What do you carry in your everyday handbag/purse?

- purse (cards, cash, coins) with keys attached (so I cannot easily misplace either item)
- basic first-aid/hygiene items inc sterile wipes and assorted bandaids
- card holder for excess cards that aren't needed everyday but still need to be easily found
- phone
- iPad
- minimum of 1 (heavy duty) charger + cables for all devices on me or might be needed by friends
- emergency food (minimum one muesli bar + one fruit bar)
- 2 Ventolin inhalers (in different sections of bag) to
- meds (generally just painkillers + tigerbalm)
- water bottle (has cover with carabiner hook + straps so can be carried seperately but lives in bag by default)
- beautiful shiny notepad/sticky notes set (holographic cloud cover, very durable and good assortment of sizes for taking all kinds of notes on-the-go)
- minimum of 4 different types of pens (standard blue or black, erasable, fine-liner, permanent marker)
- very small notebook (unicorn patterned cover, perfect for handing to toddlers to draw in to occupy them whilst waiting in line etc)
- pawpaw cream / unicorn lipgloss
- nail + scissors set ( x 2 atm, oops)
- glasses cleaning cloth
- ear plugs (for flights / times I need to block out noise quickly)
- chewing gum (for flights / to unblock my ears)

^ the first-aid / hygiene / meds all go into zippered sections of a "bag for your handbag" thing I have to organise my stuff. Cables and stuff sit in another section. The big notebook sits in the main section along with the iPad, phone, and purse + keys. Water bottle rests on top. Everything else has a pocket or slot to live in.

Depending on what I'm doing, I might cull some items so I'm carrying less, but generally I prefer to be prepared. I don't want to carry around things that aren't getting used though so I try to clear things out at the end of each day (and make sure I've restocked on bandaids etc that got used).
- phone
- wallet
- keys
- gum
- headphones
- painkillers
- textbook(s)

- laptop
- 3ds
- novel(s)

i tend to travel lightly with my backpack & use it as a shopping bag when i'm out to avoid plastic bag use.
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Garbage. Just, actual garbage. Receipts, straw wrappers, gum wrappers. A mountain of garbage I need to dig through to get to my phone, makeup, headphones, wallet, and keys. Sometimes I carry a book or a notebook in my purse. Or a snack. But it's comprised almost entirely out of trash.
Hm, actually, not so much:

- Wallet
- House keys
- A pack (or two) of tissues
- A small hand mirror
- A hairbrush
- My DS (sometimes)

That's it. My phone and earphones are in the pockets of my jacket if I go out.
let's see:

house keys
small notebook
2 pens
lip balm
hand sanitizer
baby wipes (not a mother but they really come in handy sometimes)
hair brush
hair tie
things for that time of the month
occasionally my ipad and 3ds xl
? Wallet
? Small notebook
? Pen
? Chapstick
? One or two lipsticks
? Waterbottle
? Work keys
? Tampons/pantyliners
? Car keys

My phone almost always goes in my back pocket, so I usually don?t have it in my bag unless I?m wearing a dress or skirt without pockets. Haha.
- phone
- wallet with my id, student is, city pass, cards and all that stuff
- charger/power bank because im on my phone 24/7 and its 3 years old so it doesnt last too long
- make up bag with hand cream, lip balm, mini perfume, blotting papers and Lipstick Of The Day (and powder if im out for more than 2-4 hours + tampons/pads when i need it/the time is close bc im paranoid lol)
- water (im ridiculous with this and sometimes carry up to 2L with me because i drink a lot lol)
- gum
- laptop (for my lectures and classes)
- some highlighters, a pen, pencil etc just in case i need it
- keys
- earphones
- deodorant if im out for the whole day

i carry a lot with me because im usually out for a few hours and id rather take it all than end up needing something and not having it on me ghfdfgkjhgf

- - - Post Merge - - -

Garbage. Just, actual garbage. Receipts, straw wrappers, gum wrappers. A mountain of garbage I need to dig through to get to my phone, makeup, headphones, wallet, and keys. Sometimes I carry a book or a notebook in my purse. Or a snack. But it's comprised almost entirely out of trash.

i can relate lol the bottom of my bag is full of old receipts, food wrappers, handouts just.... junk lol i found a half eaten chocolate bar from august in there a few days ago kjhgfdsdfg
Lip chap
Nail clippers/file set
i don't have a purse , but i always have things i put in my backpack when i have classes?

- lip balm
- a mini hairbrush
- dry shampoo
- hair tie and bobby pins
- brow gel & a highlighter to touch up my makeup if needed.

i think thas it
and ofc i always have my wallet + keys + phone with me
I always feel a purse is so cumbersome even when they're little and I tend to forget things really easily. I found a fantastic phone case that doubles as a wallet so I usually just stick everything in my jean pockets. Phone/wallet in one, keys and some eyeliner in another.
Honestly if I'm ever missing something the very first place I check is my big bag. It's almost always there, under a mound of receipts from 2015 and a ten different torn out notebook pages of grocery lists, and at least one (1) package of candy.
~ E V E R Y T H I N G ~

That ain?t even a joke. You need it, I got it. I have a mom bag always nice & stocked.
I have a little backpack I take around school, I have in that a book, whatever I'm reading at that point (rn it's 13 Reasons Why) 2 fidget cubes, a fidget spinner, a little hourglass toy and a tangle in a small pencil case. Tissues, you never know when you'll need them, tic tacs and a water bottle
Most of the time I carry my phone, wallet, keys, chapstick, a pen, and mini tissues. Other times I'll also have a tiny notepad, hand sanitizer, a book, feminine products, my tablet, or 3DS. It really depends on where I'm going. :)
hand lotion
hand sanitizer
tissues for my issues
Mints or gum
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i don’t carry a bag but i always have my phone, my 3ds, one or two 3ds games, and some money
My wallet/coinbag, iphone charger, a lip product or two, eyelash glue (in case my falses are coming loose), pocket mirror, pill box, small bottle of perfume, and deodorant.. maybe a small bag of makeup, my contacts case & solution, and a pair of eyeglasses if it's likely i'll be staying somewhere else for the night. Oh and feminine sanitary products if it's that time... :eek:
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I like a big handbag so I can carry a lot

I always have my wallet, keys, phone, sunglasses, hand sanitizer, gum, dental floss, perfume roller, tissues, chapstick/lip product, advil, and sometimes a snack lol