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What scars do you have?


Jul 17, 2013
Throwback Tickets
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Yellow Hyacinth
Yellow Hyacinth
Yellow Hyacinth
Yellow Hyacinth
Looked around and saw some scar threads in the past, but they’re old and none of them are really asking what scars you have only, so post about what scars you have here!

I myself have a scar in the shape of a crescent moon under my right eye that I got when I wore glasses when I was younger and fell off the bed at an ex-friend’s house. Everything else healed, but the scar remains to this day which is still pretty visible (and somewhat small).

So, what scars do you have? :)
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I have some scars, for example one on my left knee that I got from falling down during sports class in secondary school. Sand got inside the wound and I didn't clean it thoroughly (if at all, I don't remember), so it's probably still there. The scar itself looks like a couple of scratches, but slightly protruding and purplish in color.

Since we also have cats at home, it's probably no surprise that I have scars caused by cats too. :D
I have a wicked burn scar on my wrist that I got as a baby, and two seperate ones on the same eyebrow.
I have more on my arm, but I shouldn't elaborate.
I have a scar on the underside of my left forearm from when a cat scratched me when I was about 4 y.o.
All around my body I have time little scars from cat scratched over the years.

But the best scar I have has got to be the one I got from my left knee surgery a year and a half ago. This was a really invasive surgery, so the scar is huge. The main one i about 7-8 inches long, and goes from the top of my patella to the bottom. I have a smaller scar to the right of it, and a tiny one to the left. The big one actually tends to scare people who see it lol (it is pretty insane).
I have a scar on my knee, a big white one that cuts horizontally across the top of my knee.
It?s actually from a plastic flower XD I was about 6 and I leaned on a plastic flower on my bed. There was a wire on the inside of the ?stem? part that poked out and cut through my skin all the way to the bone!
I really don?t remember it hurting that much though.
I also have a big deep white scar on my eyebrow. I had a chickenpox scab on my eyelid/eyebrow and I picked it off. I have to do my makeup around it now!
I have three horizontal scars on my face, I think I got both of them when I was young:confused:
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I have a scar on my eyebrow from when a piano closed onto it when I was only like... 2? It's almost gone. I've got a couple self harm ones that are even MORE almost gone (like, within the next year they'll be invisible) that I use as a reminder that I've come a long way since they were caused. Don't hurt yourself folks, it doesn't do you any good, and things will always get better <3
a couple of surgery scars, a couple of self inflicted wounds from when i was unstable as a teen, a few burns here and there from cookouts and campfires. they're spread out over my body.
i have two scars across my neck from a tracheostomy and one above my ribs.
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I got a burn mark from laying on a straightening iron. My mom was straightening my hair (I was 11 so I didn?t know how to straighten my own hair and I really hated having curly hair.) The hair straightener was laying on the bed and I rolled over it and it left a burn mark on my leg. It?s pretty much faded now but it was there for about a year.
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i have a scar on my arm that i just got recently from cutting it on a hook
i have multiple scars on my arm from cats n just other scratches from being a kid
i have a scar on my toe because i cut it on the corner of a door
i have a scar on the bottom of my foot. i was playing with sparklers for the fourth of july and didn't have shoes on. i stepped on an ash and it burned my foot.
I have a crescent-shaped scar under my right eye from when I got hit in the eye with a baseball while wearing my glasses. I've had it for many years and it's very faint now, but I can still see it if I look for it.

I also have two tiny white scars under my chin from when I fell and landed on the corner of a table as a toddler.

Finally, I have a deep diagonal scar across the inside of my right index finger from where I cut myself on a glass bottle. That cut probably needed stitches. It bled so much, but I was young and scared and I cried and begged so much that my mom just made do with what she had around the house to patch me up.
i have a burn scar on my left hand in between my pointer finger & thumb, and another burn scar on my right hand below my pinkie. i do have acne scars as well on my chin mostly, and some shaving scars on my legs because i started shaving when i was 11 and got into a few mishaps :p
Too many to list, but I'll name a few:

- A stab wound on my right thigh (stabbed myself with a large sharp pair of scissors as a kid).
- A burn wound on my right forearm (still-hot iron on the bed as a kid).
- Stitches on my right forefinger (cut myself playing with an open can from the trash as a kid).
- Stretch marks (beautiful nature).
- A vague indent on the side of my face (chicken pox).

And quite a few more cause I'm clumsy af lol
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My skin seems to scar really easily, so I've got a lot of small scars from a variety of things. Some from cuts and burns from work, some from falling off a bike years ago (I scraped the skin off my elbow from that yikes), some even from insect bites. I've got a perfectly rectangular burn mark on my arm from work, where I was reaching into the oven at work to grab something out but my arm touched the railing in the oven (which was rectangular shape).

Probably the worst scars I have are on my face which were from chicken pox. I got chicken pox in my mid teens so it was quite severe compared to a childs case, and ended up with a lot of spots on my face which turned into very visible scars. They have healed quite a bit since then, but they're never going to be gone which is kinda sad because they're ugly af lol.
When I was very young I had gotten a scar from a surgery and I don't really like it when people notice it it's not visible when I am wearing a shirt but it is visible with a wear a swimsuit without a swim shirt
I have a Harry Potter scar, well.. it's not a perfectly shaped lightning, but same spot.
People used to call me Franzi Potter because of it.. until I hide it under my hair, 'cause it can be annoying.
It was back when I was like 5 years old, I wanted to go into the bathroom, but my Mom had
it looked from the inside. Stubborn me was running against the door, trying to get it open
and then my Mom eventually opened it and I run straight against the heater (perfectly against that pointy edge) and opened up my head.

Then I have a big scar on the left ringfinger. I was maybe 6 years old at that time, we were in holidays.
There was very strong wind and the hoteldoor was at least 10cm thick (dunno why it was that thick xD).
Anyways, I had my finger in the door when huge wind came and smashed my finger.
I lost the grease from it inside and as far as I know it will never come back, that's why my finger feels
somewhat empty.. which is kinda funny, but when it happened it wasn't funny, especially since the doctor
had to cut it off my finger. Great end of holidays T-T
i have a white chicken pox scar on the left side of my nose which is pretty noticeable (i got chicken pox for a second time when i was 11 which is apparently pretty unusual) but i rarely ever get scars, the other ones i have are tiny
idk i have a bunch i have a tiny one on my forehead ever sincei was like 6 or something my sister threw a toy car at it