What did you dream about?

I had a dream last night that I was in some weird place, in a weird building, with weird rooms,
absolutely no idea what was going on. Saw people which I didn't know at all... Yeah, I have
often dreams which are really confusing and which I also easy forget most of the time after
I woke up.
Had a dream that my whole family, mom, dad and sister when to the grocery store. But my dad and I were really mad at my mom and sister for whatever reason so we got in the car and left them there to walk back home. Cut to my sister and I home alone in the living room. People in black cars and vans start pulling up to the house (like right damn near our patio). My sister and I start freaking out and go hide in my room, sitting on the bed trying to duck because there is a window right next to my bed.
I don't remember and I'm very sad about it D:
Thinking about my english teacher made me remember that she was in my dream but I still don't remember anything about it other than that.
I just know that when I woke up I was very ill-at-ease... like lfdksm it was a horrible feeling so I just stopped thinking about what I might have dreamt of.
I dreamt that me and my roommate had recently moved, I forget where. Anyway, we were sitting in our new apartment (it was rather spacious, by the way) and after using the TV for a bit, me and my roommate had decided to run to the store. I say that I'll go with him, so he goes outside and decides to wait in the car. So I end up going into my bedroom to get my shoes and socks, and for some reason, there's a ton of dogs in the bedroom. Like, the room is swarming with dogs, big and small. Our cats were in there, too (it must've been scary for them). Anyway, I keep looking in the room, even under dogs, but for some reason I can't seem to locate my shoes. I end up having to look all over the house for them, and I'm pretty sure what felt like an hour had past before I woke up. I never did find the shoes, but I did find a ton of dogs.
Last night I dreamt that I was out at some fancy boutique shopping with my grandmother who passed away several years ago. Shopping really isn't my thing and we were waiting for my mom, so when I saw my mom walk past and keep going, I chased after her. The next thing I knew, I was in a basement. My mom had been captured by this creepy looking guy who was making her paint scenes of Joan of Arc for him. My husband was there, too, and for some reason I was dressed in a stained but very fancy ballgown. The dress was pewter-colored with pearls and diamonds all over the bodice. I was trying to figure out how we were going to rescue my mom and escape when my mom somehow released a catapult, causing a huge distraction. Then, I woke up.
Last night I was in an area that I have dreamt about before. It's kind of difficult to even describe, which is what makes it so interesting to explore, but I'll do my best. From what I know right now, it is a massive buoyant structure which floats on a huge river (probably more like a lake but the water moves in one direction). It is about the size of a skyscraper. When I was able to look outside, I actually noticed I had been to that area in a previous dream. Inside, it was a veritable city of activity. It sort of resembled a hotel lobby in appearance. Very fancy looking aesthetic. Red is the most dominant color in this area. When you start going further inside, you may either go further up or down the building. I've gone to both in different dreams.

Going up, you reach something that resembles a massive children's play structure. Kind of like the ones you see in McDonald's restaurants, except it's the size of a skyscraper. It is made of very colorful plastic materials. This thing is still inside the massive building I was talking about earlier. The room this structure is located in a circular room, the size of which dwarfs even the massive structure. This place is a very blue color, though some greens and purples are also common. Overall a very cheerful area which is quite pleasant to be in.

When you go down in this building, you reach a seemingly endless complex of hallways. These hallways vary in condition the deeper you go. They start out very clean, the kind you would expect to see in a hospital. It's very brightly lit, though not very colorful. As you do deeper, the halls start to look more dilapidated. The lighting becomes much darker and the dominant color is a dark grey. The hallways also begin to look like they have been flooded. Puddles on the ground where there really shouldn't be any. There is absolutely nothing except you in these hallways, yet you still feel a great sense of unease. Despite this, you cannot resist the urge to explore more. There is something in this area which is unknown, and whatever it is, that must be uncovered.

Not sure how well I described this place but just found it interesting to think about. The contrast between this place's upper and lower levels are fascinating and I can only hope to explore more of this area in the future.
I had a dream last night where I had to take not one, but two final exams for one of my classes. For some reason, the second final exam involved holding a candle while taking the exam at the same time, and if the candle went out before you’re finished, you fail the exam and die as well.
Had a dream last night where I was trying to write 'Miles Morales' on a piece of paper, right in front of Miles Morales. I messed up the spelling, and my hand was so shaky. I literally don't know what is up with writing in dreams xD​
Last night I dreamt my mom took me to the gas station to get Ice cream and cake and one of the guys working there got fired because he wouldn't dry his hands off on a paper towel. Then on the drive home my aunt ran over a cat in our driveway but it was ok. Then she ran over it again but it was still fine
dont remember too much about what happened in it beforehand, something about sneaking into a skinwalker's home but after that i became lucid but i couldnt escape for what felt like forever while my sister taunted me. i tried jumping out of a window (which is what i usually do to end dreams) but this time it didnt work and i was stuck in a black void of nothingness left to think about whatever scary thing that would pop up in my head. genuinely thought i was dead and this is what happens to people
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I don't remember most now, only the fact that it was post apocalyptic, and I was in a fancy Victorian style dress. And alone at some point :/
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I don't remember much, but I know I had a nightmare last night. I vaguely recollect being chased by multiple people and one of them looked like Jack from Animal Crossing, only in real life. He had the purple robe on and a pumpkin head. That's all I can remember, but I woke up startled and then fell back asleep.
I had a nightmare a couple nights ago where I was in the bathroom and a black widow spider appeared. I got cornered and it jumped on me and bit me, and I was slowly poisoned and died.
I had a lengthy, vivid dream last night that felt like real life. It started off at work and I was in a training session with a bunch of people I used to work with who have since moved on to other jobs. After the training session, we all went out for a drink. Like most social functions, I ended up sort of hanging out by myself while everyone else did their own thing. I was sitting at the bar and for some reason my dad was there, sitting beside me.

A guy with a man bun and a poofy shirt came up behind me and I heard him say it was time for him to be a hero before he tried to put his arm around me. I elbowed him in the gut and he went away.

Then, some other creepy guy came and sat down beside me. He tried to hit on me for a while but I wasn't interested. He wasn't taking the hint so when he reached out to put his arm around me, I grabbed his fingers and bent them backwards far enough to hurt. He ran as soon as I let go.

At this point, I made sure to tell my dad that I could take care of myself. He agreed and disappeared.

Finally, a red-headed guy in an old-school British rock t-shirt came up and asked if he could buy me a drink. At first I said no, but since didn't act creepy like the other guys and turned to go, I changed my mind and called him back. He seemed kind of cool anyway.

Then, I woke up.
I had a dream the other night that another Black Clover episode aired, and it was an episode that I had never seen before. I went online in my dream and looked if it was on the wiki, but it wasn’t there... lmao
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I dreamt that oneyplays downloaded a torrent to access space and he opened the panel behind his mirror to reveal a golden urn and he said "I'll open this later" and the furniture around the mirror spelled out '**** the military'
A few nights ago, I was dreaming that I bought some plants along with a bucket. I was in a huge garden that time. When I opened up the bucket, a crocodile came out and I ran for my life. I then shouted out to someone calling animal control and for some reason, my sister was with me. She was screaming while I was running away in fear. I kept looking back and I was being chased into a subway station. Once I was in there, the crocodile was getting closer and closer and out of nowhere, I pulled out a handgun and shot the crocodile in the head. That last part was made possible by my consciousness as I knew that I can somewhat control my dreams.
I had a dream I straight up called my dad a schmuck and really pissed him off. Don’t get any wrong ideas, my father and I don’t have a bad relationship. It’s just that he’s been running his mouth and it’s been really getting on my nerves more and more. It’s not like he’d ever let me tell him how I feel because everytime I say what’s on my mind everyone in my house just gives me backlash.
I dreamed I was eating yogurt that had been left out of the fridge for hours. It was warm and runny and tasted like garbage but I kept eating it anyways. I dream a lot about eating gross food lately.
Took a nap today and dreamt that the new ac trailer was out and all the buildings were huge and In proportion to the character and you could make yourself dummy thick and then I preordered it on gamestop