Overall, according to my reactions given page, I've used Love the most with 796 uses, and Like is close behind with 766 uses. However, I think I've been using Celebrate the most lately. I've used it 256 times since it was added
Edit: I didn't realise this was so easily looked up! My most used reaction is actually still the regular "Like" button, followed by "Sparkle Water "and then comes "Love"
I use the celebrate a lot. I see it as "awesome" or "woohoo" and tend to use it a lot. I use ❤ a lot, too. Because I ❤ all the fantastic art and things people post.
I usually like posts that either I agree with or I don’t think fit into the instances I would use the other reactions in. I usually just love posts when I want to use a stronger version of like or I just found funny, but there’s certain threads that I’m watching where I react to every post with love… it probably wouldn’t be hard to find which threads I’m referring to. In general I feel like loving a post seems more friendly than just liking it, which is why I’ve used it a lot more.
I think it’s self explanatory when I would use celebrate, and I usually use hugging to show my sympathy. My favorite reactions are the event ones, I love to use them since they usually don’t have a specific use besides just to be fun.
checked my stats and i use the love reaction the most, around 3500 times, which is the one i’d expected.
also discovered that the event reaction i used the most (not including the hybrid event as i used that watering can a lot) was the dino from the first camp bell tree - used 238 times - wish it would make a return!
You know, actually use all of them quite frequently and I probably voted for the wrong one cause I probably hit like more often than not just as an immediate reaction without thinking. I think I use the love reaction the most when I’m actually paying attention to what I’m doing.