What is your average of NMT spent to get a Villager you like?

On my most recent island hopping trips I've had a list of villagers that I'm hoping to find and its mostly taken between 60-80 NMTs to come across one of those villagers. I quite enjoy island hopping so I allow myself 100NMT to find a villager during a search, taking breaks throughout the day when I'm tired of talking to the dodos. Luckily I've often found a villager I want before ticket 100 but whenever I don't I usually take a risk with the random move in - sometimes it's worked really well but mostly it's been a disaster 😂

Early on in the game though I found both Raymond and Judy on around 20-30NMTs, I'd been looking for Fauna really but I hadn't built up enough Nook Miles for a long search and was running out of tickets so I took them and they've since become firm favourites of mine :giggle:
The most I spent was 431 looking for Cole. Normally I'm not looking for a specific villager so I find someone I like in less than 20 tickets. But on my second island, I want to find certain villagers, so it takes a lot more tickets. I also have terrible luck.
I allocate a number of NMT for mystery island hopping/villager hunting. If I don’t find one I’m looking for, I trade for them or buy a fan made Amiibo.

I don’t have the time or patience to do hundreds of mystery island visits and I also rarely have that many NMT available.

I like visiting mystery islands, in moderation.
I have had good luck when looking for villagers. I think the most in a single day was 30 tickets. Lately I usually find them with less then 10. The least amount was 1. I found both Sprinkle and Hopper on the first ticket. I also found Skye on the second.
I feel like no amount has ever given me the villager that I've wanted. I am very picky about which animals are on my island so I could blaze through around 50 or so before I compromise on one.
Or....I could get lucky and be done in less than 10. That happened when I got Julian. He was like my 5th ticket and I was overjoyed because island hopping is a GRIND.
My average number of tickets used it probably 20-25. For me, there are a lot of villagers I like and I don’t go on a villager hunt looking for one specific villager (or even 2 -5).

I usually can find someone I would be happy in less than 10 tickets, but I keep going because I just like island hopping. My ideal number of islands would probably be about 30-40?

The number of island I go to is also very dependent on my mood, so one time I spent 80 and another time 100 tickets, cause I just was indecisive.

I usually have a short list with anywhere from 10 - 50 villagers on it which I use to make my decision if I am just in a noncommittal/ indecisive mood. But I am not strict about my list at all.

I have over a hundred amiibo cards (best guess) but have only used one once (to give my friend Kiki, I used the amiibo to kick her out at the right time.) I just find it so much less fun than island hopping or even adopting from the campsite. I like the chance encounter aspects of inviting villagers to my island.
I'd say around 30? It used to be less but now I buy NMTs on here so I can island hop more. Despite this 8/10 of my villagers were adopted here, because I don't have the patience to use more than 20-30 tickets at once and I don't want to spend multiple days stuck on the same in-game day so my plot doesn't auto-fill 😭.

Interestingly enough, I thought I'd be less attached to villagers I bought, but instead it's the ones I found on mystery islands I want to let go because most of the time I wasn't crazy about them and just settled for ones I found a little bit cute :/
When I first started it averaged between 5 NMTs to 15 NMTs to find a dreamie or a villager that i'd want to take.

Now it's 65+ NMTs.... i just keep running into the same villagers or species for some reason lol the RNG god is so cruel 😭
I've spent like 500 NMT looking for Judy and never found her (I literally found every single other popular villager and a dreamy TWICE) I ended up trading for her
20 NMT
But what I do is write a list of villagers I hope to run into and whoever I find first I take.
My list isn't short...
amiibos would be nice/helpful.... but I need to know what villagers I really really like first. esp since amiibos aren't easy to come by...
I've been using the Dream Suite to visit villagers this week to help whittle my list down. Sometimes you just have to see them in game and interacting before knowing.
New Horizons is my AC introduction..
Um not a lot lmao. I honestly get burnt out pretty fast and I don't really have hardcore dreamies. I have soooo many villagers that I want to have for at least a little while, that I run into one that I think is cool or cute or funny or missing from my island vibe within like 20 tickets haha. Of course sometimes I just forget to go get someone and I get a random, which has worked out okay! I guess I'm just pretty chill with villagers since I can control where their houses go in this game. I also don't feel like it's super difficult to get them to move out! I do have some amiibo cards as well, including some villagers I have yet to ever load up. Just haven't felt the need to scan them in quite yet! I don't feel like doing any repeats of villagers I had previously though. Except Raffle, if I ran into him I'd definitely bring him home. 💕
Um not a lot lmao. I honestly get burnt out pretty fast and I don't really have hardcore dreamies. I have soooo many villagers that I want to have for at least a little while, that I run into one that I think is cool or cute or funny or missing from my island vibe within like 20 tickets haha. Of course sometimes I just forget to go get someone and I get a random, which has worked out okay! I guess I'm just pretty chill with villagers since I can control where their houses go in this game. I also don't feel like it's super difficult to get them to move out! I do have some amiibo cards as well, including some villagers I have yet to ever load up. Just haven't felt the need to scan them in quite yet! I don't feel like doing any repeats of villagers I had previously though. Except Raffle, if I ran into him I'd definitely bring him home. 💕
I may be a bit off topic, but dude, nice rat! Just had to compliment ya if it’s yours. I love rats so much, raised two when I was a kid! :)
Onix says thank you! 💕 he's one of my past babes. I've had over 30 now, they're the best!
Also nice username!! :love:
Onix is a cute rat, and I’m sure the others are as well. Yep, rats are really sweet and intelligent, wonderful pets and friends!
Thanks, haha, I really wanted to include rats in my username, small world finding another man of taste! Have a great day/night! :)
I've only ever hunted for a specific villager twice (Monty and Chester), and the rest I either got from other people or found on mystery islands randomly when I wasn't searching for anyone in particular. For Monty I think I got him in under 100 tickets, while Chester took me around 300.
Not too many. That value is probably somewhere between 5-10. I find island hopping dull and don't really dislike very many villagers.