What is Your Personality Type?

What is your personality type?

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Frost Egg Collector
Mar 2, 2018
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Lily
Purple Violet
White Pansy
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Blue Feather
I've been wondering how the distribution of types on TBT differs from the average. I can already make a few guesses, but it would be interesting to actually see it, especially among the site's more active users.

I for one am INTP (Logician) which basically means I'm a robot who doesn't really enjoy social interaction, and who solves problems for fun. I'm also probably the worst person to come to for emotional support.

EDIT: You can take the test here. https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
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I'm an INFJ-T, uhh I'm honestly not sure if I should agree with it or not.
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i just got intp and i dont agree with it much? lol

- - - Post Merge - - -

i got istp last time which made a lil more sense
My results often vary to how I feel, usually after a couple of months things will be different. I got INFP today though, nearly INTP with a 3% difference.

accidentally voted intp...whoops lol
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I've gotten ISTJ, ISFJ, and INFJ before. I'm not really sure that any of them fit me really well, but I think the descriptions I've read on ISTJ fit me the best even though over the past few years I always seem to get F for my third letter.
I think it's really interesting that some have no votes at all! Although that will probably change considering at the time I'm posting this there are only 15 votes
I think I was INTJ-something.. might re-take it someday because I think I've changed a lot since those days aha
I think it's really interesting that some have no votes at all! Although that will probably change considering at the time I'm posting this there are only 15 votes

I want to bet that most of the community is Introverted as it appears that a lot of the community have social anxiety. But I don't want to generalize falsely, just an observation I have made.

Everytime I take the personality test, it seems to be INFJ, but when I took it recently there was a 1% mariginal between T and F, and I think I represent both. I can be pretty emotional about things but I tend to think rationally and make my final decision based on logic/thought than with my emotions.
i've taken this test three times. the first time when i was 11/12, i was an INFJ which i really liked ngl. then i took it again a few years later, and i got enfp. i took it recently, and got enfp. i've really evolved since the first time
IMFJ fs. It's funny how it says that it makes up less then 1% of the world yet its the most voted on here lol
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I don't understand the question.

There's no link to any test?