what do you think the next AC game would be named?

Ohhh good question!
I honestly can't think of anything but I imagine it'll either go more natural or more built up and city-like. but we already have city folk so... I'm not sure! Something else City-esque I'd imagine. Or like Forest Folk to go along w/city folk? xD
IDK, I'm bad at this.
AC: Living Further? I don't know, it's just a random idea that came to my head, haha!
This is a really good question. I can't even think of anything. Newer leaf. Who knows hahaha
Animal Crossing:
A cross Time. Ahhh but it wouldn't work with Japanese. ...but the English titles don't reflect the Nihongo anyway...
Amusement Park.
Train Station. XD
Overall, pretty much as expected, and no real surprises. As for Demerit, I read that he is not available because of an eye infection. Names that come to mind that you might wonder about.
Animal Crossing: The Chicken Crosses the Road
*wow I'm lame ;;*

Anyway, I really like the idea of World Traveler o: As for my guess I'd have to go with Animal Crossing:Metropolis
Animal Crossing: Sea Life
Animal Crossing: Fantasy World
Animal Crossing: World Traveler

...another vote for "World Traveler"

My guess would be some kind of play on words for wall street involving turnips?
Animal Crossing : Mario Kart 8 edition.

I want an Animal Crossing with the Mario Kart 8 DLC course graphics.
World Traveler sounds like a good name! Otherwise maybe.....

Animal Crossing: Culture Crossing? I can't think of any others.
i think it might be more woods or forest themed of a name like maybe forest life, or something along those lines lol