What languages do you want to learn / are currently learning?

I am learning Japanese and I plan on learning on speaking French, Chinese, Korean, Spanish and Italian fluently.

I am currently learning Hiragana, the Japanese characters(sort of like alphabet.)
I took a year of Japanese, half a year of Korean and Mandarin and self teaching when I have down time. I would like to be fluent in all three as well as my own language (lol I can't read or write in my own language) and German, Spanish (seems to be a very common plus to a resume these days) and French. Would also like to learn Russian but you know...one language at a time lol.
Learning Latin for school, though I wish I could learn Chinese, Japanese and other languages :~(

I'm actually really sad and disappointed in myself for not trying to continue to learn Chinese when I was younger after our Chinese teacher moved away and we started using rosetta stone but then quit, or try to learn Cambodian since lots of my family members speak it
Sign language, I already know a little but for some reason people don't like it when I use it.
I'd like to learn Polish because of a few reasons:

The polish community in my area is fairly large
I'm mostly polish so it's my heritage
My girlfriend is also mostly polish so it'd give us a way to bond further
I'd like to learn Polish because of a few reasons:

The polish community in my area is fairly large
I'm mostly polish so it's my heritage
My girlfriend is also mostly polish so it'd give us a way to bond further

wow, everything around you is polish, huh

lol I am trying to learn french but I'm pretty lazy..
I really want to learn Korean because my bf is Korean and his family pretty much only speaks Korean. So far we can only communicate by what my bf translates =/ I always tell myself I'll try learning it but I keep delaying ahh.
I wanted to learn Japanese until I realized how difficult it would be, especially with the lack of online resources. I don't have the money to buy Japanese starter kits D: I did start learning Italian on a free language learning app a while ago, though. I've memorized about 100 words, but I've gotten too lazy to do it lately because the lesson I'm currently on is really difficult. All of the words are really similar and hard to remember. Even learning the different versions of eat was easier (there are like five of them btw) ene
It's not really serious learning and I'm just doing it for fun, but it'd be cool if it could become serious someday.
i want to learn japanese. been telling myself that and i still have no idea how to write a simple japanese word smh. i really need to start now.
Polish. I already speak and write it fluently but there's a lot of little things I still don't understand entirely. The grammar is nothing like English. Really didn't expect to find myself learning it, but ended up living in Poland for 4 months while I was still backpacking full time and figured I may as well try to learn something other than profanity. ;) I keep in touch with friends made over there via Facebook/Skype so I still get to use and practice it. Practically nobody speaks it where I'm living in the US. :(
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I really want to learn Arabic and Mandarin, and maybe French and Spanish. I hope I'll be taking Mandarin next year. :D