What do you carry in your everyday handbag/purse?

I never carry anything particularly special, but I carry a small note that says "I will be happy", because I read that if you write a desire down and look at it every day, just out of habit, someday it will become a reality.
^ You deserve that to be true <3

3DS games
Sometimes dog toys/treats for my pupper
Junk (I'm so bad about not cleaning out my purse :"D)
No matter what bag I'm taking I always have:

- wallet
- keys
- phone
- lip balm (because you never know when your lips will dry out lol)
- earphones

And I don't know if it counts but I usually have a cute key ring on all my bags :)
Don't usually carry a handbag or purse with me, but my phone in my left front pocket, and my wallet in my right front pocket
Gummy bears!

That's not in a handbag! O_O
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Jacket, pens/pencils/notebook, deodorant/cologne, teabags (I had them in a box but the box broke so now I have a whole pocket of just teabags), phone charger, sunscreen, sunglasses, sometimes books, water, a case with random stuff (like lip balm, 3DS games, etc.) I don't keep my phone or wallet in my bag since I'll be too worried about losing it/being stolen so I always keep them in my pocket. Yeah my bag is a little heavy.
I change purses OFTEN because I have a sizable collection and have different bags for different occasions. But the few things I usually try to remember to transfer between bags whenever I take them are:

-Chap stick(Sometimes tinted balm or lipstick as well)
-Hand sanitizer, because you never know!
-My work badge
-Mini tissue pack, because you never know, and I have a boyfriend with nose issues who I'm tired of seeing wipe his snot on his arm!
-A hair tie, now this one I TRY to keep in every purse, but each time I use it, it never goes back in... So often times I don't have one
-Feminine products, much like the hair tie... I often forget to restock... =[
I have two bags but the essentials I carry in both are:

wallet, keys, headphones, work ID, lip balm, mints/gum, little bottle of perfume, tissues and lady things
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i carry around a bag in school that i use for carrying books and stuff but most of the time i have my calculator (8 hours of math and 4 hours of physics a week makes it unnecessary to remove it between lessons lmao kill me), iphone/ipad charger, my pencil case, water bottle, tampons and tissues, ipad, whatever books i need and also a bunch of despair. it gets kind of heavy, my old bag broke because i am always carrying around heavy things but i got a new one that it says STI on which isnt super fun but it?s the abbrevation of a university or w/e so it?s fine lol

and in my backpack that i keep in my locker in school i have my ID, a notebook, lipbalm and tissues, i also carry avbunch of stuff to and from school every day so it?s also heavy ):<
i keep my keys, bus card, school id, bank card, phone and headphones with me in my pockets all the time.
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Phone, iPod, pack of tissues, coin purse, emergency pad, ID, tablets, and there're also some KFC wet wipes in there
phone, wallet, sometimes my new 2ds xl, keys. sometimes i have my lunch there sometimes i have it in a cloth bag. pocket calendar, pen, chapstick.
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I usually just bring my wallet and sometimes my key ring just because I put awesome key covers on it so I never get tired of looking at it LOL if it's gonna be a longer expedition I'll bring other stuff though, like my sunglasses case and iPod. Recently invested in some lip balm so that's coming with me next time. If I'm feeling really wild (or if I know I'm gonna be waiting around somewhere & have time to play it) I'll bring my 3DS, but I stopped bringing it for general outings awhile ago cuz I never get streetpasses anymore ;(
im a gross dude so i dont carry a bag, i just use my giant pockets. here are the usual contents:

1. my google pixel phone
2. 3ds
3. paper towel as a substitute handkerchief
4. <10$ in loose money if im lucky
5. chargers for me devices
6. really bad earbuds i stole
7. burts bees lip balm if i havent lost it
-bus card and library card
-a small notebook
im a gross dude so i dont carry a bag, i just use my giant pockets. here are the usual contents:

1. my google pixel phone
2. 3ds
3. paper towel as a substitute handkerchief
4. <10$ in loose money if im lucky
5. chargers for me devices
6. really bad earbuds i stole
7. burts bees lip balm if i havent lost it

how deep are your pockets.....