I'm still waiting to be of age limit...Here I am! ^___^
I remember always waiting to be of age limit to post my picture hah! I'm 14 now.
Took this three months ago, I would take a more recent photo but acne is attacking me
There's an age limit on posting pictures of yourself?
When the idea of a picture thread was first thought of, members decided that there should be a minimum age for posting pictures of yourself, only for the safety of members of The Bell Tree. It's around 13, I believe.
Sdsdfg An, you're the cutest thing ever.Here I am! ^___^
I remember always waiting to be of age limit to post my picture hah! I'm 14 now.
Took this three months ago, I would take a more recent photo but acne is attacking me
Pretty much. TBT's pretty lenient on sharing personal and always has been. It's up to your discretion whether or not to do it. Please do not feel like you have to.I believe 12 is the actual legal age, but I'm not completely sure.
PEOPLE LISTEN UP: Only post a picture if you feel comfortable doing it. Age doesn't really matter, but you just have smart and mature about it.
*Kuma thumbs up* Nice!View attachment 3083
I has Sharpedo earring.
*Kuma thumbs up* Nice!
I approve! XD (totally forgot about that pokemon!)
Haha i forgot about most of the pokemon from that gen, except my favs (Mudkip,Combusken & Treecko)
Do you style your hair? cause you look like a model in every pic 'v'
So I'm a nobody, then? :'(
So I'm a nobody, then? :'(
Nobody caring.. HA! You'd be surprised. You look great!
So I'm a nobody, then? :'(