I was the person to propose the initial TBTWC concept in 2021 and lead the project, and I won't lie the big push for proposing it was, "I want to play games with people!" That remains what I wanted to achieve from it in 2024 too. So I've gotten exactly what I wanted out of this event.
But properly answering on the opposite side of this! TBTWC was I think one of the first events where I was actually super active with the community overall (and not just the art boards lol)?
I can't remember if I've told you this before, but your participation in TBTWC 2021 is what put you on my radar to add you to our staff team. When you applied I immediately highlighted your application to the team and said, "This person! We want this one!"
All I really want is the smash ball and tera orb collectibles. They look really sweet. If I somehow get another 2 arcade tickets, I'll definitely get that Pinky collectible in honor of being a Ha-Cha. Master Ball would be dope too.
honestly i wasn’t super sure if i’d have that much fun because i don’t own that many games but wow!!!! it’s been really fun, i’ve been having a blast watching the streams & really enjoying chatting with everyone hehe super big fan!!!
i always want to make more friends out of events
in terms of collectibles, that pinky was the only one i was really hoping to get :3
the goomba too!! but pinky takes priority