Well... My username is basically the last name of an gamer girl OC, whose name sounds similar to the Wii Remote, with a different spelling. So, when I joined here after a live stream of New Leaf when it first came out in Japan back in 2012 (Got linked to it from ACC), I decided to use the name WeiMoote for here as well. And that's basically the origins of my username.
i made this username (on other platforms) when i was wayyyy young. i think i was 7, and my brothers and all my cousins were playing maplestory all day everyday, i begged my brother to make me an account and teach me how to play as i always just sat by and watched them play for hours, eventually he ended up feeling bad and let me make an account on his file. i had a hard time thinking of a name, but kirby has always been and will forever be my favourite character, so i decided on kirby, which was obviously taken, so im like just throw a z at the end and thus, kirbyz was born. ive been using it ever since.
I don't really remember when, but I started using Velociraptor as my online handle on pretty much every website. Because, you know, velociraptors are super cool.
When I went to sign up for the bell tree, unfortunately someone else was already velociraptor! So I just went with Velo (usually go down to Velo or if that's taken then Veloci).
The funny thing was that I didn't realize Velo was the word for bike until a friend on another website told me haha. And Veloci is a brand of a bike. She thought I just really liked bicycles.
Anyways it makes me think of a velociraptor riding a bicycle, and that's pretty entertaining.
Well, Bluebear is the reason why I joined the forums (I needed her for my town) and I wasn't feeling particularly creative that day. The L stands for the first letter of my actual name. I have stuck with my username because it kind of has a nice ring to it. idk, I just like it.
well, i remember randomly signing up for tbt and not coming up with a creative username. “blushingtokki77” basically is just a blushing rabbit with my lucky number. i switched my name to spacetokki77 because i still like rabbits but now i like space. plus i still wanted to be recognizable.
Ehhhh because I’m super pale and don’t want to tan nor try to tan, I’ve had a few ppl call me porcelain pale and I like that word so mixed it up a lil with the x.
I actually chose this username on a whim when I signed up and thought about changing it years ago, but I've grown so attached to it, I think it'd feel weird going by any other name.
Cats and wolves are my favorite animals. I changed the spelling of wolf to "wulfe" because the first place I tried to use this username had "Kittywolf" already taken. I've been using this name online for 20+ years now (I think I gave away my age a bit there )
It's a username that I came up with many, many years ago back when I was in high school (or just out of it, in the case of when I joined here). It's actually very straight-forward. It was chosen because of me being very envious of others that were more beautiful and more talented (especially in music) than me.
If I were to be more specific, it more accurately revolves around this one girl in high school who was really pretty and played the bassoon before I did and she was great at the instrument, but she didn't really care about it at all. I grew a bit bitter.
I will say it wasn't just her, though, of course. But she was a large factor. Which makes it really absurd sounding that here I'm still using this username well over a decade after high school and I haven't even seen her in a decade.
Before I chose the name Jerico for myself, I was thinking about Stella. The Io part (that's a capital i not an L) is the name of a planets moon, I think Jupiter or Saturn.
Stella also means star and I love space and stars. Io is a moon and I am obsessed with moon related stuff. So I just combined the two and they work well together.
Also, Stella-Io was my name on another forum site before I came here, so I kept the name incase anyone from ACC recognized me here.
Halloween is my favorite day of the year, queen rhymes with ween, and I identify as female, so there you go. Shocking and illuminating, I know. Fairly basic, but also represents me decently well since I'm fond of horror movies and creepy stuff.
I'm also terrible at coming up with names for basically anything. Characters in stories I write, characters in games whose names I can choose, whatever. Ironic that I know what I'd name my children if I ever had some, but I have no intention or desire whatsoever to ever have children. But I digress.
I might alter it or change it altogether someday if I have sufficient spare bells and a good idea. I'm content now though.