What platform do you browse TBT on?

What platform do you browse TBT on?

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Gone until April 1st
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Although I claim to be ?multi-platform? (since I use a lot of devices to access TBT), I am primarily an iPhone user when it comes to browsing this site. I use my laptop sometimes, but only to upload art or other images. And I use my iPad when I want to have a better experience on this site while I?m at home.

What?s your platform?
I've always preferred using a computer to browse and post on forum-based websites. :3
I usually use my desktop, but when I'm on the go I use the Samsung internet browser on my phone :lemon:
Although I claim to be “multi-platform” (since I use a lot of devices to access TBT), I am primarily an iPhone user when it comes to browsing this site. I use my laptop sometimes, but only to upload art or other images. And I use my iPad when I want to have a better experience on this site while I’m at home.

What’s your platform?

yah i use laptop phone and tablet XD
I don’t even use the mobile site. I browse the full site on the iPhone, hence why I can see sidebars while being on the phone.

it's not just that, but I also hate non-tactile keyboards. which my phone has, but also lags like crazy and messes up on inputs a lot, so isn't super reliable for any sort of typing

plus phone screens are just too small for touch navigation by me (hell, it's barely manageable for my laptop's touch screen), even with modern smartphones' obnoxiously large screens. add in that I can't really use browser add-ons, and well....
I like to use my phone when browsing, but when typing a long message/reply I prefer my laptop because my phone's autocorrect is ridiculous and I have to re-read my message like 4 times to make sure it makes sense lol
For a while it was my laptop, then I got back on my preferred main computer. Laptop keyboards are bothersome to me by being tethered to the screen. My phone's too old to do anything outside of texting and calls, but even then I wouldn't use it as not having a physical keyboard makes me take eons to type.
I use my tablet/IPad Pro since I don’t have nor need a laptop/desktop anymore. Every laptop/desktop that I’ve had has somehow broken, but this thing is still going strong and works great for everything I use it for, including TBT. :)
I use my Laptop, but it died in September. So until Christmas, I use my phone.

I have occasionally gone on TBT with my phone but only if I know I got a response to a trade or if I'm bored and want to see what's up on the forums!
i've tried using the mobile browser but it's much to frustrating for me to want to use. plus my device is so small (literally an ipod touch rip) that i can't even use the keyboard. desktop is MUCH easier imo
I don?t even use the mobile site. I browse the full site on the iPhone, hence why I can see sidebars while being on the phone.

Wait, there's a mobile site?

I have to constantly zoom waaay in to touch stuff like the top notifications and settings, small stuff like that (or I guess basically any words) but as far as devices, I don't have anythin else to use.
this should have been multiple choice my dude

but yeah desktop/laptop, this site is nearly impossible to navigate on your phone idk how people do it on the regular unless they have no other option. i open it on my phone in the morning if i've been active just to check and clear notifications but even that's annoying
I'd say it's almost 50/50, if I'm not home I'm on my phone and if I'm home... either laptop or phone (if I'm too lazy to get out of bed) lol.

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I like to use my phone when browsing, but when typing a long message/reply I prefer my laptop because my phone's autocorrect is ridiculous and I have to re-read my message like 4 times to make sure it makes sense lol

THIS lol
I use my laptop the most. I can't stand browsing on something small like a phone. First of all, I don't like the mobile theme of the site. I never really have for any forums, I just find them confusing. So that means I use the full site, and it gets rather annoying to use for long periods of time. Hence why I'm on my laptop 99% of the time.