What has been your favorite update/addition since launch?

The new reactions that were added in November (I think it was around then?) were a pretty big deal at the time–you can finally sit next to villagers, do yoga, exercise, etc.
Anything that adds something new to the game, so art, bushes, diving, and pumpkins!
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The Dream Suite was my favorite update. One of my favorite things to do in New Leaf was visiting dream towns, and the same applies to New Horizons. However, I'm pretty disappointed with what's been added in so far, and I'm hoping some more substantial updates are coming soon.
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fixing the weekday special visitor spawns so that you're generally gonna only go about 2 weeks at most before meeting the same one again, as opposed to the complete rng crapshoot it was before
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I'm going to say Sanrio in hopes to get all the cute and adorable furniture! I also really loved the Christmas decor in NH. Everything felt really festive and in the spirit of the holidays.

That also goes for all the holidays Halloween and Harvest and all of that. However they can really just chill with the whole Bunny Day stuff. I don't mind Bunny Day and Zipper is funny and all but we don't need all those eggs haha

I'm more excited for future updates then any of the current ones. I'm just continually hopeful that the game can only get better than what it is now, so i'm hopeful.
I agree about the reactions, those are pretty cool! Really fun to use for photos at Harv's or just when playing with others. I'll also say I like the Mario stuff way more than I thought I would, solely because of the warp pipe. When I first saw them, I was like "well, these are cute, but they don't really fit my island or house or anything", but the pipe's function is pretty cool. Just gotta hide it creatively, and hope that in the future they might release more items that work like this but look different!
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The Summer update Wave 1 or the first update have been probably my favorites, mostly because they added new gameplay loops (diving, collecting art, bushes, etc.) but every update so far has brought something to like. The mentioned summer update was specially helpful by fixing the visitor schedule, the best QoL update this game truly needed.

For reference, this is a small summary of everything that has been added: (art and bushes aside as you experimented them)

* 117 furniture items
Obviously you'll have some people who can't find anything they like, but chances are you'll like something out of the 100+ items added. Most of these feature some kind of extra element: source of lighting (like the Turkey Day decorations), trigger events for the islanders (like the Festivale stage), interact with the wind (like the Festivale Balloon Lamp), have little animations (like the Puppy Plushies), act as surfaces (like the Turkey Day garden stand) or in a single case, add a new fast-travel mechanic (the Pipe).

* 42 interior items
For your home interior design needs, many different-shaped rugs are added like the Shamrock Rug or the Pirate Rug. Wallpapers like the Mermaid one glows/looks differently without light as well and the Mushroom Mural is animated.

* 84 clothing items
If you needed even more clothing options, some backpacks and many "dress" options have been added. King Tut Mask is a notable one, as that brings back tripping.

* 15 tool items
Most of them bringing new animations to the table, like the Shamrock Soda or Sparkling Cider having a "cheers" animation, the Megaphones (not the NL one) making you "cheer", the balloons have animations around them, including the sad one of seeing them fly away when you trip and fall.

* 11 miscellanous items
Things that are mostly used as crafting materials or the like, but can be used for decoration or worn, like the feathers from Festivale or the little pearls from Pascal.

* 40 sea creatures (and Diving/swimming)
Returning mechanic with differences from previous incarnation. Source of a new "daily" with Pascal and well, the sea creatures. They bring more designs to the table and many animations, like the Mantis Shrimp punching the glass tank it's trapped or the Horseshoe Crab and Spider Crab being "placeable" like the Snapping Turtle- they both feature animations as well.

* Pumpkin farming

A new mechanic, a mix between the flower and fruit system. It requires watering to get the better results, it has a random element planting from the Starts that can be avoided by planting color directly, etc. Many are hoping to see this expanded into a full farming mechanic with more vegetables.

* Character customisation options expanded (6 new hairstyles, 4 body paint colors and 6 eye colors)
Notable as the new hairstyles are mostly aimed at POC. The latter two are geared towards Halloween, but they expand your options to cosplay/present yourself.

* 15 reactions
Some are a bit more elaborate than standard reactions like the Confetti which interacts with the wind or the long Yoga one and all NPC and islanders got them and can react/perform them as well.

* Six new/returning NPC [not including major events NPC] (Pascal/Gullivarrr/Cyrus/Reese/Rover/Luna)
* 4 major events (Halloween/Turkey Day/Toy Day/Festivale)
* 5 minor events (May Day/Museum Day/Wedding Season/Fireworks/Valentine's)
* Some tiny events either acknowledged a bit like Chinese New Year/Nature Day or through the seasonal tab

Lumping all these together, as they are limited time things. Notable things are the new events and adjustments to previous ones, like how Valentine's isn't gender-locked anymore.

* Dreams (and subsequent improvements like previously visited dreams and random dreams)

* QoL to the Custom Designs machine search feature
* QoL for the visitor schedule system
* Other tiny QoL improvements like the stereos outside
* Expanded storage (800 purchasable slots)
* Catalog app on the NSO app
* Save and transfer feature

Some of the QoL updates some people insist have not happened at all. YMMV on the usefulness of them, depending on your needs. As said, the fixed visitor schedule is easily the best one for me. Expanded storage was a gift from Arceus itself, 800 more storage slots are great and they also gave a better incentive to pay your last home loan. The catalog app is the third best for me, it's very helpful to be able to check your catalog while still doing things on the game, instead of pausing each time to check your NookPhone. Fortunately, I haven't had the need to use the backup save or transfer features, but they are inherently useful.

I'm probably forgetting some minor details, but thats's basically what has been added. Of course, you can only want specific things and if those are not here, you can be disappointed-
Hey there, Fey! Glad to have you back with us.

My favorite update since the launch of the game is still the diving/summer update. I love being able to dive for things around the island instead of just being confined to the land portion of it. It feels even more realistic and awesome than the diving in New Leaf, and it really does feel like they expanded upon it in New Horizons. The items introduced during this time were some favorites of mine as well. :)
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I think the addition of dream addresses was probably my favourite update, although I prefer it a lot more now that we can go to random dreams instead of just visiting specific addresses as when the feature was first introduced.

Visiting dream addresses is just the perfect late game activity for finding new inspiration once your island is finished or almost finished :)
I hope I don't miss anything, but I like the art update, pumpkins, dreams, and diving.

I wish we had more DIY added in. Was the King Tut mask the only non seasonal new DIY card? It'd be nice if we got a mannequin DIY. The models exist in the game because they are at the Able Sisters. Wands are okay, but I enjoyed the mechanics of the New Leaf mannequins. If they were in New Horizons, we could make as many as we want and populate the island with them. I cleared the land behind my shop to make something of a Nook fan club. If we had mannequins, I would have dressed them in the Nook Mile apparel but I have settled for the tanuki statues.

Also, food DIY cards. We made food items for Thanksgiving which could be easily be converted into DIY cards. Want to make clam chowder as a displayed item in the house, just follow the same recipe that was used during the Thanksgiving event.
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I really enjoyed the Pirate and Mermaid updates. Those might have come together (I can't remember). It was nice to get so many new items and the activities related to diving. Diving for sea creatures, items from Pascal, and to retrieve Gullivarr's communicator. I don't really enjoy digging up communicator parts for Gulliver; diving for Gullivarr's communicator is easier and quicker.
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It’s been nice hearing that despite some disappointments, there’s overall a lot to look forward to for me ^ェ^

Seriously, thanks to everyone for sharing and catching me up on the new content ♥
Special shout-out to @RollingAntony — gosh that’s an insanely comprehensive overview!
Festivale was my personal favorite update. I normally swap seasonal items out, but I'm trying to find permanent spots for a lot of my Festivale items now that I'm redoing my island...again. : ) The pumpkins are really fun, too. I have a pumpkin field area that I'm going to make a larger part of my island once I get some buildings moved round. I also wish we had other crops, though. Strawberries would be nice.
while i’ve honestly been fond of all the updates so far in one way or another, the most exciting for me was the summer update that added in diving + pascal and the autumn update that added in pumpkins, halloween and i believe the storage expansion (this one might’ve been added in at a different time aha). ☺️
It's such a small addition but the introduction of hedges has been my favourite.
I had to abandon the game last May and have been pretty much out of the loop with all things Animal Crossing.

Curious to hear what all has changed since Spring 2020, and what changes you were most excited about!

What did I miss?! 🎶

For sure the Mario update and any of the halloween update, though I enjoyed the viva festival a lot! My favourite items are the mario items and outfits though because I'm a huge mario and Zelda fan. Amazing if they could put in a zelda theme
The Summer update Wave 1 or the first update have been probably my favorites, mostly because they added new gameplay loops (diving, collecting art, bushes, etc.) but every update so far has brought something to like. The mentioned summer update was specially helpful by fixing the visitor schedule, the best QoL update this game truly needed.

For reference, this is a small summary of everything that has been added: (art and bushes aside as you experimented them)

* 117 furniture items
Obviously you'll have some people who can't find anything they like, but chances are you'll like something out of the 100+ items added. Most of these feature some kind of extra element: source of lighting (like the Turkey Day decorations), trigger events for the islanders (like the Festivale stage), interact with the wind (like the Festivale Balloon Lamp), have little animations (like the Puppy Plushies), act as surfaces (like the Turkey Day garden stand) or in a single case, add a new fast-travel mechanic (the Pipe).

* 42 interior items
For your home interior design needs, many different-shaped rugs are added like the Shamrock Rug or the Pirate Rug. Wallpapers like the Mermaid one glows/looks differently without light as well and the Mushroom Mural is animated.

* 84 clothing items
If you needed even more clothing options, some backpacks and many "dress" options have been added. King Tut Mask is a notable one, as that brings back tripping.

* 15 tool items
Most of them bringing new animations to the table, like the Shamrock Soda or Sparkling Cider having a "cheers" animation, the Megaphones (not the NL one) making you "cheer", the balloons have animations around them, including the sad one of seeing them fly away when you trip and fall.

* 11 miscellanous items
Things that are mostly used as crafting materials or the like, but can be used for decoration or worn, like the feathers from Festivale or the little pearls from Pascal.

* 40 sea creatures (and Diving/swimming)
Returning mechanic with differences from previous incarnation. Source of a new "daily" with Pascal and well, the sea creatures. They bring more designs to the table and many animations, like the Mantis Shrimp punching the glass tank it's trapped or the Horseshoe Crab and Spider Crab being "placeable" like the Snapping Turtle- they both feature animations as well.

* Pumpkin farming
A new mechanic, a mix between the flower and fruit system. It requires watering to get the better results, it has a random element planting from the Starts that can be avoided by planting color directly, etc. Many are hoping to see this expanded into a full farming mechanic with more vegetables.

* Character customisation options expanded (6 new hairstyles, 4 body paint colors and 6 eye colors)
Notable as the new hairstyles are mostly aimed at POC. The latter two are geared towards Halloween, but they expand your options to cosplay/present yourself.

* 15 reactions
Some are a bit more elaborate than standard reactions like the Confetti which interacts with the wind or the long Yoga one and all NPC and islanders got them and can react/perform them as well.

* Six new/returning NPC [not including major events NPC] (Pascal/Gullivarrr/Cyrus/Reese/Rover/Luna)
* 4 major events (Halloween/Turkey Day/Toy Day/Festivale)
* 5 minor events (May Day/Museum Day/Wedding Season/Fireworks/Valentine's)
* Some tiny events either acknowledged a bit like Chinese New Year/Nature Day or through the seasonal tab

Lumping all these together, as they are limited time things. Notable things are the new events and adjustments to previous ones, like how Valentine's isn't gender-locked anymore.

* Dreams (and subsequent improvements like previously visited dreams and random dreams)

* QoL to the Custom Designs machine search feature
* QoL for the visitor schedule system
* Other tiny QoL improvements like the stereos outside
* Expanded storage (800 purchasable slots)
* Catalog app on the NSO app
* Save and transfer feature

Some of the QoL updates some people insist have not happened at all. YMMV on the usefulness of them, depending on your needs. As said, the fixed visitor schedule is easily the best one for me. Expanded storage was a gift from Arceus itself, 800 more storage slots are great and they also gave a better incentive to pay your last home loan. The catalog app is the third best for me, it's very helpful to be able to check your catalog while still doing things on the game, instead of pausing each time to check your NookPhone. Fortunately, I haven't had the need to use the backup save or transfer features, but they are inherently useful.

I'm probably forgetting some minor details, but thats's basically what has been added. Of course, you can only want specific things and if those are not here, you can be disappointed-

Ooff it all sounds so good when it's summed up like that 😅 thanks for doing that, i needed a reminder to be grateful for the game again 🥰
My favorite update was the Halloween update. With the addition of gardening, reactions, and super cute furniture and costumes, it set a high standard for updates.
I think the thing I was most excited about was pumpkins. Many updates before and after just haven't made me excited (with the exception of the Mar 18 update).

I really just want more crops😥 Like I thought by now we'd have like atleast another new one. I guess they're gonna be a summer thing since I'm assuming the other crops that were in the data mine might be summer crops. Unless they're gonna be in late spring.