What did you dream about?

I don't quite remember but... I know that there's one of my cats in the dream, and that's pretty much everything I recall.
I dreamt that I was playing the piano with lilsimsie (big sims streamer/youtuber) and on the page of the song there were super heros and villains. As I was playing, they started battling and everytime I messed up the villains would do really good. When I finished the song the super heroes won, but I didn't play the song fast enough so the person they were trying to rescue died. They like disintegrated/crumbled into ash or something?? It was a very interesting dream..
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I had the weirdest dream that was basically like a barely linear movie complete with one (1) musical number

So it started with my family going on a vacation to Hawaii. My mom booked a really cheap hotel to save us money but we got there to find that the "hotel" was basically a poor shelter. There were birds and mice everywhere and while each family had their own room, there was one giant bedroom/bathroom shared by everyone. (What was the point of having your own room then? Don't ask me, it was literally an empty room with a closet). And there was very limited food. There was a scene where we were trying to get food from the only food store and it was yikes, everyone was fighting and the food was pretty gross anyways.

At this point, somehow a bunch of other people I knew (my boss and some of my co-workers and friends) were also staying in this "hotel" for unexplained reasons. I went to "work" in my bosses' room with my co-workers, and we discovered we only had access to one laptop. My boss said my work is the most important so I'd better get on it. Then (instead of working?) I went to my friend's room and he showed me that, in his closet, he had found a pull-out cot. This meant that he was the only person in the "hotel" that actually had their own bed. Cue the two of us breaking into a musical number about the wonders of finding a bed in your closet. I don't remember how the song went at all, I just know we were singing and dancing.

Then things took a dark turn. Me and a couple of my friends went on a "tour of the island" bus (because we were still trying to enjoy our vacation I guess?) and on the bus there was a gang fight. It ended with a guy literally blasting fire out of a fire-blaster all over the bus. So, my friends and I jumped out the back exit and started running. People from the gang chased us for what felt like half an hour, but in the end we were caught by government workers. The government workers said we would need to be put in temporary foster homes (???) for unexplained reasons. (The foster homes, by the way, were literally just empty rooms in the "hotel" where like 6 kids [even though I'm technically an adult??] lived under the supervision of an adult).

I put up a big fuss about how I wanted to go back to my mom and tried to run away from the foster home. Cue another chase and I got caught and put in A DIFFERENT foster home, but in this one I was separated from my friends. Bad move, me. I finally accepted this foster home although I kept sneaking out to try to visit my friends and family, which resulted them putting me under tighter security and rules.
I had a dream about the Flash from the CW show. He had a sister and I was basically following her throughout the dream as an omniscient third person. Nobody knew she existed until they were all adults and then she came to live with them. During the dream, she went to take a shower and the tiles in the bathroom were initially black and red and featured demon faces, but as she started showering, they changed to blue and white with renaissance style cherubs on them. After her shower, she was kidnapped by an enemy. As she was being put in a car, I was woken up so I don't know what would have happened next.
I dreamed that one of our cats, Pysen, disappeared. I went and looked for him and stumpled upon a small town in the woods. It was filled with cats and only cats. I think it was a town where all lost cats end up. I found Pysen and my old cat Ragnar (rip) there. It was a sad and happy dream at the same time. <3
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I remember three dreams from last night/this morning because I kept waking up. The first dream was really simple and realistic. I was negotiating with two different members on TBT to buy two collectibles that I want. I wasn't surprised I had this dream because I've been building up TBT to buy these collectibles and hope to post for them soon. When I fell asleep last night, I was thinking about the best way to incorporate them in a line-up.

The second dream was also very realistic and it was about my family. A few years ago, I had a bit of a falling out with them because they helped my brother get a dog. He had a dog once before and neglected her. She lived a terrible life and died young (she was only 8 and possibly could have lived twice that long), but because my parents took care of her basic needs, there was nothing I could do. Two years ago, they helped him get another dog and, even though I'm in the same situation where I can't legally do anything about it, this time I spoke up and told everyone, including my brother why he should never be allowed to own another animal. We're still on speaking terms, but barely. So in my dream, my parents helped my brother get yet another dog in addition to the one he currently has and I told them I couldn't be part of the family anymore. It was painful and heart-wrenching but I could not sit back and watch them continue to allow animals to suffer just because my brother thought they would make him happy (not that they ever do). So in my dream, I permanently ended my relationship with my family.

My third dream was a little cooler. I was hanging out with some people who I assume were my friends, even though I'd never seen any of them before. We were at a nice house in the woods and there was a river behind it absolutely filled with sharks. There was some Australian outback guy in the water, petting the sharks. Everyone else was too afraid to join him, but I didn't hesitate. I jumped in the water and started petting all the sharks as they swam past me...hammerheads and great whites and all different kinds. Later, we were sitting in the house, talking about what had just happened. There was a very pretty girl sitting beside me who thought I was brave and was flirting with me. I wanted to see where that would lead but then I woke up.
Girl... I just had thei weirdest dream ever. But it was amazing though!!!

The first thing I remember was that I was in my elementary school's playground and that I was at the age I was now, it didn't change much but they re-did the markings on the ground for the children to play. They also added one or two benches. But the lower level of the playground didn't change at all and I saw some children playing balloon games.
I was talking with someone I despise from my class and someone I don't remember. And after that an animator came and asked us if we wanted to play a game or not. I think we said maybe but I wasn't that enthralled about it. After that my alarm rang and I snoozed it so I had time to do another dream I think.

I was on a very high and small moutain peak (not really the peak but quite a bit) and we were here to do some canyoning. I was with Go Won from the group LOONA (literally the second dream which involves LOONA in my whole life for the like... 2-3 days, the previous one involved a weird fan-meeting in a middle age decor with Chuu ???) so Go Won and Jinsoul, another Loona member (if I remember correctly) were on that montain and Go Won knew the way, I didn't and Jinsoul was scared.
The moutain was weird, it was made of rocks but with a lot of very flat rocks too, so Go Won sat on the little water way (it was very narrow and I was sos cared fhkdjls), Jinsoul and me sat too, Jinsoul behind me and Go Won in front of me, leading the way.
To go up here I think we were doing it very carefully but here Go Won just let herself slide (we were very near the edge it was scary and the way was SO zigzag-ish.
So we followed Go Won, turning around and then there was just no way to continue but we kept sliding and I saw Go Won go through the SMALLEST hole (I hate very small or enclosed spaces as I'm claustrophobic) so I followed her somehow and she told be to be careful not to get stuck between the rocks which I didn't, and then for some reason we were in Mario Kart and I was Wario driving on a road that looked like the grid road from the beta Mario Kart DS tracks. Then we went underwater and I was just Wario in a bubble "driving" through the water. Then we went out and you know the Mario Kart cars which can flatten you or strike you, well instead of those we were facing snow groomers. I think I saw someone get hit by it (I don't remember Go Won and Jinsoul still being there) and getting KILLED by it???? so I just made my way through them and say that they couldn't go out of the electromagnetic fields they were in, but when we passed in front of them they tried to strike us and go in our direction to kill us.

Then I woke up hhhh that was very weird but interestingly enough I quite remember pretty much everything! So I'm happy because most of the time I just forget more than 90% of my dreams hhhh
I had a dream the other night where everyone at my university and myself got abducted by aliens, and all the aliens did was question my classmates about myself and my habits before letting us all go... lmao
Lately my dreams have dark rooms and fog... That's all I can remember from my dream last night :/

Uh, think I need to look this up.
I only remember bits and pieces of my dream last night. At one point, I know there was a man that resembled my husband (might have been him but it's all fuzzy now) and I loved him. He was planning to go somewhere alone and I was trying to convince him that I could come with him, that he didn't need to do whatever he was doing by himself.

Later in the dream, I was driving past a bunch of large, fancy houses. The first houses were all lit up like there was a party going on inside or something, but the further I went down the road, which also took me down a hill, the darker the houses got until they were all pitch black and you could barely see them in the darkness. There was something ominous about the steady downhill drop and the growing darkness.
I dreamed a lot of different things but the one that stands out to me is biting into an apple and it was leathery and mushy
I dreamed that I was in a very tall commercial building. Lots of shops and offices inside. I went into an elevator and specifically wanted the 5th floor. I guess it malfunctioned because it didn't stop at the 5th floor. In fact it kept going even after 100 floors. I was astonished, since I didn't even know this building had 100 floors.

I have no idea what happened in between this point, but suddenly I was flying over Tehran, Iran. Or at least what my mind imagined the city to look like because I have never even been to Iran. No idea why it was that city in particular, but I just knew that's where I was. Was I in Tehran the whole dream, or did the elevator launch me across continents? Honestly have no idea. I woke up shortly after.
I had a dream me and my family went on our annual trip to Tennessee, and we had to stop somewhere in Nashville. I can't remember where (it doesn't help I've never been to Nashville), but I do remember it had some kind of waiting room. I'm sitting in this waiting room, and there's a few other people in it, most notably a very cute girl who walks up to me and notices my Danganronpa t-shirt and she says, "Hey, nice shirt. I like Danganronpa". I tell her, "Thanks, I'm a fan as well". We then proceed to have a nice conversation about Danganronpa and various other anime and Japanese video games. On her phone, she shows me a bunch of anime merchandise she's collected, as well as a bunch of Japanese candies and sodas she currently has as well. At the end, she asks for my phone number, and we exchange phone numbers. She leaves and I can't remember what happens after that, because I woke up shortly after that.
Last night I dreamed that I was somehow locked/stuck in an IKEA store. No one else was there, just me. I remember I was moving furniture around and feeling like I was in Animal Crossing. lol
I had another dream last night about goblins. I was an archer and I was trying to protect a town from an onslaught of goblins that were coming up from a cellar in one particular building. It was some sort of storage building with a bunch of doors lined up along one wall. I kept going down the line, opening doors and shooting arrows to keep the goblin horde at bay. I was pretty good, too. With one arrow, I was able to plow through multiple goblins and create a pile of bodies at each door.

Eventually, I made my way all the way down that side of the building. Around the corner, there was a drain pipe and I climbed it to get to the roof for a better advantage. Halfway up, I kicked the bottom half of the pipe loose so the goblins couldn't follow me up onto the roof.

That was when I woke up, so unfortunately I don't really know how it would have ended.
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Last night I dreamed that I was somehow locked/stuck in an IKEA store. No one else was there, just me. I remember I was moving furniture around and feeling like I was in Animal Crossing. lol

Yes, it’s not enough to just play Animal Crossing. Now you have to play Animal Crossing IRL. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I had a dream last night, but I don’t remember what it was about. Something about me being strapped down by aliens again and being asked questions about myself. :confused: