This thread is just a bundle of joy... It actually makes me feel so sad that others have to deal with these negative thoughts every day
Well as for me.... Is everything about myself an answer? I guess I should start by saying I hate hate my body, everything about it. People tell me that I'm thin I guess but I'm always comparing myself to supermodels and amazing cosplayers and I just always end up crying. This has resulting in me having an eating disorder and it has completely taken over my life, it's so hard to feel happy or excited anymore and these forums help me a lot as I get to socialise with others with the same interests, plus no one can see what you look like so I don't have to worry as much about people judging me...
I also hate my lack of sympathy or empathy for others and how socially awkward I am, I has resulted in so many arguments with my friends as they think I just don't care about them but really I just don't know what to say or what my reaction is meant to be.
I hate that I secretly worry so much about my grades, I am the type of person who never studies and manages to get all As but that just means that I have lived my life with everyone telling me that one day soon I will snap and fail everything as I didn't bother to study. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that my way of learning is listening in class and then I just store all the information in the back of my brain to be used later. I always worry that what all of my classmates say is true and one day I will fail all my exams and never be able to achieve anything, never get my dream job, never be able to please my parents...
Oh goodness I ahve ranted on way too much on this post, but I hope everyone else manages to live a happier life than they are now, I hope everything will be able to get better, for others if not for myself as I fear I am long past helping.