What do you do when it's hot?

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I usually try not to die from the heat outside^^'
No, really I just stay inside all day and try not to do anything that's super energy-consuming. Oh, and I take showers every evening so that I can go to sleep feeling refreshed.
I usually try to exercise so I sweat a bunch and then take a shower, I find that sometimes lets me feel colder for a while.

I've heard a lot of people leave a change of clothes in the freezer so it's pre-cooled, although I've never tried that.
either take a cold shower, eat an ice cream, or blast the a/c ʱ?ʱ?ʱ? (ᕑᗢूᓫ∗)
I mostly hang out inside when it gets too hot. Unfortunately my current house's yard doesn't have really any shade trees, so it can get REALLY hot out on warm days. There's a tree in my front yard, but it's a slow growing variety (the tree is only maybe 4 years old) and only gives shade to a small circle around it.

It's starting to get really warm in my area. I saw on the projected weather forecast that late next week it's going to get to 98 F (about 36.6 C). Argh. It's not even June yet.
I rejoice because sun and warm weather significantly impacts my mental state. If I'm inside I'll chill with the AC and a cold drink, if I'm outside I'll just enjoy it and go get a cold drink :p
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i just stay inside and try not to go out for anything. summers where i live are always horrible, so i hardly go out. i can't stand the heat
pretend not to melt in my room or in the office.
i hate the heat and the sunshine outside in general, but summer amplifies it all and makes it ten times worse. going out almost always results in a sunburn in some area, so no.
Open the windows when it's cool outside in the evening/early morning, close the curtains in the bedroom so the sun can't shine in, make lots of iced tea, and basically just try not to die.
Air conditioners aren't really a thing here, and we don't have any fans in our apartment, so there's not much else I can do at the moment. I'm already sort of looking forward to having air conditioning when we travel, although countries where air conditioning is necessary sometimes really overdo it, IMO. If I'm freezing in my summer clothes when I go inside, you're doing it wrong, lol.
Right now it's really hot where I live and it's also raining a lot, so one of the things I find myself doing is going out less to avoid the sun and the heat, drinking lots of cold water, having a fan on and taking cold showers.

When it's cold I also like drinking cold drinks. Most people I know prefer hot drinks, like hot cocoa during the winters or cold temperatures, but not me, I'd rather drink iced cold coffee instead. :3
I like to go upstairs, because there is a small room that will overheat like, a lot.
And when I go downstairs after staying there for a couple of minutes it will feel
cold downstairs.. xD
Cold showers in the morning and night time before bed. also avoid the sun uv rays as much as possible. mosquitoes are also on the attack if you stay outside in the night time so watch out for those lol
Daydream about some day in the future when I can afford a better air conditioner.
it doesn't get extremely hot where i live but i still Die. staying hydrated only gets you so far.
where i live, it's hot all day every day (yeehaw) so like,, i guess i just live normally? but when it gets too hot id get an iced coffee or tea
but again, because where i live is hot on a daily basis, we have air conditioning everywhere, so any building is a nice cooling spot
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