Senior Member
I stopped identifying as Christian/with some pagan and other earth magic type elements when some Christians (family and friend) I knew would argue the fact Jesus taught and spoke in scripture on reincarnation and that reincarnation belief as my own experience cannot explain it away seemed to them to push me out of their circle when it doesn't so yes I am very spiritual and connected to the creative source. I believe my energy is more than just a brain and goes on and some parts of many teachings but I don't like the literalist when most religious texts are written as parables or symbolic and not literal and most religion, having a history and English lit degree these old texts come up same basic stories all religions have flood stories as one example and many are all the same and a lot of what is considered pagan or mystical has its place there too, religious but don't believe in miracles or magic seemed not quite to fit. I was raised Catholic non devout father and Baptist strict family she had mother went to some services on holidays younger but left to find by trial and error my own way which is my spirit is connected to the higher source being religions give it different names when it's really all the same at heart so I say spiritual and I very much am. I think of my actions towards others be the best me I can be try to be evolving internally and that's the main purpose of anything good I guess. So that's my story I believe we are energy we can come back if we choose to evolve through more than one time around and that raising energy vibration is good and pure energy is love equals love is all there is, lol. Again that's just me I will fight always for anyone's right to believe or not believe whatever works for them. The when we say I or me what we mean I believe is something they can't prove exists if we are aware lay talking of more than our brain so yeah I am about love energy spreading.
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