What is the meaning behind your username?

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I changed my username from my original username I made when I was in high school lol, but I made it sleepydreepy because I am sleepy and love the pokemon dreepy lmao
Magix is the name of my NL town, and a name I like the sound of. The "ali di" part is Italian, and the name "magix" originates from an Italian TV show, so my username translates to "wings of magix". Thought it was a phrase that sounded nice haha
moo nieu is a fighting cow from kung pow: enter the fist
Screenshot (169).png
I'm an Otaku, but I am also trash. Both adjectives are my only personality traits besides being annoying. Win-win!
A very long time ago I stayed up for like 36 hours and was talking some nonsense about burrowing owls on the phone with my ex acting like they weren't real, and then I started to describe giant squids with wings that spit fire.
I can't remember too well the connection (as I was a little delirous at the time) but somehow it just stuck, I think it's got a nice ring to it.
i've been meaning to change my username, but it's a weapon from my favourite game series. ⬇
The meaning behind "Sora" is a main character from a game called Kingdom Hearts. I am a "Fan" of the Kingdom Hearts games. "23" is basically the date that I got Kingdom Hearts for the very first time.
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Someone who played Persona games and played as Joker and little too much in smash from day 1 when he was released and started to get called Mr Persona because the brother makes up such strange names. The end
ta da
park chanyeol is my favorite artist and LOEY is the last four letters of his name backwards. it’s also the name he goes by as a producer and he has it tattooed on his finger :D
No meaning behind mine other than I based it off of a character in Cervantes book Don Quixote. It was a name I came up with when I still played an mmorpg; it would have been Donquixote but wouldn’t register with the O so, i had to use a u.
So, in secondary school there were these two boys who apparantly didn't know what my name was, or I guess how to pronouce it? (Not as if my name is anywhere near the word giddy)
So they would give me several nicknames, and one of them that stuck so much to me, was Giddy.
My nickname is a unique Internet name I came up with for myself. It doesn't mean anything, I liked the ring of it.

Obviously it has "fly" in it but it doesn't have anything to do with flying. And no, it's also not related to the game "FLYFF - Fly For Fun"...
Just some name I thought sounded cool when I was a teenager. 🥱
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