What languages do you want to learn / are currently learning?

I know english and spanish , a good amount of french , and i'd like to learn italian , german , finnish , and maybe dutch , swedish , norwegian , russian , japanese , or korean ( i'm not sure about which to learn when i get there ) . i love learning languages as a hobby ( :
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I've been studying French for 9 1/2 years. (French immersion school). I'm pretty fluent, which is pretty nice. Considering it's our 2nd national language.
I'm learning Japanese and Spanish currently. でも、私はばかです。

Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't it be "でも、私はバカです。”?since I believe it's kana.

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French, I know like hardly anything but I have Rosetta Stone for it and I plan to learn it someday when I decide to stop being so lazy... I plan to make my boyfriend learn it too. I basically know some animals, colors, and actions, how to say boy, girl, man, woman, know a few professions and the only full sentence I actually use in my day to day is "Qu'est-ce que vous fais?" which means what are you doing, and it's fun to use and when someone asks what I just ask them what they're doing.

That's cool! I had Rosetta stone for mandarin but I personally had a hard time learning from it. But yeah! Also, you missed the conjugation for "faire", for vous it's "faites" -- but it's a good start :)
well all irish people must learn gaeilge as part of the curriculum unless they
have a really good excuse, then they have to apply for an exemption(・∧‐)ゞ
and in p much every school u have to take up a modern language for your
junior certificate, i picked french. and i really really want to learn polish but
i just don't have the time, effort and resources (?>‸⚲͜<) one day maybe??​
Hm, it would be cool to know Portuguese I guess .. :3 Aaand maybe Japanese but I'm so bad at their alphabets lol
I'd like to learn Greek and Japanese. I know they aren't fairly useful but they interest me.

I know some French but I'd like to know more so I can put that I speak French on my resume. Same thing with Spanish.
i really want to learn korean and spanish. i took spanish in school but it was only basic level
I studied French for 2 years. It wasn't really for me.
So this semester I'm going to be doing both Chinese and Japanese.
Japanese would be really cool to learn. Ugh that alphabet though... I took 4 years of Spanish in highschool but I've forgotten a lot of it, I can still understand some of it & can write/say simple phrases
i used to study both japanese and german, and i wish i kept up with them :c
i also really want to learn latin, greek, and french oxo
I'm going to have to learn Chinese to speak with my cousins and my granparents
I took Latin a couple years ago, and unfortunately, I forgot like all of it since then, so someday I'd like to try learning it again. This year I'm taking Spanish, and I'll be taking it again next year. After that, I'd like to learn Gaelic, German, Japanese, and French possibly too.
honestly, id like to learn Filipino
when my parents are talking about something they don't want me to know, they ALWAYS talk in Filipino
honestly, id like to learn Filipino
when my parents are talking about something they don't want me to know, they ALWAYS talk in Filipino

damn that sucks,

actually, my moms side is iranian/azerbaijan and usualy my mom and her parents speak persian, but they know some turkish, which i dont know a lick of, so when they dont want me to know something they switch over to turkish and im like what.

and same for my dad too, he knows my chinese sucks, and takes advantage of that to talk **** about me lol
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I'm planning on resuming my French lessons on Duolingo soon!

I'd also like to learn Russian, Hebrew, and Japanese someday. Really, I'd like to learn every language in the world, but that's not possible, so I had to narrow it down a bit. :p
that is a lot of languages to learn at once! I am learning Spanish and would love to learn French :p