what social media platforms do u hate

what the title says

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In order of highest ones I hate to lowest: TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook.

I mainly hate TikTok because of how it sucks people in SO easily. My fiancé can just scroll and watch the dumbest videos for hours and I don't understand how. If I ever get on TikTok, I get bored so quickly, and he tells me I don't give most videos a chance.. it's literally because it's the same videos over and over just different people doing them/or the video is done slightly different. Once I've seen it once or twice.. I don't really want to sit and watch it over and over just with slight differences. Maybe I'm on the wrong side of TikTok LOL.

Snapchat because what is the point? I admit, I had an account for about a week so I didn't give it a huge chance. Most of those face distorting filters are so ugly and not funny to me. Are those still a thing on Snapchat?

Facebook, because it's SUPER toxic. SUPER. It's all about drama and keeping up with peoples lives JUST TO BE SNOOPS. And people are jerks/think they're cool on Facebook. I follow local news pages, and it could be about a car accident and someone passing away, and people are laugh reacting. I hate it. The only thing that keeps me on Facebook is the many groups I'm in. I find Facebook very handy for breaking down all my hobbies and getting to talk to other people about the same things. If it wasn't for my hobby groups on Facebook, I wouldn't be half as social as I'm already not. xD

To quickly address the other social medias:

Instagram is probably my favorite. It wasn't, until I made separate accounts for my hobbies/interests. I'm finding it really great and helpful to separate my interests on my social medias to make it more enjoyable/easier to find friends. I love the photography aspect of Instagram mixed with conversation, and have met some great people on there.

Twitter is my next favorite - I started using it VERY recently. (Within the past six months) I guess I haven't been on it long enough to see all the toxicity, or maybe I don't explore it enough. I keep it very niche.

Youtube is my next favorite. I don't think I've ever paid attention to "top/hot videos" but instead use the search function to discover which Youtubers I like and then just watch whoever I'm subscribed to instead of exploring all around.

Pinterest is next, simply because there's a lot of nice ideas as far as fashion / home design / gardening.

Tumblr finishes last out of my liked/neutrals because I haven't used it since High School which was 10+ years ago. I didn't realize how popular it still is?
i hate snapchat, tiktok, amd twitter the most. tiktokers have creepy and erratic movements, snapchat is just obnoxiouis and i dont htink it should have been created (i also lowkey distrust anyone who uses it), twitter users = really obtuse people and all the trash from tumblr post-ban, instagram just became too attention seeking/shallow, but not as much as tiktok.
i like tumblr
facebook and youtube i don't even think about
pinterest i'm sure is ok

idk what other social media is popular (i mean i know some but theyre in specific countries, ill just consider it "other").
instagram for sure... i use it bc its the most common one in my country in people my age but i hate it SO much... i think its a really toxic concept and i hate the messages it exposes you to...
I voted Facebook, TikTok, and Tumblr, as those are the ones I like the least. However- I don't like social media as a whole.

I strongly believe its cons outweigh the pros, and it's taken a hit on humanity that will probably never be repaired. We haven't evolved enough- or at the pace which social media does- to handle the consequences.
TikTok and Snapchat are the social media platforms I despise the most and have never seen the appeal in them or understood why today's younger generation are hooked on them. I also just don't like how today's younger generation view those platforms as a gateway to make easy money as a social media influencer because they think it's the only worthy career out there for them.
People who voted tumblr probably have their mind in 2015 and still watch anti-SJW neckbeard youtubers who haven't been relevant since lol. There's like zero moderation, zero fame/influencer culture, and no celebrities on tumblr, which is exactly why I like it. It's pretty much just straight ****posting these days.

Twitter is full of the scummy freaks from post-nsfw ban tumblr and people who would unironically wear the title of gamer with pride.

Facebook is just normie hell and full of boomers.

Snapchat is fine and reddit and instagram are tolerable. Never touched pinterest

Tiktok is really bad. Like I feel myself losing braincells watching a lot of the videos on there. It's like vine except even more obnoxious and there's "content creators" now
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Twitter, tumblr because tumblrinas are so spilled over to twitter with their politics it's not even fun. At least on insta you can avoid most unless you specifically search em up. I also lowkey dislike tiktok cause the cringe factor but I don't use that so.
Well there's only hot people left on tumblr and the memes on the big t are the only good ones anymore. Anyway twitter meme accounts just steal from tumblr, I know because I see tumblr memes from a year and a half ago screenshotted from twitter on my instagram explore page.

My Animal Crossing blog is fine now but I barely update it since, once again, the whole site is kind of dead lmao.
People really think tumblr is dead I guess, I know the ac community is still decently active but not as much as it used to be.
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i hate snapchat filters. on top of the whitewashing (i don’t want blue eyes thanks), they make me look like an insect. they should not exist.
i hate snapchat filters. on top of the whitewashing (i don’t want blue eyes thanks), they make me look like an insect. they should not exist.
People just do massive editing on every photo so you never know what they truly look like.
People really think tumblr is dead I guess, I know the ac community is still decently active but not as much as it used to be.
I always say Tumblr is for the cool kids and I love it. To me it’s the only social media site that I feel doesn’t come with any pressures to fit into a certain box unlike other social media sites. In my opinion Facebook and Instagram is where you only show off your so called “perfect life” and Twitter is where you become arrogantly opinionated on everything you wouldn’t say in person.
People just do massive editing on every photo so you never know what they truly look like.
i mean sure, but i was referring to easily accessible filters on social media, as per the thread topic. not something that you have to go out of your way to do.
Coming back here (Again) to agree with the tumblr stuff. Nowadays it's definitely my favourite since it's chill and most ppl are level-headed about things. Actual bizarre takes go to tiktok

I was mainly a google+ user which all zero of bell tree forumers also used but it was kinda cool and underrated for some time. In retrospect i would argue it was one of the worst for reasons other than unpopularity especially since many of its problems (complete lack of moderation mainly) had severe consequences during the end of its lifespan. It was very much like tumblr in a way. Yea u guys have many messed up occurrences on other platforms but u can never say u were the social media that housed the one guy who started dating a tharja kinnie, meeting up irl (and keyboard warrioring with everyone who said this was a bad idea) "settling down" by having a child they named after final fantasy getting taken away by CPS immediately and comparing his (losing) court case to ace attorney. I wanted an excuse to talk about this it can never die
All of them, I guess, although hate might be too strong of a word. I've never used any social media so I'm not familiar enough with any of them to outright hate them. I just don't see the point and prefer to stick to forums, which I consider to be a bit different. I will use YouTube to seek out specific videos occasionally, but I don't have an account and don't read the chat so I don't use it like social media.
As much as I use it and do like it I have a bone to pick with Reddit.

The downvote system is so bad and people abuse it. I got downvoted to hell once just for asking a legitimate question simply because most people didn't even bother to read my post. They assumed I was American which the process for them is totally different than for Canadians (me) so they assumed I was trying to scam someone when I wasn't. Even though my post fully explained the whole situation.

Reddit would be much better off with just the upvote system. If there's a post people don't like than it just won't have many upvotes simple as that. It would still have problems beyond that but it would be better I think.
I don't really hate any of them, but if I had to pick a least favorite it'd be TikTok because it's mainly cringe. It's not really entertaining and people seem to do so many horrible things at time for attention. I only really use Twitter and YouTube now and have had the other social media's platforms at one point except TikTok. I like using Twitter a lot but I do admit that it can be toxic too at times because of cancel culture which is annoying. But I'd still say that TikTok is the worst.
I chose Facebook and Youtube

Facebook because it is a toxic environment which glorifies propaganda and very harmful and awful disinformation (such as qanonand antivaxx stuff). And it taught me too much about my relatives’ beliefs. I have not used it in several years, and do not miss it at all. I know not everyone can avoid it, because they have such a monopoly in some places and I am sorry for those people.

YouTube because I just find the YouTuber personality culture super gross and phony. I cannot understand the appeal of it as all. And as someone who prefers to read things or look at pictures over having to watch/ listen to a video I get annoyed that everything has to be a video these days. It’s not YouTube’s fault
(it is actually facebook’s - it turns out they faked a bunch of data early on about people preferring video to articles - videos I think were easier for them to monetize)

anyway, I know there is some useful and entertaining stuff on YouTube, and I’m sure not all YouTubers are monsters. But I get to turned off by what I have seen/ read about it. And I just really don’t want to watch something in a video if I can read it instead.

I like tumblr, even though of course it has it’s own problems, I like that it doesn’t make me feel as much like a product and my experience can be highly curated.

i use and like Pinterest too, but not in a social way, and that is what I like about it.
I chose Facebook and Youtube

Facebook because it is a toxic environment which glorifies propaganda and very harmful and awful disinformation (such as qanonand antivaxx stuff). And it taught me too much about my relatives’ beliefs. I have not used it in several years, and do not miss it at all. I know not everyone can avoid it, because they have such a monopoly in some places and I am sorry for those people.

YouTube because I just find the YouTuber personality culture super gross and phony. I cannot understand the appeal of it as all. And as someone who prefers to read things or look at pictures over having to watch/ listen to a video I get annoyed that everything has to be a video these days. It’s not YouTube’s fault
(it is actually facebook’s - it turns out they faked a bunch of data early on about people preferring video to articles - videos I think were easier for them to monetize)

anyway, I know there is some useful and entertaining stuff on YouTube, and I’m sure not all YouTubers are monsters. But I get to turned off by what I have seen/ read about it. And I just really don’t want to watch something in a video if I can read it instead.

I like tumblr, even though of course it has it’s own problems, I like that it doesn’t make me feel as much like a product and my experience can be highly curated.

i use and like Pinterest too, but not in a social way, and that is what I like about it.
I will agree with YouTube. Lately its becoming harder to find decent content because all creators seem to do is to like copy each other according to what the latest trends were. I remember it how it was in the mid 2010s:

2015 was the invasion of vloggers. If you don't know what "Vlog" is its basically where people record their daily life. Yeah I always found that concept really weird.

2016 was when these so called "Commentary channels" were popping all over the place trying to start drama with other creators and thats when this channel "Drama Alert" was created. It was when everyone was attacking each other for no apparent reason. The sad thing is this is still going on.

2017 was when people were making up like DIY trends or this so called "Fidget Spinner" trend. Yeah that was the thing that for whatever reason gave everyone a lot of views. It was a weird time indeed.

Now since 2018 through now people on YouTube have gotten worse. Nowadays you can't even find content that good anymore. You look for Funny Moments on gaming but its just full of outdated jokes and it just doesn't seem funny. Then the worst one of all is the clickbait videos. Those are even worse and the worst thing is YouTube decided to disable DIslikes and its going to make it worse. I don't get how people still use this site and it just continues to get worse and worse.
I picked everything except Pinterest which I don't have an opinion on.

Youtube has gotten way worse with longer ads, favouring big creators (especially companies) and now removing the dislike count. Youtube is my favourite not because of the company but because of the content.

Facebook I haven't used much for years but it's actually quite good / functional in the right bubbles.

Instagram is great in the right bubbles.

Twitter is the worst of the worst.
honestly i'm surprised people are bringing up the rampant misinformation on facebook but not on twitter. i only ever used facebook for college once or twice and never again
I either despise or simply just don't care for most of the social media platforms mentioned in the lovely poll. The only exceptions would have to be YouTube and Pinterest. I don't really think of YouTube as a social media website though, since I mainly just use it for streaming music (I also haven't ever cared much for any "content creators" or YT celebrities, no matter how hard some of them may get pushed). As for Pinterest, I currently don't have much experience with it, but it seems like an alright website for image-related things.
I honestly think TikTok should’ve never been created. YouTube shorts are taking over YouTube and it’s all thanks to the TikToks. If I wanted to see stuff like that, I’d be on TikTok. I just see it as a waste of time. I don’t mind if others use it. I just never really got it. Some of the clips on TikTok are just plain dumb and people find it interesting? I don’t know how it got so popular. I’m glad I stay away from social media. (Y’know aside from Snapchat and sometimes Instagram.)
All of them to be honest lmao. I think Tumblr nowadays annoys me the least though