Anyways, supreme pizza is top-tier. Plain cheese is a close second. If there isn't supreme available, i'll just take the closest to it from what is available, which is usually sausage and pepperonis.
My favorite pizza is the gourmet vegetarian from papa Murphy’s. Other kinds i like are either just plain cheese or mushrooms, olives, and pineapples. As long as it doesn’t have any meat I’m usually happy though
My go-to is Hawaiian with chicken instead of ham. I'm not too picky, though, so I would be fine with most toppings in general. I would only steer clear of sausage and pepperoni if I only had to consider my preferences, since I like to steer clear of processed meats.
I've grown to like many types of pizza actually. Greek, veggie, meat (though only if the sausage on it isn't spicy). My family's go to is Canadian though. Which is Pepperoni, Bacon and Mushroom.
My all-time favorite is pizza with green and black olives! I like most veggie pizzas too (especially jalapeño), and margherita pizza is also really good. A less popular, but also very good pizza, assuming you're not opposed to fruit as a topping: mozzarella pizza, no sauce, with strawberries, fresh basil, and black olives, drizzled with balsamic reduction. I don't have it often, but I really love it.
In college, it was American Papa John's beef, chicken, and onion pizza actually it was Digiorno's, man I miss Digiorno's. Especially the cheese stuffed crust
Never had/heard of white sauce pizza before, sounds very interesting I'll have to try if if I ever see it
I'm plain I just like cheese, more cheese and pepperoni. Also normal crust, I don't like thin crust pizzas and all the stuffed crusts pizzas I've had weren't good. Idk, the contents inside just didn't taste as good as I thought they would. Thick crust is good too.
This isn't an option but hotsauce. I like hotsauce on my cheese pizza.