Pokémon What Pokémon Are You? [Quiz]


This was fun, not entirely accurate but close enough.

i got togetic and i dont think it's that accurate. i switched up the meaning of life answer and got mew. i dont even play pokemon, just did this quiz 'cause im bored lol

I feel like I could have fluctuated a lot between answers though, but I'm generally pretty nice to people I care about

I got Togetic! Twice, actually, after switching up a couple of the answers that I could've gone either way on. This sounds pretty good to me, so I sure hope this quiz is fairly accurate ahaha.
i got mew but other than the friendly part (or at least, i try to be friendly) and not putting much trust into relationships, this isn’t really all that accurate for me imo. 😅

mew’s cute, though. :’)


I feel like this does suit me at least from the description pretty well at least. Plus Togetic is a pretty cute Pokemon.

YESSSS. I love Pachirisu. I have one that I nicknamed "Dean".
"No, but you are a devout Pastafarian." May we all be touched by His Noodly Appendage, R'amen. :D
