I'm stuck at B+ 30-70 because I always end up being on the worst teams and I can't always carry my team in EVERY match. Ranked mode is starting to annoy me because of this. I want to be at least an A rank.
Started playing ranked again a few days ago. Was juggling between S 0 and S 15 before I fell all the way to A 60. It would've been farther if I hadn't gotten so many -1s from having like a 14/3 KD and carrying nearly every match.
Right now I'm A+ 30 and hopefully I can get back to S if I can get put on the winning team for once. And since I do so well, I now know that I am not the problem but rather it's my teammates.
I was B+ for the longest time and had to grind through ranked battles to even be within reach of A. Even still, it's full of frustration and sweat and honestly I'm terrified of S-ranked battles. xD I hear they'll eat you alive.
i managed to get to b+ today yeeeeesssss!! i knew it was a good idea to go back to using the... err... the orange n-zap (seriously tho, why can't i remember the name of it XD)
I'm an A- lvl 50 but I admit that when I play squads with my friends on Saturday night my rank goes down to B+ or B, it's when I play ranked by myself against a bunch of other B players that I move back up to A- but never a regular A. It's a cycle with lots of ups and downs lots of ins and outs and what have yous.
I think I'm a B+. I haven't played it for a while now, kept getting frustrated with different things and I'm short on patience at the best of times. Going to try and get back into it while I'm off work