what social media platforms do u hate

what the title says

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i picked twitter, instagram, and facebook for very different reasons

the character limit is dumb and doesn't allow for legitimate conversations without having to split your tweet into a thread of like 20 posts. tags take up the character limit and most people don't utilize tags so it can be hard to find new content depending on what you're looking for. it turns gifs into videos that you can't download like normal. i don't get how this is one of the biggest platforms right now with how limiting it is. i use it because a lot of my friends/cool people are on there but if it was smaller i would not be on it

huge pain in the butt if you want to use it to post art because they arbitrarily force your pictures to be squares and short rectangles. i guess it's so everything looks cohesive on the platform? i frequently have to crop/edit my pics just to post on there. it's also so annoying that we can't view our homepages chronologically and it feels like posts from ppl i'm not following are always being shoved in my face both from ads and things like "you might like this because you liked this other post!". i barely use it anymore

confusing to use, also feels like i'm being advertised to constantly, and not really my kinds of circles. annoying and i deleted my account a long time ago. not much to say here because i haven't used it in forever

i have a lot of gripes with art theft on pinterest but i think pinterest serves its intended function just fine

my favorite social media is tumblr because it is highly customizable, displays posts chronologically, displays pictures in their original form, allows many different types of posts (audio, photo, link, text, etc), and has a mostly functional tag system which makes it easy to find new content. it feels the least corporate too, somehow. i feel like tumblr is one of the only big social medias right now that doesn't try to make everything conform to a standard

Also reddit. It's not my least favourite and it can be ok in niche communities but redditors win their reddit gold for being most annoying person alive
OMG. i agree with this i forgot about reddit..... i have so many complaints on this list i think i just don't like how social media has developed in general
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they’re all pretty terrible tbh lmao even the ones I do actively use. But I honestly dislike Instagram the most. I deleted it within a year of me using in because it was super unhealthy for me to see all the people with Facetune edited pictures on their body or face. Plus I don’t really have a reason to show my life off to anyone. But if you actively enjoy any of these in a healthy way that’s awesome!
Facebook definitely, it's been a conspiracy theory cesspool for some time. Not all of it, of course, but enough for me to want to avoid it.
While I've seen good things on both Twitter and Tumblr and won't discount them entirely, I think that they share a number of bad traits too. Namely, nonsensical "discourse" over things that Really Do Not Matter (headcanon the literal moon in the sky to be whatever you want it to be, but for crying out loud don't harass people over having a different SPACE ROCK HEADCANON. also that weird "it's wrong to be attracted to short women" thing that crops up on Twitter every few months), serious toxic fandom problems, and this weird sort of need to make every statement a hot take to... get more likes, I guess. Twitter seems to have a lot of conspiracy spillover from FB too.
tumblr was a mistake. i dont really like twitter because its an echo chamber but atleast theres some good memes, reddit is only good for finding answers to things, insta and snap have their uses but im not on them constantly and i have no real opinions on the rest
my votes:
1. literally can't stand instagram. i have accounts but i rarely go on it unless someone sends me something. idk what it is but something about it just inherently makes me angry lmao
2. facebook because i barely use it, and it's the one site i have to be "Me" because of my parents and family and parent's friends and all that nonsense. i only have an account for a group at the start of college but i never ever go on it just cuz. also just the..... everything about facebook. don't think i need to debrief anyone on that.
3. snapchat i don't hate, but it bothers me how it became more of a social media platform than just a way to message friends. all the stuff on the explore page is so so so annoying and i hate seeing it, it's all sensational clickbaity nonsense that no one asked for, AND there's ads now. i just don't find a point in using it anymore tbh
4. tiktok - i dont use it but the amount of bs on there..... jeez. there can be some good stuff out of it sure, like any social media platform, but like... the amount of dangerous or straight up illegal "trends" or "challenges" that emerge from tiktok is just.... yall are making me worry about the future of humanity. also idk just like the way people talk on there annoys me personally. i feel like tiktok is like, deconstructing the idea of online privacy, with the like, pressure to record videos of yourself and stuff. and the amount of personal info people share in the first place. also can i just mention how abhorrent their browser website is? if someone sends me a tiktok link i typically just ignore it because i cannot stand viewing the videos in browser, especially on mobile.

as for the rest...
i also agree with others that twitter is a landfill disguised as a social media, but i at least find it to be the most relevant both to the world/current events and my specific interests, and it's pretty easy to avoid things you don't like and customize your experience (blocking, muting words/phrases, muting people, disabling retweets for people, follow topics, etc). despite the brainrot on there, concept wise it's bearable and both the website and app are relatively easy to navigate. my general rule for having a good time on twitter is to JUST go on for your silly images and memes, and DON'T get involved in any fandomtwt/fandom spaces. the only community i've really been a part of was zanytwt (animaniacs twitter) and it's fun and all, but people get annoying real quick in these spaces, at least to me, and drama can still stir up no matter what it is. TL;DR people who use twitter as their primary social media experience have diseases in the brain (/lh) but i enjoy using it casually for funnies and to observe loz/ac content from a distance :]

youtube i just watch silly videos on there idk how or why it's considered social media tbh... i just watch stuff lol.
pinterest is like, ok i guess. are there communities on there? i thought it was just to find pretty images and put them in little categories on your account. i think the website layout has always been sort of annoying/confusing and i never found much to like... do with pinterest. i've only ever gone on to look for pretty photos to use as headers or whatever. the only thing i really have a gripe with is that it's breeding grounds for uncredited art/photographs.

tumblr has been my primary social media for 9 years now and i can't really explain to non-users why it's appealing. i could double the length of this post discussing tumblr alone but i think the biggest, most important thing about it is that it's one of the few social medias that is not commercialized to all hell and shoving things down your throat left and right. there are ads on mobile, sure, but they're typically the most irrelevant, bizarre ads that they're more amusing than anything. they certainly try to target ads, but it usually just like.. slaps your city name on an ad for cars or dating apps or whatever. and you still have the option to sort posts chronologically!! and it's probably the only userbase that actively attacks its staff when they make changes that people don't like. it's incredible. and there's just a sense of solidarity between users. like, if twitter were a bunch of people standing outside screaming at each other, tumblr is a commune held together by its users, who are still screaming at each other, but hey, this is our house and we're all stuck here together. also you don't have to censor things to all hell like on tiktok and youtube and you won't get banned or attacked by a major political figure for making a joke or whatever like on twitter.
like don't get me wrong i wouldn't call it a better social media site. but for myself personally it's the most bearable and easy to be myself on. out of all the social media accounts i've made and used, many of which i made around the same time (2012-14 ish, barring twitter and fb), tumblr is the only one i still ACTIVELY use, and on the same account as when i first joined, no less.

sorry this is so long lol i didn't expect to have so many thoughts and things to say </3
I hate twitter for every reason already mentioned, but at least it's...democratic? in it's broad appeal.
I see facebook as a weird, demented portal into boomerworld.
Tiktok is the same, except it peers into zoomerworld.
I'm not a social media person. The only one of those I like is YouTube.

Other than that: I use Instagram purely to arrange appointments with tattoo artists; and I use Twitter to share bible quotes and to annoy my girlfriend. The rest I could live without (and in most cases don't even have accounts on).
In order from most-hated to least-hated: Pinterest, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat, Instagram, Youtube

I hate Pinterest the most because I don't understand it. I don't understand how to use it. It messes with me whenever I am searching for references for drawing or if I'm googling for something I wanna buy. Or back in the days of NL and looking for cool designs.

TikTok - see, I think TikTok has potential if I ever start my own business selling my art and I need to get seen. But other than that, I hate it. The stupid dances. The dumb challenges. The addictive design of it. The annoying, over-used songs. I don't use TikTok and I am so glad my husband doesn't use it anymore

Facebook was alright in 2008 but now it's just ads and clutter and just.. what even.

Twitter is insane. Insane people on Twitter. I use Twitter though. Mainly to see what my brother is up to, and to retweet cute/cool things.

Tumblr is dead so idk I'm pretty much indifferent

IDK how Snapchat works and I don't use it so I'm indifferent to that

I like Instagram (though it's going down the drain with their recent decision to prioritise videos over images). I think it's a good platform for art.. or was

Youtube, I like Youtube but the ads are getting pretty horrendous. But it's a great place to learn new things.
i dislike facebook the most bc it's a security and privacy concern for me. plus there's a lot of misinformation, bots and weird people,,, the only thing keeping me from deactivating my account is the fact that i use it to sign in to some games
snapchat gives me sketchy vibes for some reason
tiktok.... is full of kids and cringe but i like going there for stuff like art and cooking

for the rest... twitter i just go to for news and stuff, insta used to be my main social media but i deleted it bc i wanted a break i guess, tumblr i use pretty often to stay in my little corner and save and reblog pretty stuff, and pinterest is the same as tumblr for me
I absolutely cannot stand Facebook. The amount of disinformation and the incalculable harm it has caused.... yikes on bikes.
I don't like Instagram either because it is terrible for the mental health of a lot of people.
for the most part, tiktok. why does it exist?? the dances are mega cringeworthy to me and literally even the layout and everything else? it just decreases attention span until it's sort of non-existent i think which isn't a vibe
I hate Facebook. It's nothing like it was years ago and I got rid of it last month. Best decision.
I use Twitter but it's just game and art stuff I have on there. Pinterest is nice too but I don't interact there. YouTube is great. I learn all kind of stuff on there and I watch gaming news on there too.
I hate Facebook, Snapchat, and Pinterest the most. Lately I only go on Facebook at this point to check a few groups that I'm in but being someone that isn't really close to anyone I don't really see a point in looking at anyone else's posts or pictures. It's all mostly people that I just stopped talking to a long time ago posting about their MLM's or their kids. Snapchat was always kind of worthless to me for the same reason, I also just couldn't figure it out lol. Pinterest literally just doesn't work for me. I have an account but it still tells me to sign in anytime I try to do anything. Also, there's so much stolen art on there that I just end up avoiding it.

I like Twitter for posting my art and for keeping up on news about certain things, especially since the trending page is usually catered to my interests. TikTok really isn't that bad once you actually get the algorithm working. I don't see weird dancing videos or influencers on my FYP, just art stuff, Animal Crossing stuff, video game things, and mental health education videos. It's just kind of what you make it.

I liked tumblr back when I was a teenager but it got to a point where I needed to stop using it. It was just effecting my mental health a lot and then the site kind of exploded and died lol. My main account got suspended a few years ago because they started going after people for hoarding URL's but I just never bothered to get it unsuspended. My Animal Crossing blog is fine now but I barely update it since, once again, the whole site is kind of dead lmao.
I don't like Twitter largely due to how primitive it feels compared to tumblr. Tumblr benefits from having separate tags, a decent and uncluttered dashboard, blog archives, the queue feature, the search function - however jank it is - and the ability to edit posts. This is all without third-party addons, which makes tumblr even better. Twitter's cluttered in all sorts of ways, with the lack of features and features locked behind a paywall making it to where it's ... an utter mess.

The community on tumblr, at least in my experience, feels way more secluded and more unique. There's so much history and old in-jokes. It may be trash in some aspects, but it's my kind of trash. Twitter's community feels like an absolute mess and you have to be careful what you say on both sides of the spectrum.
i dont enjoy social media that much. i dont really care what most other people are up to, and for those i do care ill just ask them (although admittedly im not great at keeping in touch with others but id prefer to do it in conversations rather than just looking through photos).

social media has helped spread different cultures, perspectives, and awareness of issues worldwide which i think is great. however a lot of social media is intentionally set up to leave people wanting more and feeling less secure in themselves. this helps drive more traffic to the apps but it can be really hard on peoples state of mind.

i havent used social media in many years with the exception of starting a few art accounts, although i havent kept up with them. i do enjoy being able to browse through other peoples art but im not really satisfied with any current social media to be honest. i prefer just hanging out on tbt with fellow animal crossing fans. i like how it is focused more on discussion rather than just sharing photos.

my least favorite social media is probably facebook, tik tok, and twitter. i dont particularly like any of the social media listed outside of looking at art. pinterest and tumblr can be useful for keeping a collection of things like qr codes, art, and diy ideas but i havent used them in a long time. i do use youtube pretty frequently to find interesting content, but interacting there is pretty much a nightmare lol. i agree that reddit is largely just annoying. its interesting to hear that snapchat stayed so popular. i expected it to die off years ago. i expected facebook to die off years ago as well, but i guess we arent that lucky lol. tik tok seems to be really toxic like facebook and twitter but also seemingly much more addictive. it also seems to feed a lot of dangerous behavior in people looking to get some attention online, although other social media has led to deaths as well through inciting violence and people looking to get more attention grabbing photos (like standing on the edge of a cliff)
I dislike twitter because the layout and idea of the site confuses me and there is FAR too much brainrot on there, no matter how much filtering i do I always run into some awful people who would probably get mad at someone for breathing differently. Facebook is mostly for old people and I hate it as well, I would delete my account but sadly I have some other websites tied to it so I really can't at the moment, and reddit should get a mention because it's on a similar level of brainrot to twitter, the people on there tend to suck in my experience as well
Definitely tiktok and facebook for me.
Twitter is good if you only interact with a close group of friends (although this applies to any socmed really) The site has become all about interactions and clout in recent years, with each UI update I am one step closer to leaving it for good ~__~