What Makes a Good Movie for You?


Feb 28, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Purple Candy
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
Recently, I've been thinking to myself " what makes a good movie?" I think I've came up with different ideas for different genres/styles. If you read, keep it mind that these are my opinions on my preference, and also, I'm not saying every movie ever has to follow these rules. Just my top ten would likely follow them.
1. Animated: Animated films have a chance of being my favorite, since anything and everything is possible. Lots grade animated films by "would it hold up if it was live action?" I do the opposite, most of the time. This meaning that I like my animated films to be animated for a reason. This isn't saying that all of them have to be fantasy, just that I'd like it to be at the least, an artistic choice. Wolf Children and Song of the Sea represent these wonderfully.
The main thing I judge while watching anything animated is: "Do I want to live in this world?" and "Do I wish these characters were real?" My favorite part of any story is the characters, and I like to love the setting to the point where I get jealous I didn't create it. Also, if the movie ends, and you automatically wish there was a sequel, then I think they did the job right.
2. Action movies: I am bored to death of super hero movies. So, when I see an action movie, I want more then hours of filler then a blow out fight scene. I like it to not take itself to seriously, and I like the action to have actual choreography. Perfect example: Scott Pilgrim
3. Live Action: Along with super hero movies, I get bored with a lot of new comedies. My preferred non-animated movies are the "Feel-good Drama Comedies". This sounds weird, yes, but I like heartfelt movies that can be serious, too. Also, a good laugh doesn't hurt. Also, I like when they're "artsy", but they don't try to hard. Another thing is heart. In any movie, actually, I like some heart. I want to like the character for more then them just getting a goal. A good example would be Hector and the Search for Happiness.

Wow that was too long. Anyways, what are your preferences?
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The storyline/characters do it for me. I tend to over think things when it comes to movies lmao
i love a movie that gives an unexpected ending , or one where everything makes sense in the end like in the machinist or the gift .
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I like animation, and as stated in the post above me, ending that make sense.
But the thing I want the most is an ending that doesnt make you feel like they need to make a sequel for future events.
Like I like to see what the main characters do after the event of the movie, even if its a little summary, I hate to think, what happen's next @_@ unless they make a a sequel
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-Animations are perfection
-Sadness/conflict (aka "the feels")
-The lines between good and evil aren't clearly drawn out
-Something that makes you think
-No/little romance
- No forced romantic relationships. I'm looking at you, Avengers.
- Unique personalities for the main characters.
- Animation for animated movies is top quality.
- Sad moments.
- Not an overdose of action.
- No forced romantic relationships. I'm looking at you, Avengers.

Totally agree with you there.

I like interesting characters. If there are some female characters with interesting stories, ex: not just the damsel in distress, I'll be pleased. Plots without distracting plot holes are helpful too. Special effects that are well done and not overly done or overly computerized (James Cameron's Avatar, I'm looking at you.) are good.

I prefer movies with feels but a balance. If the ending is depressing, I'm usually not a fan. It doesn't have to be a fairytale ending but sad stuff just leaves me sad.
- A decent cast
- If the characters aren't painfully stupid (which is why most later horror movies just make me annoyed more than anything)
- A decent ending. I don't like those "leave it to the imagination" endings at all, unless there's a sequel just tell me what happens please
- Some humour is a nice bonus
- No more unnecessary romantic subplots like come on I'm trying to watch a park full of dinosaurs get this rushed senseless **** outta here and show me more dinos im still mad about this
- If the dog dies I'm out
- Also no trophy girls please
- When a major conflict isn't something as simple and dumb as a misunderstanding, i.e the movie could have been an hour shorter if this character just listened to that character for 5 seconds
I enjoy and find that movies with foreshadowing/hints throughout the movie, then finally the real answer is revealed at the end makes it a pretty good movie. Since all the clues help the audience to understand what it happened or how, but also ones that twist the story is pretty good too. I also find that movies with a creative open story, and psychology/thinking/solving are captivating too. But for sure any outstanding movies can instantly grab the audiences attention and really leaves behind a welfull meaning
-Shoot off scenes
-Bad ass females
-Good soundtrack
-Slight sexual/romantic tension between characters (kind of between Mia and Vincent in Pulp Fiction)
-Amazing acting
-AT LEAST ONE sex scene let's be real guys we all love a good raunchy sex scene
Breaking the waves.. hah if you've ever seen that one that is.

Anyways, great soundtrack is a must tbh cause I'm a soundtrack muppet to the bone.
Intense, realistic violence. Apparently dissecting dead people at school a couple times a week just isn't enough for me.
Pranks, comedy, violence, lots of stuff can make a good movie for me. As long as it's not so peppy and all about unicorns (looks at my little pony).
I enjoy movies that have a creative plot and good characters. Mix that with a hint of foreshadowing early on in the movie, an opening that doesn't suck, an interesting way of telling the story and an ending that either leaves me content with how the movie ended (if it was a one-off) or eager for more makes a pretty good movie for me. It doesn't have to be an idea that's 100% original though, I suppose.
- as long as it makes me laugh like *** or cry my soul out, its good
- interesting/unique plot
- it should have at least some type of humor or romance - this doesnt apply for movies that are meant to be depressing
- one that can grab my attention from the beginning until the end
For me, I like good animation, fleshed out characters, a lot of feels, and lasting impression.
Extra points if it can make me laugh. =)
I have to have a decent, complicated plot in order to enjoy a movie. That, or it can be simple, but it has to be incredible. There also needs to be decent character development and diversity- the one exception is the Hobbit, which is so great that I can accept the fact that there are only a handful of female characters, one of which isn't even supposed to be there.
This is just things I like in general, not every movie has to have all of these for me to like it.

-Hella good music
-Interesting plot
-No forced romance. Romance is fine as long as it isn't the main focus or horribly forced. *cough* Jurassic World *cough* (although lbr I would still watch that movie for days on end it's my fave)
-Interesting/relatable/lovable/complex characters (doesn't have to be all of the above, just one or two is fine)
-No animation (there are some exceptions *scrambles to delete The Secret of Kells from my Netflix history* )
-Foreshadowing my god I love that
-Decent action/fight scenes
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