what social media platforms do u hate

what the title says

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While there are some subreddits I do like and there are some good ones, I tend not to post too much anymore on Reddit because there's always some troll who will post something mean or nasty as a reply for absolutely no other reason than just to be mean.
twitter, facebook, tiktok, and pintrest. I don't like these and I don't use them.

for me I use instagram and snapchat to follow friends, and tumblr to get inspiration for animal crossing designs. I also use youtube a lot to watch videos or streams. I also use twitch the most out of any social media network to watch streams.
Really, all mainline social networks are so intrinsically tailored to your interests, political beliefs, and etc. that it's really hard for me to hate any one more than I do the other. I don't really see any of them as a "community" because they're so large that outside of mutual followers and friends, you're not likely to stumble upon a familiar face terribly often.

I suppose if I had to choose any one to hate over the others, it would be FaceBook and Instagram as well as anything else owned by Meta. But that has more to do with their overt and unapologetically evil business practices, collection of personal data, and things that don't necessarily have anything to do with the actual userbase itself. That's not to say that the likes of, say, Twitter are good or even "good by comparison," just that Facebook et. al are so nakedly brazen about it that it's hard to believe that it is controlled and operated by human beings who make actual money off of it. It's the kind of corporation that you see parodied on shows such as The Simpsons and sigh with relief, because it's only satire. Except it's not satire; it's real.
Pinterest. It clogs up google image search results and it's very annoying to view images if you don't have an account. The overall UI also feels like there's just too much clutter.
Twitter is just arguments over arguments false information and over dramatic cancelling. Tik Tok sorry I don’t want to see teenagers dance I’m just too old for this sh—. Facebook , lol I don’t think I even have to explain. The ads are what killed it for me though. Ads everywhere and Instagram is filled with them, so many bad fake websites too I just - I just can’t with social media anymore . I just watch my YouTubers and that’s it.
Twitter is just arguments over arguments false information and over dramatic cancelling. Tik Tok sorry I don’t want to see teenagers dance I’m just too old for this sh—. Facebook , lol I don’t think I even have to explain. The ads are what killed it for me though. Ads everywhere and Instagram is filled with them, so many bad fake websites too I just - I just can’t with social media anymore . I just watch my YouTubers and that’s it.
I don’t even have Twitter nor have I ever had it. I think Twitter is very similar to Facebook and never understood the appeal anyway. Not having social media frees up a bunch of your free time. I don’t honestly consider YouTube social media. I guess it could be, depending on how you use it. For me, though, I use it to watch certain videos and participate in one person’s live stream. I think it only qualifies as social media if you’re using it as a content creator. I don’t know, just my opinion. Also, Facebook is complete **** and very dated.
Twitter is so controversial everyone is yelling at other people for talking about their opinions. Instagram is so fake, everyone is trying to prove they're someone they're not, I don't go onto Instagram anymore unless I'm posting something cause its so mentally draining to look at all of that. Tiktok is so... weird, many people are creeps, I go on Tiktok however because I've only looked at stuff I like my fyp is just stuff I like. When you're first on though its just urgh. Snapchat has so many bots and/or people trying to get money from photos.
I barely use social media, but I dislike Twitter and Tik Tok the most. For every decent Tik Tok meme, there's several that are painfully unfunny and annoying. Twitter has some great art, but people are very hostile to each other over the dumbest things. I barely Tweet at all out of fear of being harassed. To me Twitter is just a place to check for announcements and see what a few friends like. Otherwise it stays off.

I also don't like Facebook because one of my moms has been harassed by stubborn old people over everything. It's awful to see her hurt over those jerks. I only have a Facebook account to use my Oculus Quest 2. Not once have I ever browsed the site or followed anyone. With the way things are going I doubt that will change.
Almost all except Youtube. I use Pinterest, but it really pushes it with ads, dear Lord. I’d use it more if it weren’t for that.

But yeah, the rest I can just about live without. I keep my facebook for family, but barely on it anymore. I tend to forget I have accounts on other platforms, but may need to use them to advertise work/art soon.

I just use Youtube and Discord most of the time.
I don't like Facebook and Tumblr. I'm neutral about TikTok; I only made an account to watch the cute animal videos my friends send me. I don't post anything though; just watch cute animal videos.
I look at Pinterest every now and then, but nothing too major.
I have a Twitter and Instagram, mostly to share my art and writing. (Twitter more heavily in the writing.) I connect with people who are into the same hobbies, so it's fun for me. (Not discounting the toxic people out there-- I'm just saying that sometimes a niche interest can weed out some of the trolls.) I love sharing my work with people. I go off, queen. 💅🏻
I look at Reddit every now and then, but it's kind of out there.
I still watch YouTube. Mostly I "listen" to it like a podcast, but overall I still enjoy it. It's still a flawed platform like most of them, but not as bad as it could be.
R.I.P. Vine. Still love those compliations on YouTube. 😭
tiktok, facebook and twitter. i only use facebook for facebook messenger to talk to people from school, i use twitter to post animal crossing screenshots from my switch and i hate tiktok but still have an account and watch some things.

i'm aware there are good communities and bad communities on all platforms but tbh twitter and tiktok are so toxic and facebook is filled with stupidity (in my opinion and from what i have seen. people are stupid everywhere online though)

reddit gets an honorary "bad social media site" vote because the Typical Redditor is terrible and so many normal reddit things suck, but i enjoy some specific subreddits that i'm part of and active in. so i like reddit but only for those few subreddits

i really like tumblr but since 2017 or so i have only been on animal crossing tumblr because regular tumblr is a mess.
tiktok as an app sucks but i dont mind tiktoks users or even the concept, the app just runs terribly on every phone ive ever had. maybe thats a me thing.

i dont like twitter but its the best place to keep up with people i enjoy seeing, and i dislike instagram since it's only pictures and not much else. but i like following meme accounts and cat accounts on instagram, those make me happy.
I have a lot of mixed feelings about many of these places (especially Facebook and Twitter) but the two that I voted a solid hate for were tiktok and pinterest.

Tiktok I absolutely despise and I'm sure I've ranted about it on here before. I also lump instagram "reels" and youtube "shorts" in this category too, but Tiktok is the worst of them all. I just hate short form video, I don't enjoy it one bit. I think a lot of the trends that go around are ridiculous. The music is often really cringey. I just don't like it.

Pinterest on the other hand, I hate the fact that you need to be signed in to look at anything I find that very rude. And I don't like the way that to me a lot of Pinterest seems to be built around comparing yourself to others. This is promoted to be a good thing because it's all about "inspiration" but I personally am just not in to it. I know this kind of comparing happens on other sites too but to me it seems like that's the sole purpose of Pinterest compared to something like Instagram which is also more about connecting with people and messaging and so forth.
I selected almost all of these lol. If I had to pick one I hate the most... maybe Twitter? I actually use it a decent amount, but I can't stand the people on it. TikTok would take the #1 by just bad content alone. I don't know how people can stand the obnoxiously loud and terrible music in so many videos. I will never make an account on there unless I absolutely have to for some sort of promotional use or something along those lines.
I selected almost all of these lol. If I had to pick one I hate the most... maybe Twitter? I actually use it a decent amount, but I can't stand the people on it. TikTok would take the #1 by just bad content alone. I don't know how people can stand the obnoxiously loud and terrible music in so many videos. I will never make an account on there unless I absolutely have to for some sort of promotional use or something along those lines.
Yeah Twitter is like #1 ****pool and it's sad some people an even politicians take those people as legit.

TikTok is, yeah cringe and loud and I hate people putting up cringe clips on instagram as well.
I don't have much opinions about social media because I don't use it, but I don't think Twitter is for me. The only time I've used it is to stalk Poofesure's Twitter once or twice because I was curious. And y'know, the obvious stuff like "cancel culture" and the inability to have a fricking opinion.

I've used TikTok in the past, and it's just awful. Ugh, I hate how cringe and 'trendy' it is. And seriously, who says angy and uncomfy?! Those words drive me absolutely bonkers. Most (if not, all) of the kids at my school use it. Even my step-mom uses it!!! If I hear another stupid TikTok song or that stupid automated voice, I'm chucking their phones out the window. The day TikTok gets banned, I'm celebrating.

YouTube is fine, it's a great (and one of the only) ways to watch videos from my favorite creators, like Poofesure and Dagnel. But I've noticed a drop in quality recently. And we don't talk about the clickbait...
I wouldn’t really say I “hate” any of them as I don’t really feel loathe for them in general, but I would say I dislike Snapchat and Facebook the most. For Snapchat, I personally feel the overall quality of what people send to each other is pretty low and just feels spammy and annoying to me. As for Facebook, with all the misinformation and other various problems the site has, it’s hard for me to hold a positive view of it. I used to dislike TikTok, but over time I’ve come to see that people actually put quite a bit of effort into their videos, and they can be quite entertaining. I personally don’t use any social media except discord and YouTube, so my opinions probably don’t represent what the majority thinks! 😆
Twitternever had an account- seems like the place where politicians & celebrities post things people want to hear (Fakeness)
Instagramhad an account- good platform for artists, businesses, ect.. (Trendy)
tumblrnever had an account- seems like another good place for artists (Hip)
Facebookhave an account- good for chatting with friends or family but can be unhealthy when used extensively or for malicious reasons (Fakeness)
Snapchathad an account- I'm pretty sure this is used for 1 intent or boasting (NSFW)
Youtubehave an account- complete music video player, teacher, storyteller, some fakeness but mainly personal interest (Unbeatable)
Tiktoknever had an account- seems like a 'better' version of Snapchat, popular, edgy, pointless videos that some take too far (Trippy)
Pinteresthave an account- so many good recipes, diy projects, hair and makeup ideas, art of all kinds. (Inspirational)

I made an opinion graph 😂
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