What generation were you born in?

What generation are you?

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i'm gen z. it's kind of wild how the oldest gen alpha would be like 14 i think? like woah time really is moving on
I’m smack dab in the middle of millennials, 1987, but I’m in the 60% of millennials who don’t view themselves as millennials. I more closely associate with Gen X. I grew up getting off the bus when my parents weren’t home and letting myself in, remember before we had a computer in the house and before internet, when having a cellphone meant you were very well-off or important, etc. I’ll be 37 tomorrow, actually!
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I was born in 1996, so technically a millennial, but the timeline is so wide I don’t relate to a lot of the “nostalgia” they talk about. (Like early- to mid- ‘90s stuff.) I guess I’m an old Gen Z because I get their “nostalgia” for late 90s and early to mid 2000s and that’s what I identify more closely with.
Millennial here and I pretty much relate to the group, especially to those in my country. I also like how "Millennials" sounds, almost whimsical. Thousand years or one hundred decades or ten centuries is a quite a big deal, wouldn't you say? :cool: