• streaming platforms. i love being able to watch videos and listen to music on youtube, as well as watch movies/shows i enjoy on netflix, disney+, etc. i’m especially grateful for being able to listen to music. music has always been one of my main escapes in life to help me destress from and cope with unpleasant situations, and i’d honestly be lost without it. i also enjoy tiktok and watching the content on there. it can definitely be a toxic place at times, and it has nasty people on there like any other social media platform does, but there’s a bunch of videos on there that have made me laugh, have introduced me to songs and artists that i may have never discovered otherwise, and i love it.
• social media platforms. the only ones i really use consistently nowadays are tiktok (see above), instagram, tumblr, twitter and maybe reddit, and they’re all great. each one has its fair share of flaws and toxic groups, but i try not to focus on that — instead, i try to focus all my attention on the
amazing people and content that exists on those platforms, as there’s a lot. i’ve come across so many wonderful people, stories, videos, products, etc on social media, and instagram is even how i met my closest friend of almost 5 years. scrolling through social media is always relaxing for me, and i’m eternally grateful for the memories, friends and knowledge i have because of it.
• communities like this one and being able to talk to and make friends with people all over the world. i’m currently very isolated from people irl due to how bad my mental health and social anxiety is, so the internet is the only place i’m really bold enough to put myself out there and talk to people. i’m definitely still reserved and awkward, and i don’t like messaging people first as i never want to bother anyone, but i’m certainly more sociable online than i am irl. i wouldn’t have ever met my current and closest friends if it weren’t for the internet, and a life without them just... isn’t plausible to me lol. i’m slowly working on becoming more outgoing irl as i’d like some in-person friends as well, but my online friend groups are pretty amazing.

the internet is also currently the only place i’m really comfortable sharing the things i create (ex. my art and my literature), so i’m grateful for that as well as while i’m always anxious about sharing my creations, i still enjoy doing so. in fact, i don’t think i’d even be as interested in creating art as i am if it weren’t for the internet and tbt. <3
• the amount of knowledge and content that is at my disposal.
it’d honestly just be easier to ask me about what i
don’t enjoy about the internet lol. i don’t like that people use the anonymity of it to be nasty to other people. like, i get people who are more outgoing online (i’m one of those people), but i’ll never understand why people use being behind a screen as an excuse to say and do hurtful things, especially unprovoked. for example, i commented on a creator i enjoy’s tiktok the other day, and it was a completely harmless and fun video, and my comment was harmless and all in good fun as well (the creator even replied to it, which made me happy!), and yet someone replied to it with “get a life” like?? their username leads me to believe that their account exists for the sole purpose of anonymously saying mean things to others, and that just makes zero sense to me. their comment didn’t hurt me at all and i was actually more focused on the randomness of it lol, but still. i get it’s likely because the person is bored or wants attention, but putting so much time and energy into being mean to people you don’t know (or even people you do) is insane to me, especially when it’s so much easier to just be nice. i also don’t like people who use internet anonymity to stalk, spy on or harass others, or post gross or triggering things online. like, if you’re that type of person (i don’t think anyone on tbt is, so this isn’t directed towards anyone), don’t be a coward about it by hiding behind a screen. don’t say or do crappy things online that you wouldn’t irl, or that you wouldn’t want people saying or doing to you. that’s all.
tldr; i pretty much enjoy everything about the internet except for the people who use it to say or do crappy things to others anonymously, or post disturbing and/or triggering things.