I’ve got 3 cats, Bob, Lolly, Ankha, and 2 Rabbits with, Chrissy, and Francine. I don’t mind duplicates at all, and Chrissy needs her big sister with her to support her pop star career!
I just like getting who I think is visually the cutest regardless of being the same species, while filling out the personality to at least one of each. I think that’s what a good portion of players like to do.
I don’t mind at all. My first island Serenity will eventually have all penguin villagers. Right now that island has 5 penguins. My second island Jurai currently has 2 ducks and 2 birds.
I'd prefer not to have duplicates, but if I have one and another one I like rolls into the campsite, I have no qualms with accepting them. I somehow found myself with three frogs at one point. First I had Huck as my only frog, but then Diva came to the campsite and I didn't have a sisterly at the time, so I took her in. Then Ribbot visited, and how could I say no to that? So voila, Frog Island.
(though they all left one after the other once I had their photos)
It doesn't bother me at all and it's cute to have pairs. A corner of my island is dedicated to Marina and Zucker (at one time I had Octavian, too.) Right now I also have 2 bunnies, 2 deer, and 2 cubs.
My preference is to not have any duplicates, if possible, given that there's such variety of species in the game I feel like missing out if I have repeated species. However, in practice this has somehow proved to be a little difficult to execute when factoring the island aesthetics. If i'm trying to build a forest/cottage core island then i'd ideally only want animals that would naturally live in a forest or mountains on my island to have that realistic feeling. Additionally house exteriors also play a role... for example, I'd really like Blanche as my snooty because she looks cute and I don't have Ostrich on my island yet, but her house exterior doesn't fit with the rest of my residents' and would look quite out of place...Also, some species are just not my favorites (I steer away from most mouse villagers due to having bad experiences with mice/rats in real life)
The only exception i'd be willing to make ( and this has no logics or anything behind it ) is that if there are enough of a difference within the species. Example such as Erik (who is technically moose but grouped as a deer), and likes of Drago (a dragon), Julian (a unicorn), and Phoebe (a phoenix)
I try not to have duplicate species, but sometimes Lily AND Wart Jr. move to your island and then it's like, how can i choose lol and then there are some species i just love overall like the bear cubs, so it's hard just choosing one! I voted for dislike having more than 1, but i don't actually dislike it, it's more of just a personal challenge to myself.
I have 4 cats, 2 ducks, 2 wolves and 2 deer
the cats are Ankha, Olivia, Rosie and Lolly, which are all random move ins from past animal crossing games that I loved (Olivia WW, Lolly CF and Ankha, Olivia and Rosie NL)
I'm okay with it but as much as possible I like the idea of having different villagers, but that ain't gonna stop me to get multiples of the same species if I really like them lol
I'm fine with having multiple of the same species, as long as they have differnt personality types. I have three bear cubs: bluebear, judy, and june. I also have two rabbits, chrissy and francine but I had to get them both since I wanted them to be together (they're sisters).