What did you dream about?

I've had some dreams recently, which I'm happy about, I was a bit sad I woke up not having one in a while.

This dream, I found a lost dog on the road near my house. He had his collar on still, seemed to be like a black Laborder, but his face was a little different; can't really say how though.
I brought the dog in my house so it wasn't scared and looked at the collar he had on with his details on the back of it. Lucky there was a number.
I dialled the number, then accidentally pressed the wrong number so had to start again. I remember looking out the window as it starting ringing and a woman's voice was heard from the other side.
In real life, I rarely talk on phones and I really hate it, so I find myself a lil shy while talking on the phone, which is how I felt while in the dream so I stumbled on my words but was able to tell her I found her dog. I let her know the location and she arrived quite quickly.
The woman who arrived was very old and even had two more big dogs on leads as she came up into my house with them to get her other dog. I don't think a lot of my cats liked this, except one who seems to be copying how the dog was breathing, you know that really ragged breathing they do after running or playing!
I dreamt that I was in my old school, and that I was just hanging out with my old crush and that he really liked me and stuff. then I had to go home as my mom was waiting for me, and she told me off for being late and not saying anything about it? then after that I was back messaging my old best friend (who I dropped for talking behind my back and generally being really toxic) and that I forgave her and we were messaging like normal again, despite how much she has changed in reality. I remember feeling super happy. was pretty sad when I woke up... how depressing!!!
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Had another dream~!
Well this one was a few days ago, but I have quite a few dreams ages ago that might be interesting. Onto this one though:

I was hosting a party at my house, the typical party for young adults. I dunno why I decided to do this, but there were a group of females, the snobbish kind, and I'm guessing it was them who made me.
I remember looking outside to see a sort of vehicle with I guess a whole group of women celebrating something, a hen night I guess. The driver had stepped out for a bit, I think he was exhausted, but then the women drove the car away with the driver running after them.

Then another girl was either knocking or ringing my door, but the other girls had not wanted her to come to the party, didn't like her and she seemed obvious of this fact. I was kinda at a loss but I opened the door for her. Her fashion was absurd. For party clothing is was absurd, I don't remember it well but it clashed awfully with everything she wore (not trying to be a Gracie, but her clothing sense was random).

Then another time in the dream the police were at the door, I'd thought they were here due to the noise, but instead, it was because of my ex, and supposedly at this moment in time (despite it seeming to be midnight), it was my turn to look after our baby. I was given the baby and they left, which is awkward for me as I had a toddler (That I guess is both ours as well) too and now having to look after a baby. I seemed to like the toddler more than my baby interestingly.
I think after the baby came, the women weren't interested and left, the other girl who they didn't like stayed and I guess she helped a bit.
And I guess there was cake at this party as she gave the wrong slice of cake to the baby, as the cake had animals on and she gave him one with an elephant and he doesn't like elephants, which is weird he cried about that when it was either him or his toddler bro who was wearing elephant clothing.

I don't have any kids at the moment, so I dunno if this really means anything at all~!
I dreamed I was eating yogurt that had been left out of the fridge for hours. It was warm and runny and tasted like garbage but I kept eating it anyways. I dream a lot about eating gross food lately.

This was a prophetic dream sent to me by my future self from an alternate reality or something. I almost left the yogurt out of the fridge by accident, then I remembered the dream and put it away. I am a seer apparently
Last night I dreamed that a man had a special hammer but another man stole it and he tried to get it back
The owner of the hammer was then arrested for assault and theft even though he was innocent and the real theif kept the special hammer forever
Then a kid asked if he ever got his hammer back but the reader of a story said "no"

Lol funny dream
I am sure everyone’s had a dream that kinda absorbed the real life sound around them. Just this morning I dreamt my brothers and I were in our car and this annoying beeping sound came out of nowhere and wouldn’t stop. Apparently my sister hid something and gave us clues to what it was and where to find it and we had to find it to find it in order to stop the noise. After my brother found the third clue and we figured out what it was... I woke up and found out my alarm was going off for three minutes straight. XD
I'm getting married soon and I recently had a super vivid dream that we forgot we were already getting married tomorrow and had to rush to get everything done. We couldn't do half the things we still wanted to get done just because there was no more time, and for some reason we had mixed up weeks or something. Needless to say this was such a stressful dream & I actually had to check the date when I woke up :')
I dreamed that I made a tray of brownies and set them down to cool in the floor of the living room. (bc logic) Then my cat decided to lay down on top of them. I thought about not telling anybody and just picking out the hairs but eventually my conscious caught up with me. so then I tried to cut off the top layer that she had laid down on, but as I cut it off she jumped on the counter and started eating them! I got mad and started yelling at her, then I woke up
I had a dream last night that I lived in an area where it was mostly water, river and lake systems and we had to travel everywhere by boat or swimming. In my dream I was traveling around with my friends to different places and swimming half the time. In my dream, I was also pregnant and so was a friend of mine, and we both had to swim everywhere with a giant pregnant belly. It was a really weird dream :eek:
I had a dream the other night where I was in a dollhouse along with everyone from the TADA Discord server, and Excalibur and Krefails were traitors and began attacking us and picking us off one by one. Everyone was in a different room of the dollhouse, and when the person was taken out, the room’s light went off. I just remember being very confused and uncomfortable about all of it. Lmao
Dreamt my cat ate an entire plastic bag then threw it up. Then I dreamt I ate my own **** so that sucked
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I had 2 dreams last night.

One where I was rostered on for work early in the morning, but I slept through my alarms and turned up two hours late. My manager was so mad that she didn't even want to talk to me, same with my 2IC and 3IC, and almost everyone else. I tried to talk and apologise to my manager about the situation, but she kept on ignoring me. So I ended up having a panic attack in my dream and just wanted to go home lol

The second one was kinda similar, except that I slept through my alarms set to wake up in time for my morning exam tomorrow. I slept through the morning and woke up and went to work. Then I got halfway through my shift and realised that I forgot about my exam in the morning. I was trying to think of excuses so I could get special consideration for my grades and panicking.

So ya, probably not going to sleep tonight as I'm going to be terrified of not waking up for my exam or work tomorrow :')
I had a dream where I was in a video game with a bunch of other people, and if you die there you die IRL. Well, everyone joined factions and I had an SO and some friends in my dream who joined the most underrated faction, the Bumbly Bees. We started the game and went down a gondola that was over a steaming hot chocolate river and went downwards. If you fell in the river, you would die. As we were going down, a police officer in the video game began firing at us and one of our teammates began firing back. Our teammate hit the guy and then jumped onto the gondola he was on and disabled his arms and legs so he couldn’t move. The teammate of ours then jumped back to rejoin us and the enemy character in the video game went with the gondola into the hot chocolate river instead of getting off because he couldn’t move, and was melted alive. We then all jumped off of the gondola and made it to a low, platform area. Just then, an enemy from one of the other factions, this time an actual person, tried getting one of our guys, but the SO I had noticed it and took them out. We were all then about to move on to the next area of the video game, but unfortunately I woke up.

It was pretty fun.
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I've struggled for a long time with remembering my dreams, as I tend to forget them after I wake up or after a few hours if I forget write them down. However, I often have nightmares, usually apocalyptic, and the dreams I do have that aren't night terrors are usually quite odd and don't make much sense. I generally only remember my dreams in great detail if they were characteristically unique and important or significant in some way.

I can't recall if I've dreamt of anything last night. The past few nights have been completely black for me.
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I vaguely remember that I was in a body of water and there were a bunch of sharks that chased me. Thankfully, I JUST managed to get out before they could eat me.
had a dream i was picking my professor up from the train station and she proceeded to tell me that i'd failed my senior seminar ?
I had a dream about this boy that I've talked to once, maybe twice at school. He had a thing for me and we hooked up??
I woke up so confused as to what happened since I've never really had a full conversation with this kid except once lol.

We aren't even in the same grade and it amazes me that I'm dreaming about him over summer break ;o;
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I had a dream last night that I was working in some unknown retail superstore. I really needed to charge my phone, but I was afraid to leave it unattended in the break area because I thought someone would steal it. I finally plugged it up anyway because the battery was about to die.

Then, I was suddenly shopping with my parents in the same store. We were just pushing the cart through the grocery aisles for the most part. I don't remember putting anything in the basket. When we got to the checkout area, though, my dad threw this huge, bloody slab of unpackaged meat on the counter. Instead of ringing it up, the clerk bent over and proceeded to rub his nose all over the meat like he was trying to touch every inch of it. I remember thinking that was really weird right before I woke up.
Took a mid day nap and dreamt I had a heart attack, and my dad took me to the hospital to take a scan of my brain and they found I had a rare cancer and I had to go on chemo and my parents were crying and I was really scared and also upset because I was going to lose all of my hair lol
I had a weird dream where I was in a supermarket and for some reasons, I bought a broken figure that
kinda looked like the Pokemon Marshadow. Really confusing...
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