What do you do when it's hot?

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Open all the windows, or put fans on for a bit, cold baths sometimes, drink cold drinks, wear shorts, put my hair up, eat ice cream. XD
I drink a lot, try to keep my home cold, refreshing myself by washing my face with cold water, open the
windows... I hate hot weather so much.
What I normally do is soak my face in freezing cold water then turn on my mini fan. It feels amazing like my face is an ice cube.
Stay inside, wearing a pair of shorts, drinking tons of water, having the ac on to the cold sign, having my hair up into a bun, while putting a floor fan on my desk to keep cool.
I stay inside where the AC is at, I dress in very little clothing and turn on a fan pointed directly at me, and I die. Die as in sleep for a while because the heat makes me crabby and tired.
Stay inside. If you can't, wear an athletic t-shirt that wicks away sweat. It's so much cooler than just a tank top. Coming from someone who has worn both while trekking through Disney World all day, they're so nice.

If you're super hot at night, sleep on top of the covers. Or buy some soft ice packs, keep them in a freezer all day, and sleep on top of them. I did that for a while.
If it's too hot, i will turn on Air Conditioner or use fan at max speed. But if there's power shutdown, all i can do is to find the coldest part of my house and use my hand fan or a thin book
I have a pool at my home, so that's an obvious choice for me ! Of course, blasting A/C inside the house too.
If it's not in season to have the pool open or A/C on, I usually take cold showers and have fans. I get more concerned for my animals in hot weather than I do for myself, though.
Sleep, cry, feel miserable, stay inside, lay on my bed, turn the AC/fan on, drink cold drinks, lay on my bed, feel miserable, etc.
It's summer now, so the air conditioner is on in the living room.

I've got a big pedestal fan in the bedroom.

If it gets really hot I'll take a dip in the creek. If I don't see any eels.
Be totally miserable and long for colder times.
But seriously, I don't like the heat. I love late spring weather (the type where you can go out in a t-shirt but don't feel like you're melting away) a lot better than hot summer weather.
Spreading body yogurt on your arms and legs gives a temporary relief.
Stay inside like a hermit with the air conditioning on full blast and play video games all day
If I had access to one, I would go to a swimming pool. My family and I once had a public swimming pool near where we lived and we always had a fun time going there and playing in the water. I miss it. Also, if it's really hot, I just stay indoors with the air conditioning and playing either Animal Crossing or Pok?mon all day. X)
I ENJOY it!!!!! lol i hate living here with the constant cold, rain and gloominess.
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Complain. I even start to annoy myself but I can’t help it I hate the heat :(
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