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What do you think is the worst news about AC:NH?


“Assorted” Collector
Sep 9, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Palm City
We may all be excited for the new Animal Crossing game to come out, as this is the game we are looking for. But as we learn more from the preview, we learn new stuff about the game and how it will differ from the rest of the series.

Out of all the news about these features and changes (such as one town per console and starting from scratch), what would be your least favorite news that show how disappointing the game might be?
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i don't think there is any "worst news" about new horizons. we've barely even seen the game as the nintendo treehouse was only thirty minutes about collecting crafting materials. so i don't think ANYONE is qualified to give any bad news lol. let's stay optimistic.

and for the people who are gonna come in here and talk about "ugly graphics", i want y'all to consider the 9 months that they're taking to improve the game, AND how it looks compared to new leaf. (gorgeous)
as for crafting, the developers said themselves you don't have to craft if you don't want to. this just allows for more creativity. they had to up the game since new leaf or people would complain about it being a new leaf port, sooo...

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The crafting materials part, it's so weird. But I think I'll get used to it. I'm still really excited for the game :D
The delayed release is the worst news to me. And I'm really curious about how the auto-save feature is going to work, exactly.

Honestly loving everything else about the game so far.
Not a whole lot. I think what you are looking for is not "worst news", but what feature (or lack thereof) has disappointed Animal Crossing enthusiasts at this point.

I'd have to go with the map at this point. Graphics are fine. Crafting is A-OK. But I'm disappointed with the overall look and size of the deserted island. It's too small and it's square-shaped.

Islands are never perfect squares and it doesn't look natural at all. When Animal Crossing was set on the mainland, it could be believable the town was square-shaped because humans tend to divide land for easy calculation, crop growing, and construction. Nature doesn't.

That has to be my main grip with the current presentation.
I’m okay with autosaves, crafting, no cloud saves, one town per console, and easily breakable tools (and more than okay with graphics), but I agree that delaying to 2020 is the worst news. By the way, that’s next decade.
I’m okay with autosaves, crafting, no cloud saves, one town per console, and easily breakable tools (and more than okay with graphics), but I agree that delaying to 2020 is the worst news. By the way, that’s next decade.

yes next decade, but also less than 9 months away. perspective changes a lot.
For me it is the delay. I cannot cannot cannot wait for this game! So excited to play!!
Hm, the game itself sounds and looks good so far, there is nothing where I would go ahead and complain
about it. I would say the delay kinda sucks but hey, at least better wait for a good game instead of get
a game early but it sucks.
On the issue of delaying games, whatever Miyamoto said about rushed games long time ago is still true today, even in a time when video games receive updates. I know it’s upsetting that we have to wait longer for a new game, but I don’t want a poorly-made Animal Crossing game.
My biggest disappointment is all the menus I suppose. I wish the crafting menu was disguised as like.. a magazine or notebook. It's good that most menus are explained by the phone but any menu that's a simple pop up menu kind of takes away the immersion. But honestly I can live with it. New Leaf had things I didn't like but I still absolutely love the game. Nothing is ever perfect, so I just choose to enjoy all the amazing new features instead of focus on the very few things that wasn't ideal for me. After all, this game wasn't tailor made for me and the features I might not like as much might be someone else's favourite.
Honestly the autosave thing scares me a bit but hopefully they'll make things like plotting easy to customize without resetting.
Honestly the autosave thing scares me a bit but hopefully they'll make things like plotting easy to customize without resetting.

how on earth is autosave scary/a bad thing


yup i got it nevermind. plot resetting is gonna be abolished with autosave. lol
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probably the fact that there's no cloud saves. i wouldn't want to lose all my progress if i broke my switch! other than that, i'm a-okay with everything else like crafting (looks kinda fun).
Nothing really comes to mind honestly. I guess I'm kind of disappointed that it's set on an "island."
One town per Switch as many have stated is a big setback too.

I'm fine with the crafting aspect. I think that it's more rewarding even though it's not traditional.
Gonna sound like a broken record but...

But the map and size of the town just doesnt seem like it's the size it should be for a game on a superior console. Someone did some rough math and says it's almost as big as city folk but 1) I have my doubts about that and 2)Why is the switch game only getting almost the same size as a game that's ten years old?

Nothings been confirmed or set in stone but from what it seems, that's really the only thing that's disappointed me.
Most of my current disappointment does come more from what wasn’t shown (rather than from what was). Nothing looks bad per se, but none of the new features have really excited me so far.

Don’t get me wrong though, I’m optimistic and looking forward to the game—just still waiting to see that characteristic AC charm shine through a bit more.

There hasn’t been anything near a dealbreaker for me. To be honest, it’s actually been nice seeing others excited about the very features I dislike—sometimes a different perspective can make all the difference!
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I would probably have to agree that I don?t particularly like the idea of crafting, but it will likely be something that will be easy to get used to.
Gonna sound like a broken record but...

But the map and size of the town just doesnt seem like it's the size it should be for a game on a superior console. Someone did some rough math and says it's almost as big as city folk but 1) I have my doubts about that and 2)Why is the switch game only getting almost the same size as a game that's ten years old?

Nothings been confirmed or set in stone but from what it seems, that's really the only thing that's disappointed me.

Had no idea about this. That does seem pretty disappointing.