh did I doze off watching TV". Then her face forms in the fabric of the couch, like she is inside of it, and starts reaching out towards me. This process repeats several times, where I wake-up and thinking I'm really awake, then it turns out I'm not.

Then I finally wake-up for real, check my phone, and I'm 30 minutes late to get up for work. 🙃
A school project?, fashion, and a big store in South Africa that may have morphed into an airport. It made very little sense, except for maybe the part where we were supposed to interpret the meaning of something and the true meaning was that there was no meaning. So TLDR the only part that made sense was the part about not making sense. If that makes sense!
First dream I had was of a spirit haunting or possessing me. Very freaky! Later on, when I went back to sleep, I dreamt I was making out w/ someone...like wth?! I'm AroAce, damn it! xD