It doesn't bother me. The only species I'd want and would fully do a single species themed island is Octopi though. I have all three currently in the game in my town. I hope they add more down the line. <3
I could go either way! Currently I have two wolves on my island, Kyle and Wolfgang. I can't get myself to let either of them go - I don't think I'll ever let Wolfgang go and I've gotten more attached to Kyle than I expected.
I actually kind of like having 2+ of a species. It's so cute when they hang out together! I do like some variety though, so I don't think I'll ever have an all one species island. I do love those single species islands though, they are so cool and usually really well thought out and designed for the species *o*
But ya, I definitely wouldn't let the species type throw me off from a villager. Multiples are fine in my book!
I don't mind, if they're who I want then they're who I want. I currently have two dogs Bones and Portia and two wolves Lobo and Skye. If Ruby would move out I would have two koalas Ozzie and Melba.
I kinda like the species themed islands like the ones with just dogs, cats, frogs, or wolves.
i don't mind it at all, but half my villagers are cats and even i'm starting to get a little "maybe some variety wouldn't hurt" lol. though if we could just have more villagers period i definitely would keep them all. some of the species just have a lot of super good designs!
I have a strong preference for only one of each, but I’ll make exceptions for favorites. It’s not a rule, but I avoid having more than 2 of any one species, and more than two pairs of duplicates.
For me it’s partially about aesthetics and partially about diversity—there’s already many more species than the 10 villager cap allows for, so I really don’t want to miss out on more by having duplicates.